Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-open Printf;;
+open Printf
-open Http_common;;
-open Http_types;;
-open Http_constants;;
-open Http_parser;;
+open Http_common
+open Http_types
+open Http_constants
+open Http_parser
(** send raw data on outchan, flushing it afterwards *)
let send_raw ~data outchan =
(`Code 403) outchan
let respond_unauthorized ?version ?(realm = server_string) outchan =
+ let body =
+ sprintf "401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed for realm \"%s\"" realm
+ in
respond ~headers:["WWW-Authenticate", sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm]
- ~code:(`Code 401) outchan
+ ~code:(`Code 401) ~body outchan
let send_file ~src outchan =
let buflen = 1024 in
callbacks keep on living until the end or are them all killed immediatly?
The right semantics should obviously be the first one *)
+let handle_manual_auth outchan f =
+ try
+ f ()
+ with
+ | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
+ | Again -> ()
+let handle_auth req spec outchan =
+ try
+ (match (spec.auth, req#authorization) with
+ | None, _ -> spec.callback req outchan (* no auth required *)
+ | Some (realm, `Basic (spec_username, spec_password)),
+ Some (`Basic (username, password))
+ when (username = spec_username) && (password = spec_password) ->
+ (* auth ok *)
+ spec.callback req outchan
+ | Some (realm, _), _ -> raise (Unauthorized realm)) (* auth failure *)
+ with
+ | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
+ | Again -> ()
(* TODO support also chroot to 'root', not only chdir *)
+ (* TODO deprecated: remove from future versions *)
(* curried request *)
let start
?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
+ ?(timeout = default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
+ Http_misc.warn
+ "Http_daemon.start is deprecated in favour of Http_daemon.main and will be removed in future versions of the library";
chdir_to_document_root root;
let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
- try
+ handle_manual_auth outchan (fun () ->
let (path, parameters) = safe_parse_request inchan outchan in
callback path parameters outchan;
- flush outchan
- with
- | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
- | Again -> ()
+ flush outchan);
(server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
with Quit -> ()
(* OO request *)
+ (* TODO deprecated: remove from future versions *)
let start'
?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
- =
+ ?(timeout = default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
+ Http_misc.warn
+ "Http_daemon.start' is deprecated in favour of Http_daemon.main and will be removed in future versions of the library";
chdir_to_document_root root;
let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
- try
+ handle_manual_auth outchan (fun () ->
let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
callback req outchan;
- flush outchan
- with
- | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
- | Again -> ()
+ flush outchan)
(server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
with Quit -> ()
+let main spec =
+ chdir_to_document_root spec.root_dir;
+ let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (spec.address, spec.port) in
+ let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
+ try
+ let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
+ handle_auth req spec outchan;
+ flush outchan
+ with exn ->
+ (match spec.exn_handler with
+ | Some f ->
+ debug_print "uncaught exception: executing handler";
+ f exn outchan
+ | None ->
+ debug_print "uncaught exception but no handler given: re-raising";
+ raise exn)
+ in
+ try
+ (server_of_mode spec.mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout:spec.timeout daemon_callback
+ with Quit -> ()
module Trivial =
- let callback path _ outchan =
- if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "^/") path) then
+ let heading_slash_RE = Pcre.regexp "^/"
+ let trivial_callback req outchan =
+ let path = req#path in
+ if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:heading_slash_RE path) then
respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) outchan
respond_file ~fname:(Http_misc.strip_heading_slash path) outchan
- let start ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port) () =
- start ~addr ~port callback
+ let callback = trivial_callback
+ let main spec = main { spec with callback = trivial_callback }
(* @param inchan input channel connected to client
+open Http_constants
+let default_spec = {
+ address = default_addr;
+ auth = default_auth;
+ callback = default_callback;
+ mode = default_mode;
+ port = default_port;
+ root_dir = default_root_dir;
+ exn_handler = default_exn_handler;
+ timeout = default_timeout;
+let daemon_spec
+ ?(address = default_addr) ?(auth = default_auth)
+ ?(callback = default_callback) ?(mode = default_mode) ?(port = default_port)
