let tactic_terminator = tactical_terminator
let command_terminator = tactical_terminator
-let pp_term_ast term = CicNotationPp.pp_term term
-let pp_term_cic term = CicPp.ppterm term
let pp_idents idents = "[" ^ String.concat "; " idents ^ "]"
-let pp_terms_ast terms = String.concat ", " (List.map pp_term_ast terms)
-let pp_reduction_kind = function
+let pp_reduction_kind ~term_pp = function
| `Normalize -> "normalize"
| `Reduce -> "reduce"
| `Simpl -> "simplify"
- | `Unfold (Some t) -> "unfold " ^ pp_term_ast t
+ | `Unfold (Some t) -> "unfold " ^ term_pp t
| `Unfold None -> "unfold"
| `Whd -> "whd"
-let pp_pattern (t, hyp, goal) =
- let pp_hyp_pattern l =
- String.concat "; "
- (List.map (fun (name, p) -> sprintf "%s : %s" name (pp_term_ast p)) l) in
- let pp_t t =
- match t with
- None -> ""
- | Some t -> pp_term_ast t
- in
- pp_t t ^ " in " ^ pp_hyp_pattern hyp ^ " \\vdash " ^ pp_term_ast goal
+let pp_tactic_pattern ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp (what, hyp, goal) =
+ let what_text =
+ match what with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some t -> sprintf "in match (%s) " (lazy_term_pp t) in
+ let hyp_text =
+ String.concat " "
+ (List.map (fun (name, p) -> sprintf "%s:(%s)" name (term_pp p)) hyp) in
+ let goal_text =
+ match goal with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some t -> sprintf "\\vdash (%s)" (term_pp t) in
+ sprintf "%sin %s%s" what_text hyp_text goal_text
let pp_intros_specs = function
| None, [] -> ""
| None, idents -> Printf.sprintf " names %s" (pp_idents idents)
| Some num, idents -> Printf.sprintf " names %i %s" num (pp_idents idents)
-let rec pp_tactic = function
- | Absurd (_, term) -> "absurd" ^ pp_term_ast term
- | Apply (_, term) -> "apply " ^ pp_term_ast term
+let terms_pp ~term_pp terms = String.concat ", " (List.map term_pp terms)
+let rec pp_tactic ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp =
+ let pp_reduction_kind = pp_reduction_kind ~term_pp in
+ let pp_tactic_pattern = pp_tactic_pattern ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp in
+ function
+ | Absurd (_, term) -> "absurd" ^ term_pp term
+ | Apply (_, term) -> "apply " ^ term_pp term
| Auto _ -> "auto"
| Assumption _ -> "assumption"
| Change (_, where, with_what) ->
- sprintf "change %s with %s" (pp_pattern where) (pp_term_ast with_what)
+ sprintf "change %s with %s" (pp_tactic_pattern where) (lazy_term_pp with_what)
| Clear (_,id) -> sprintf "clear %s" id
| ClearBody (_,id) -> sprintf "clearbody %s" id
- | Compare (_,term) -> "compare " ^ pp_term_ast term
+ | Compare (_,term) -> "compare " ^ term_pp term
| Constructor (_,n) -> "constructor " ^ string_of_int n
| Contradiction _ -> "contradiction"
| Cut (_, ident, term) ->
- "cut " ^ pp_term_ast term ^
+ "cut " ^ term_pp term ^
(match ident with None -> "" | Some id -> " as " ^ id)
| DecideEquality _ -> "decide equality"
| Decompose (_, [], what, names) ->
let types = List.rev_map to_ident types in
sprintf "decompose %s %s%s" (pp_idents types) what (pp_intros_specs (None, names))
- | Discriminate (_, term) -> "discriminate " ^ pp_term_ast term
+ | Discriminate (_, term) -> "discriminate " ^ term_pp term
| Elim (_, term, using, num, idents) ->
- sprintf "elim " ^ pp_term_ast term ^
- (match using with None -> "" | Some term -> " using " ^ pp_term_ast term)
