include "".
-record lattice_ : Type ≝ {
- l_carr: apartness;
- l_meet: l_carr → l_carr → l_carr;
- l_meet_refl: ∀x.l_meet x x ≈ x;
- l_meet_comm: ∀x,y:l_carr. l_meet x y ≈ l_meet y x;
- l_meet_assoc: ∀x,y,z:l_carr. l_meet x (l_meet y z) ≈ l_meet (l_meet x y) z;
- l_strong_extm: ∀x.strong_ext ? (l_meet x)
+record directed : Type ≝ {
+ dir_carr: apartness;
+ dir_op: dir_carr → dir_carr → dir_carr;
+ dir_op_refl: ∀x.dir_op x x ≈ x;
+ dir_op_comm: ∀x,y:dir_carr. dir_op x y ≈ dir_op y x;
+ dir_op_assoc: ∀x,y,z:dir_carr. dir_op x (dir_op y z) ≈ dir_op (dir_op x y) z;
+ dir_strong_extop: ∀x.strong_ext ? (dir_op x)
-definition excl ≝ λl:lattice_.λa,b:l_carr l.ap_apart (l_carr l) a (l_meet l a b).
+definition excl ≝
+ λl:directed.λa,b:dir_carr l.ap_apart (dir_carr l) a (dir_op l a b).
-lemma excess_of_lattice_: lattice_ → excess.
-intro l; apply (mk_excess (l_carr l) (excl l));
-[ intro x; unfold; intro H; unfold in H; apply (ap_coreflexive (l_carr l) x);
- apply (ap_rewr ??? (l_meet l x x) (l_meet_refl ? x)); assumption;
+lemma excess_of_directed: directed → excess.
+intro l; apply (mk_excess (dir_carr l) (excl l));
+[ intro x; unfold; intro H; unfold in H; apply (ap_coreflexive (dir_carr l) x);
+ apply (ap_rewr ??? (dir_op l x x) (dir_op_refl ? x)); assumption;
| intros 3 (x y z); unfold excl; intro H;
- cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (l_meet l (l_meet l x z) y) H) (H1 H2); [2:
- left; apply ap_symmetric; apply (l_strong_extm ? y);
- apply (ap_rewl ???? (l_meet_comm ???));
- apply (ap_rewr ???? (l_meet_comm ???));
+ cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (dir_op l (dir_op l x z) y) H) (H1 H2); [2:
+ left; apply ap_symmetric; apply (dir_strong_extop ? y);
+ apply (ap_rewl ???? (dir_op_comm ???));
+ apply (ap_rewr ???? (dir_op_comm ???));
- cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (l_meet l x z) H1) (H2 H3); [left; assumption]
- right; apply (l_strong_extm ? x); apply (ap_rewr ???? (l_meet_assoc ????));
+ cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (dir_op l x z) H1) (H2 H3); [left; assumption]
+ right; apply (dir_strong_extop ? x); apply (ap_rewr ???? (dir_op_assoc ????));
-(* coercion cic:/matita/lattice/excess_of_lattice_.con. *)
record prelattice : Type ≝ {
pl_carr:> excess;
meet: pl_carr → pl_carr → pl_carr;
lem: ∀x,y.(meet x y) ≤ y
-interpretation "Lattice meet" 'and a b =
- (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con _ a b).
+interpretation "prelattice meet" 'and a b =
+ (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con _ a b).
lemma feq_ml: ∀ml:prelattice.∀a,b,c:ml. a ≈ b → (c ∧ a) ≈ (c ∧ b).
intros (l a b c H); unfold eq in H ⊢ %; unfold Not in H ⊢ %;
apply feq_ml; assumption;
-lemma prelattice_of_lattice_: lattice_ → prelattice.
-intro l_; apply (mk_prelattice (excess_of_lattice_ l_)); [apply (l_meet l_);]
-unfold excess_of_lattice_; try unfold apart_of_excess; simplify;
+lemma prelattice_of_directed: directed → prelattice.