+ ?(root_dir = default_root_dir) ?(exn_handler = default_exn_handler)
+ ?(timeout = default_timeout)
+ ()
+ { default_spec with
+ address = address;
+ auth = auth;
+ callback = callback;
+ mode = mode;
+ port = port;
+ root_dir = root_dir;
+ exn_handler = exn_handler;
+ timeout = timeout;
+ }
(** respond using a prebuilt Http_types.response object *)
val respond_with: Http_types.response -> out_channel -> unit
- (** starts an HTTP daemon listening
- * @param addr adress on which daemon will be listening, can be both a numeric
- * address (e.g. "") and an hostname (e.g. "localhost"). Default is
+ (** start an HTTP daemon
+ * @param spec specification of daemon behaviour
+ *)
+val main: Http_types.daemon_spec -> unit
+ (** default daemon specification:
+ * - listen on, port 80
+ * - "always ok" callback (return an empty response, response code 200)
+ * - fork a child for each request
+ * - do not change to a root directory (i.e. keep cwd)
+ * - 300 seconds timeout
+ * - ignores exceptions
+ * - no authentication required *)
+val default_spec: Http_types.daemon_spec
+ (** currified daemon_spec constructor. Each parameter of this function
+ * corresponds to one field of Http_types.daemon_spec and defaults to the
+ * corresponding field of Http_daemon.default_spec *)
+val daemon_spec:
+ ?address:string ->
+ ?auth:(string * Http_types.auth_info) option ->
+ ?callback:(Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
+ ?mode:(Http_types.daemon_mode) ->
+ ?port:int ->
+ ?root_dir:string option ->
+ ?exn_handler:(exn -> out_channel -> unit) option ->
+ ?timeout:int option ->
+ unit ->
+ Http_types.daemon_spec
+ (** starts an HTTP daemon (deprecated function)
+ *
+ * DEPRECATED, will be removed in future versions, please switch to
+ * Http_daemon.main below.
+ *
+ * see Http_types.daemon_spec for a detailed description of parameters
+ * @param addr like the "address" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to
* the wildcard address ""
- * @param port TCP port on which the daemon will be listening. Default is the
- * HTTP port 80
- * @param timeout timeout in seconds after which an incoming HTTP request will
- * be terminated closing the corresponding TCP connection. Passing None will
- * disable the timeout. Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds)
- * @param mode requests handling mode, it can have three different values.
- * `Single -> all requests will be handled by the same process,
- * `Fork -> each request will be handled by a separate process
- * `Thread -> each request will be handled by a separate thread
- * Default is `Fork
- * @param root document root (i.e. directory to which ocaml http will chdir
- * before starting handling requests). Default is current working directory
- * @param callback function which will be called each time a correct HTTP
- * request will be received. 1st callback argument is the path requested by
- * the HTTP client; 2nd argument is a list of pairs <parameter, value>
- * representing decoded query string; 3rd argument is an output channel
- * connected with the client
+ * @param like the "port" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to 80
+ * @param like the "timeout" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to Some
+ * 300
+ * @param like the "mode" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to `Fork
+ * @param like the "root_dir" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to None
+ * @param callback functional version of the "callback" field of
+ * Http_types.daemon_spec. 1st argument is the request path, 2nd argument
+ * the decoded query string, 3rd argument an output channel connect to the
+ * client
val start:
?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
(string -> (string * string) list -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- (** identical to 'start' above but callback receive two arguments, the second
- one is an out_channel as per 'start', but the secondo one is a Request.request
- object *)
+ (** starts an HTTP daemon (deprecated function)
+ *
+ * DEPRECATED, will be removed in future versions, please switch to
+ * Http_daemon.main below.
+ *
+ * parameters as above except for the callback, in this case it behaves as the
+ * "callback" field of Http_types.daemon_spec
+ *)
val start':
?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->
(** callback function, exposed if you like to use it as a basis to define
a more powerful daemon *)
- val callback : string -> 'a -> out_channel -> unit
+ val callback : Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit
- (** start the "trivial" HTTP daemon *)
- val start : ?addr:string -> ?port:int -> unit -> unit
+ (** start the "trivial" HTTP daemon
+ * @param spec trivial HTTP daemon specification, "callback" field is
+ * ignored and set to the callback above *)
+ val main : Http_types.daemon_spec -> unit