+ sprintf "elim " ^ term_pp term ^
+ (match using with None -> "" | Some term -> " using " ^ term_pp term)
^ pp_intros_specs (num, idents)
| ElimType (_, term, using, num, idents) ->
- sprintf "elim type " ^ pp_term_ast term ^
- (match using with None -> "" | Some term -> " using " ^ pp_term_ast term)
+ sprintf "elim type " ^ term_pp term ^
+ (match using with None -> "" | Some term -> " using " ^ term_pp term)
^ pp_intros_specs (num, idents)
- | Exact (_, term) -> "exact " ^ pp_term_ast term
+ | Exact (_, term) -> "exact " ^ term_pp term
| Exists _ -> "exists"
| Fold (_, kind, term, pattern) ->
sprintf "fold %s %s %s" (pp_reduction_kind kind)
- (pp_term_ast term) (pp_pattern pattern)
+ (lazy_term_pp term) (pp_tactic_pattern pattern)
| FwdSimpl (_, hyp, idents) ->
sprintf "fwd %s%s" hyp
(match idents with [] -> "" | idents -> " " ^ pp_idents idents)
| Generalize (_, pattern, ident) ->
- sprintf "generalize %s%s" (pp_pattern pattern)
+ sprintf "generalize %s%s" (pp_tactic_pattern pattern)
(match ident with None -> "" | Some id -> " as " ^ id)
| Goal (_, n) -> "goal " ^ string_of_int n
| Fail _ -> "fail"
| Fourier _ -> "fourier"
| IdTac _ -> "id"
- | Injection (_, term) -> "injection " ^ pp_term_ast term
+ | Injection (_, term) -> "injection " ^ term_pp term
| Intros (_, None, []) -> "intro"
| Intros (_, num, idents) ->
sprintf "intros%s%s"
| LApply (_, level_opt, terms, term, ident_opt) ->
sprintf "lapply %s%s%s%s"
(match level_opt with None -> "" | Some i -> " depth = " ^ string_of_int i ^ " ")
- (pp_term_ast term)
- (match terms with [] -> "" | _ -> " to " ^ pp_terms_ast terms)
+ (term_pp term)
+ (match terms with [] -> "" | _ -> " to " ^ terms_pp ~term_pp terms)
(match ident_opt with None -> "" | Some ident -> " using " ^ ident)
| Left _ -> "left"
- | LetIn (_, term, ident) -> sprintf "let %s in %s" (pp_term_ast term) ident
+ | LetIn (_, term, ident) -> sprintf "let %s in %s" (term_pp term) ident
| Reduce (_, kind, pat) ->
- sprintf "%s %s" (pp_reduction_kind kind) (pp_pattern pat)
+ sprintf "%s %s" (pp_reduction_kind kind) (pp_tactic_pattern pat)
| Reflexivity _ -> "reflexivity"
| Replace (_, pattern, t) ->
- sprintf "replace %s with %s" (pp_pattern pattern) (pp_term_ast t)
+ sprintf "replace %s with %s" (pp_tactic_pattern pattern) (lazy_term_pp t)
| Rewrite (_, pos, t, pattern) ->
sprintf "rewrite %s %s %s"
(if pos = `LeftToRight then ">" else "<")
- (pp_term_ast t)
- (pp_pattern pattern)
+ (term_pp t)
+ (pp_tactic_pattern pattern)
| Right _ -> "right"
| Ring _ -> "ring"
| Split _ -> "split"
| Symmetry _ -> "symmetry"
- | Transitivity (_, term) -> "transitivity " ^ pp_term_ast term
+ | Transitivity (_, term) -> "transitivity " ^ term_pp term
let pp_search_kind = function
| `Locate -> "locate"
| `Elim -> "elim"
| `Instance -> "instance"
-let pp_macro pp_term = function
+let pp_macro ~term_pp = function
(* Whelp *)
- | WInstance (_, term) -> "whelp instance " ^ pp_term term
- | WHint (_, t) -> "whelp hint " ^ pp_term t
+ | WInstance (_, term) -> "whelp instance " ^ term_pp term
+ | WHint (_, t) -> "whelp hint " ^ term_pp t
| WLocate (_, s) -> "whelp locate " ^ s
- | WElim (_, t) -> "whelp elim " ^ pp_term t
- | WMatch (_, term) -> "whelp match " ^ pp_term term
+ | WElim (_, t) -> "whelp elim " ^ term_pp t