+intro l_; apply (mk_prelattice (excess_of_directed l_)); [apply (dir_op l_);]
+unfold excess_of_directed; try unfold apart_of_excess; simplify;
unfold excl; simplify;
[intro x; intro H; elim H; clear H;
- [apply (l_meet_refl l_ x);
- lapply (Ap≫ ? (l_meet_comm ???) t) as H; clear t;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H); apply ap_symmetric; assumption
- | lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ?x) t) as H; clear t;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H); apply (l_meet_refl l_ x);
+ [apply (dir_op_refl l_ x);
+ lapply (Ap≫ ? (dir_op_comm ???) t) as H; clear t;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H); apply ap_symmetric; assumption
+ | lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ?x) t) as H; clear t;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H); apply (dir_op_refl l_ x);
apply ap_symmetric; assumption]
|intros 3 (x y H); cases H (H1 H2); clear H;
- [lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ? (l_meet l_ x y)) H1) as H; clear H1;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_comm ???) H1); apply (ap_coreflexive ?? Hletin);
- |lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ? (l_meet l_ y x)) H2) as H; clear H2;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_comm ???) H1);apply (ap_coreflexive ?? Hletin);]
+ [lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ? (dir_op l_ x y)) H1) as H; clear H1;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_comm ???) H1); apply (ap_coreflexive ?? Hletin);
+ |lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ? (dir_op l_ y x)) H2) as H; clear H2;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_comm ???) H1);apply (ap_coreflexive ?? Hletin);]
|intros 4 (x y z H); cases H (H1 H2); clear H;
- [lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ? (l_meet l_ x (l_meet l_ y z))) H1) as H; clear H1;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (eq_sym ??? (l_meet_assoc ?x y z)) H1) as H; clear H1;
+ [lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ? (dir_op l_ x (dir_op l_ y z))) H1) as H; clear H1;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (eq_sym ??? (dir_op_assoc ?x y z)) H1) as H; clear H1;
apply (ap_coreflexive ?? H);
- |lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ? (l_meet l_ (l_meet l_ x y) z)) H2) as H; clear H2;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_assoc ?x y z) H1) as H; clear H1;
+ |lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ? (dir_op l_ (dir_op l_ x y) z)) H2) as H; clear H2;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_assoc ?x y z) H1) as H; clear H1;
apply (ap_coreflexive ?? H);]
|intros (x y z H); elim H (H1 H1); clear H;
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ??) H1) as H; clear H1;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H1) as H; clear H1;
- cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (l_meet l_ y z) H);[left|right|right|left] try assumption;
- [apply ap_symmetric;apply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_comm ???));
- |apply (Ap≫ ? (l_meet_comm ???));
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ??) H1) as H; clear H1;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H1) as H; clear H1;
+ cases (ap_cotransitive ??? (dir_op l_ y z) H);[left|right|right|left] try assumption;
+ [apply ap_symmetric;apply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_comm ???));
+ |apply (Ap≫ ? (dir_op_comm ???));
|apply ap_symmetric;] assumption;
|intros 4 (x y H H1); apply H; clear H; elim H1 (H H);
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (l_meet_refl ??) H) as H1; clear H;
- lapply (l_strong_extm l_ ??? H1) as H; clear H1;[2: apply ap_symmetric]
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (dir_op_refl ??) H) as H1; clear H;
+ lapply (dir_strong_extop l_ ??? H1) as H; clear H1;[2: apply ap_symmetric]
|intros 3 (x y H);
- cut (l_meet l_ x y ≈ l_meet l_ x (l_meet l_ y y)) as H1;[2:
- intro; lapply (l_strong_extm ???? a); apply (l_meet_refl l_ y);
+ cut (dir_op l_ x y ≈ dir_op l_ x (dir_op l_ y y)) as H1;[2:
+ intro; lapply (dir_strong_extop ???? a); apply (dir_op_refl l_ y);
apply ap_symmetric; assumption;]
- lapply (Ap≪ ? (eq_sym ??? H1) H); apply (l_meet_assoc l_ x y y);
+ lapply (Ap≪ ? (eq_sym ??? H1) H); apply (dir_op_assoc l_ x y y);
assumption; ]
-record lattice : Type ≝ {
- lat_carr:> prelattice;
- join: lat_carr → lat_carr → lat_carr;
- join_refl: ∀x.join x x ≈ x;
- join_comm: ∀x,y:lat_carr. join x y ≈ join y x;
- join_assoc: ∀x,y,z:lat_carr. join x (join y z) ≈ join (join x y) z;
- absorbjm: ∀f,g:lat_carr. join f (meet ? f g) ≈ f;
- absorbmj: ∀f,g:lat_carr. meet ? f (join f g) ≈ f;
- strong_extj: ∀x.strong_ext ? (join x)
+record lattice_ : Type ≝ {
+ latt_mcarr:> prelattice;
+ latt_jcarr_: prelattice;
+ latt_with: pl_carr latt_jcarr_ = dual_exc (pl_carr latt_mcarr)
+lemma latt_jcarr : lattice_ → prelattice.
