(* $Id: orderings.ml 9869 2009-06-11 22:52:38Z denes $ *)
(* let debug s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s) ;; *)
-let debug _ = ();;
+let debug _ = ();;
let monster = 100;;
passives:t Terms.unit_clause list -> szsontology
val fast_eq_check :
state -> input* input -> szsontology
+ val nparamod :
+ useage:bool ->
+ max_steps:int ->
+ ?timeout:float ->
+ state -> input* input -> szsontology
module Paramod (B : Orderings.Blob) = struct
debug (lazy "Performed infer_left step");
let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (g_current,false,iterno) bag in
- bag, maxvar, actives, passives, g_current::g_actives,
+ bag, maxvar, actives, passives, g_current::g_actives,
(add_passive_goals g_passives new_goals)
let bag, maxvar, actives, new_clauses =
Sup.infer_right bag maxvar current actives
+ debug
+ (lazy
+ ("New clauses :" ^ (String.concat ";\n"
+ (List.map Pp.pp_unit_clause new_clauses))));
debug (lazy "Demodulating goals with actives...");
(* keep goals demodulated w.r.t. actives and check if solved *)
let bag, g_actives =
let last_chance (bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives) =
debug (lazy("Last chance " ^ string_of_float
- let active_t = snd actives in
+ let actives_l, active_t = actives in
let passive_t,wset,_ = passives in
let _ = debug
- ("Passive set :" ^ (String.concat ";\n"
- (List.map (fun _,cl -> Pp.pp_unit_clause cl)
- (WeightPassiveSet.elements wset))))) in
+ ("Actives :" ^ (String.concat ";\n"
+ (List.map Pp.pp_unit_clause actives_l)))) in
let wset = IDX.elems passive_t in
let _ = debug
- ("Passive table :" ^(String.concat ";\n"
+ ("Passives:" ^(String.concat ";\n"
(List.map (fun _,cl -> Pp.pp_unit_clause cl)
(IDX.ClauseSet.elements wset))))) in
let g_passives =
actives passives g_actives g_passives
+ let check_and_infer ~no_demod iterno status current =
+ let bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives = status in
+ match
+ Sup.simplify_goal
+ ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag g_actives current
+ with
+ | None -> status
+ | Some (bag,g_current) ->
+ let _ =
+ debug (lazy("Infer on goal : "
+ ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause g_current))
+ in
+ backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
+ g_actives g_passives g_current iterno
(* similar to given_clause, but it merely works on goals,
in parallel, at each iteration *)
let rec goal_narrowing iterno max_steps timeout status
let _ =
debug (lazy("Selected goal : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current))
- match
- Sup.simplify_goal
- ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag g_actives current
- with
- | None -> acc
- | Some (bag,g_current) ->
- let _ =
- debug (lazy("Demodulated goal : "
- ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause g_current))
- in
- backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives g_current iterno)
- status passive_goals
+ (* awe work both on the original goal and the demodulated one*)
+ let acc = check_and_infer ~no_demod:true iterno acc current
+ in check_and_infer ~no_demod:false iterno acc current)
+ status passive_goals
goal_narrowing iterno max_steps timeout newstatus
| Stop o -> o
+let nparamod ~useage ~max_steps ?timeout s goal =
+ let bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives
+ = initialize_goal s goal in
+ if is_passive_g_set_empty g_passives then Error "not an equation"
+ else
+ try given_clause ~useage ~noinfer:false
+ bag maxvar 0 0 max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives
+ with
+ | Sup.Success (bag, _, (i,_,_,_),subst) ->
+ compute_result bag i subst
+ | Stop (Unsatisfiable _) -> Error "solution found!"
+ | Stop o -> o
+ ;;