+ | WMatch (_, term) -> "whelp match " ^ term_pp term
(* real macros *)
-(* | Abort _ -> "Abort" *)
- | Check (_, term) -> sprintf "Check %s" (pp_term term)
+ | Check (_, term) -> sprintf "Check %s" (term_pp term)
| Hint _ -> "hint"
-(* | Redo (_, None) -> "Redo"
- | Redo (_, Some n) -> sprintf "Redo %d" n *)
| Search_pat (_, kind, pat) ->
sprintf "search %s \"%s\"" (pp_search_kind kind) pat
| Search_term (_, kind, term) ->
- sprintf "search %s %s" (pp_search_kind kind) (pp_term term)
-(* | Undo (_, None) -> "Undo"
- | Undo (_, Some n) -> sprintf "Undo %d" n *)
+ sprintf "search %s %s" (pp_search_kind kind) (term_pp term)
| Print (_, name) -> sprintf "Print \"%s\"" name
| Quit _ -> "Quit"
-let pp_macro_ast = pp_macro pp_term_ast
-let pp_macro_cic = pp_macro pp_term_cic
let pp_alias = function
| Ident_alias (id, uri) -> sprintf "alias id \"%s\" = \"%s\"" id uri
| Symbol_alias (symb, instance, desc) ->
(pp_precedence prec)
(pp_l2_pattern l2_pattern)
-let pp_coercion_ast term do_composites =
- sprintf "coercion %s (* %s *)" (pp_term_ast term)
- (if do_composites then "compounds" else "no compounds")
-let pp_coercion_cic term do_composites =
- sprintf "coercion %s (* %s *)" (pp_term_cic term)
+let pp_coercion uri do_composites =
+ sprintf "coercion %s (* %s *)" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
(if do_composites then "compounds" else "no compounds")
-let pp_command = function
+let pp_command ~obj_pp = function
| Include (_,path) -> "include " ^ path
| Qed _ -> "qed"
| Drop _ -> "drop"
| Set (_, name, value) -> sprintf "set \"%s\" \"%s\"" name value
- | Coercion (_,term, do_composites) ->
- pp_coercion_ast term do_composites
+ | Coercion (_, uri, do_composites) -> pp_coercion uri do_composites
| Alias (_,s) -> pp_alias s
- | Obj (_,obj) -> CicNotationPp.pp_obj obj
+ | Obj (_,obj) -> obj_pp obj
| Default (_,what,uris) ->
pp_default what uris
| Interpretation (_, dsc, (symbol, arg_patterns), cic_appl_pattern) ->
| Render _
| Dump _ -> assert false (* ZACK: debugging *)
-let rec pp_tactical = function
+let rec pp_tactical ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp =
+ let pp_tactic = pp_tactic ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp in
+ let pp_tacticals = pp_tacticals ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp in
+ function
| Tactic (_, tac) -> pp_tactic tac
- | Do (_, count, tac) -> sprintf "do %d %s" count (pp_tactical tac)
- | Repeat (_, tac) -> "repeat " ^ pp_tactical tac
+ | Do (_, count, tac) ->
+ sprintf "do %d %s" count (pp_tactical ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp tac)
+ | Repeat (_, tac) -> "repeat " ^ pp_tactical ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp tac
| Seq (_, tacs) -> pp_tacticals ~sep:"; " tacs
| Then (_, tac, tacs) ->
- sprintf "%s; [%s]" (pp_tactical tac) (pp_tacticals ~sep:" | " tacs)
+ sprintf "%s; [%s]" (pp_tactical ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp tac)
+ (pp_tacticals ~sep:" | " tacs)
| First (_, tacs) -> sprintf "tries [%s]" (pp_tacticals ~sep:" | " tacs)
- | Try (_, tac) -> "try " ^ pp_tactical tac
+ | Try (_, tac) -> "try " ^ pp_tactical ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp tac
| Solve (_, tac) -> sprintf "solve [%s]" (pp_tacticals ~sep:" | " tac)
| Dot _ -> "."