+intro l;
+apply (mk_prelattice (dual_exc l)); unfold excess_OF_lattice_;
+cases (latt_with l); simplify;
+[apply meet|apply meet_refl|apply meet_comm|apply meet_assoc|
+apply strong_extm| apply le_to_eqm|apply lem]
+coercion cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con.
+interpretation "Lattice meet" 'and a b =
+ (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _) a b).
interpretation "Lattice join" 'or a b =
- (cic:/matita/lattice/join.con _ a b).
+ (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _) a b).
-lemma feq_jl: ∀ml:lattice.∀a,b,c:ml. a ≈ b → (c ∨ a) ≈ (c ∨ b).
-intros (l a b c H); unfold eq in H ⊢ %; unfold Not in H ⊢ %;
-intro H1; apply H; clear H; apply (strong_extj ???? H1);
+record lattice : Type ≝ {
+ latt_carr:> lattice_;
+ absorbjm: ∀f,g:latt_carr. (f ∨ (f ∧ g)) ≈ f;
+ absorbmj: ∀f,g:latt_carr. (f ∧ (f ∨ g)) ≈ f
-lemma feq_jr: ∀ml:lattice.∀a,b,c:ml. a ≈ b → (a ∨ c) ≈ (b ∨ c).
-intros (l a b c H); apply (Eq≈ ? (join_comm ???)); apply (Eq≈ ?? (join_comm ???));
-apply (feq_jl ???? H);
+notation "'meet'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'meet}.
+notation "'meet_refl'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'meet_refl}.
+notation "'meet_comm'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'meet_comm}.
+notation "'meet_assoc'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'meet_assoc}.
+notation "'strong_extm'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'strong_extm}.
+notation "'le_to_eqm'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'le_to_eqm}.
+notation "'lem'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'lem}.
+notation "'join'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'join}.
+notation "'join_refl'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'join_refl}.
+notation "'join_comm'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'join_comm}.
+notation "'join_assoc'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'join_assoc}.
+notation "'strong_extj'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'strong_extj}.
+notation "'le_to_eqj'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'le_to_eqj}.
+notation "'lej'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'lej}.
-lemma le_to_eqj: ∀ml:lattice.∀a,b:ml. a ≤ b → b ≈ (a ∨ b).
-intros (l a b H); lapply (le_to_eqm ??? H) as H1;
-lapply (feq_jl ??? b H1) as H2;
-apply (Eq≈ ?? (join_comm ???));
-apply (Eq≈ (b∨a∧b) ? H2); clear H1 H2 H;
-apply (Eq≈ (b∨(b∧a)) ? (feq_jl ???? (meet_comm ???)));
-apply eq_sym; apply absorbjm;
+interpretation "Lattice meet" 'meet = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice meet_refl" 'meet_refl = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_refl.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice meet_comm" 'meet_comm = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_comm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice meet_assoc" 'meet_assoc = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_assoc.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice strong_extm" 'strong_extm = (cic:/matita/lattice/strong_extm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice le_to_eqm" 'le_to_eqm = (cic:/matita/lattice/le_to_eqm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice lem" 'lem = (cic:/matita/lattice/lem.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice join" 'join = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice join_refl" 'join_refl = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_refl.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice join_comm" 'join_comm = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_comm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice join_assoc" 'join_assoc = (cic:/matita/lattice/meet_assoc.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice strong_extm" 'strong_extj = (cic:/matita/lattice/strong_extm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice le_to_eqj" 'le_to_eqj = (cic:/matita/lattice/le_to_eqm.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice lej" 'lej = (cic:/matita/lattice/lem.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+notation "'feq_jl'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'feq_jl}.
