--- /dev/null
+(* type naif_indexing =
+ (Cic.term * ((bool * Inference.equality) list)) list
+;; *)
+type pos = Left | Right
+let head_of_term =
+ function
+ | Cic.Appl hd::tl -> hd
+ | t -> t
+let index table eq =
+ let (_,(_,l,r,ordering),_,_) = eq in
+ let hl = head_of_term l in
+ let hr = head_of_term r in
+ let index x pos =
+ let x_entry =
+ try Hashtbl.find table x
+ with Not_found -> [] in
+ Hashtbl.replace table x (pos,eq)::x_entry in
+ (match ordering with
+ | Utils.Gt ->
+ index hl Left
+ | Utils.Lt ->
+ index hr Right
+ | _ -> index hl Left;
+ index hr Right);
+ table
+let demodulate_term env table cmp term =
+ let hd_term = head_of_term term in
+ let candidates = Hashtbl.find table hd_term in