| Unfocus _ -> "unfocus"
| Skip _ -> "skip"
-and pp_tacticals ~sep tacs = String.concat sep (List.map pp_tactical tacs)
-let pp_tactical tac = pp_tactical tac
-let pp_tactic tac = pp_tactic tac
-let pp_command tac = pp_command tac
+and pp_tacticals ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~sep tacs =
+ String.concat sep (List.map (pp_tactical~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp) tacs)
-let pp_executable = function
- | Macro (_,x) -> pp_macro_ast x
- | Tactical (_, tac, Some punct) -> pp_tactical tac ^ pp_tactical punct
- | Tactical (_, tac, None) -> pp_tactical tac
- | Command (_,x) -> pp_command x
+let pp_executable ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp =
+ function
+ | Macro (_, macro) -> pp_macro ~term_pp macro
+ | Tactical (_, tac, Some punct) ->
+ pp_tactical ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp tac
+ ^ pp_tactical ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp punct
+ | Tactical (_, tac, None) -> pp_tactical ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp tac
+ | Command (_, cmd) -> pp_command ~obj_pp cmd
-let pp_comment = function
+let pp_comment ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp =
+ function
| Note (_,str) -> sprintf "(* %s *)" str
- | Code (_,code) -> sprintf "(** %s. **)" (pp_executable code)
-let pp_statement = function
- | Executable (_, ex) -> pp_executable ex
- | Comment (_, c) -> pp_comment c
+ | Code (_,code) ->
+ sprintf "(** %s. **)" (pp_executable ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp code)
+let pp_statement ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp =
+ function
+ | Executable (_, ex) -> pp_executable ~lazy_term_pp ~term_pp ~obj_pp ex
+ | Comment (_, c) -> pp_comment ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp c
-let pp_cic_command = function
- | Include (_,path) -> "include " ^ path
- | Qed _ -> "qed"
- | Drop _ -> "drop"
- | Coercion (_,term, do_composites) ->
- pp_coercion_cic term do_composites
- | Obj (_,obj) -> CicPp.ppobj obj
- | Set _-> assert false (* not implemented *)
- | Alias (_, alias) -> pp_alias alias
- | Default (_,what,uris) ->
- pp_default what uris
- | Render _ -> assert false (* not implemented *)
- | Dump _ -> assert false (* not implemented *)
- | Interpretation (_, dsc, (symbol, arg_patterns), cic_appl_pattern) ->
- pp_interpretation dsc symbol arg_patterns cic_appl_pattern
- | Notation (_, dir_opt, l1_pattern, assoc, prec, l2_pattern) ->
- pp_notation dir_opt l1_pattern assoc prec l2_pattern
let pp_dependency = function
| IncludeDep str -> "include \"" ^ str ^ "\""
| BaseuriDep str -> "set \"baseuri\" \"" ^ str ^ "\""
val pp_tactic:
- (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'term GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
GrafiteAst.tactic ->
-val pp_command:
- (CicNotationPt.term,CicNotationPt.obj) GrafiteAst.command -> string
-val pp_macro: ('a -> string) -> 'a GrafiteAst.macro -> string
+val pp_tactic_pattern:
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, string) GrafiteAst.pattern ->
+ string
+val pp_reduction_kind:
+ term_pp:('a -> string) ->
+ 'a GrafiteAst.reduction ->
+ string
+val pp_command: obj_pp:('obj -> string) -> 'obj GrafiteAst.command -> string
+val pp_macro: term_pp:('term -> string) -> 'term GrafiteAst.macro -> string
+val pp_alias: GrafiteAst.alias_spec -> string
+val pp_dependency: GrafiteAst.dependency -> string
val pp_comment:
- (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction,
- CicNotationPt.obj, string)
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ obj_pp:('obj -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'term GrafiteAst.reduction, 'obj, string)
GrafiteAst.comment ->
val pp_executable:
- (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction,
- CicNotationPt.obj, string)
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ obj_pp:('obj -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'term GrafiteAst.reduction, 'obj, string)
GrafiteAst.code ->
val pp_statement:
- (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction,
- CicNotationPt.obj, string)
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ obj_pp:('obj -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'term GrafiteAst.reduction, 'obj, string)
GrafiteAst.statement ->
-val pp_macro_ast: CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.macro -> string
-val pp_macro_cic: Cic.term GrafiteAst.macro -> string
val pp_tactical:
- (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
+ term_pp:('term -> string) ->
+ lazy_term_pp:('lazy_term -> string) ->
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'term GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
GrafiteAst.tactical ->
-val pp_alias: GrafiteAst.alias_spec -> string
-val pp_cic_command: (Cic.term,Cic.obj) GrafiteAst.command -> string
-val pp_dependency: GrafiteAst.dependency -> string