+notation "'feq_jr'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'feq_jr}.
+interpretation "Lattice feq_jl" 'feq_jl = (cic:/matita/lattice/feq_ml.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice feq_jr" 'feq_jr = (cic:/matita/lattice/feq_mr.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_jcarr.con _)).
+notation "'feq_ml'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'feq_ml}.
+notation "'feq_mr'" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'feq_mr}.
+interpretation "Lattice feq_ml" 'feq_ml = (cic:/matita/lattice/feq_ml.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
+interpretation "Lattice feq_mr" 'feq_mr = (cic:/matita/lattice/feq_mr.con (cic:/matita/lattice/latt_mcarr.con _)).
-lemma lej: ∀l:lattice.∀x,y:l.x ≤ (x ∨ y).
-intros (l x y);
-apply (Le≪ ? (absorbmj ? x y)); apply lem;
\ No newline at end of file
ml_with_: ms_carr ? ml_mspace_ = apart_of_excess (pl_carr ml_lattice)
-lemma ml_lattice: ∀R.mlattice_ R → lattice.
-intros (R ml); apply (mk_lattice (apart_of_metric_space ? (ml_mspace_ ? ml))); try unfold eq;
-cases (ml_with2_ ? ml);
-[apply (join (ml_lattice_ ? ml));|apply (meet (ml_lattice_ ? ml));
-|apply (join_refl (ml_lattice_ R ml));| apply (meet_refl (ml_lattice_ ? ml));
-|apply (join_comm (ml_lattice_ ? ml));| apply (meet_comm (ml_lattice_ ? ml));
-|apply (join_assoc (ml_lattice_ ? ml));|apply (meet_assoc (ml_lattice_ ? ml));
-|apply (absorbjm (ml_lattice_ ? ml)); |apply (absorbmj (ml_lattice_ ? ml));
-|apply (strong_extj (ml_lattice_ ? ml));|apply (strong_extm (ml_lattice_ ? ml));]
-coercion cic:/matita/metric_lattice/ml_lattice.con.
lemma ml_mspace: ∀R.mlattice_ R → metric_space R.
intros (R ml); apply (mk_metric_space R (apart_of_excess ml));
unfold apartness_OF_mlattice_;
coercion cic:/matita/metric_lattice/ml_mspace.con.
+alias symbol "plus" = "Abelian group plus".
record mlattice (R : todgroup) : Type ≝ {
ml_carr :> mlattice_ R;
ml_prop1: ∀a,b:ml_carr. 0 < δ a b → a # b;
apply ap_symmetric; assumption;
+interpretation "Lattive meet le" 'leq a b =
+ (cic:/matita/excess/le.con (cic:/matita/lattice/excess_OF_lattice1.con _) a b).
+interpretation "Lattive join le (aka ge)" 'geq a b =
+ (cic:/matita/excess/le.con (cic:/matita/lattice/excess_OF_lattice.con _) a b).
+lemma le_to_ge: ∀l:lattice.∀a,b:l.a ≤ b → b ≥ a.
+intros(l a b H); apply H;
+lemma ge_to_le: ∀l:lattice.∀a,b:l.b ≥ a → a ≤ b.
+intros(l a b H); apply H;
+lemma eq_to_eq:∀l:lattice.∀a,b:l.
+ (eq (apart_of_excess (pl_carr (latt_jcarr l))) a b) →
+ (eq (apart_of_excess (pl_carr (latt_mcarr l))) a b).
+intros 3; unfold eq; unfold apartness_OF_lattice;
+unfold apartness_OF_lattice_1; unfold latt_jcarr; simplify;
+unfold dual_exc; simplify; intros 2 (H H1); apply H;
+cases H1;[right|left]assumption;
+coercion cic:/matita/metric_lattice/eq_to_eq.con nocomposites.
(* 3.11 *)
lemma le_mtri:
∀R.∀ml:mlattice R.∀x,y,z:ml. x ≤ y → y ≤ z → δ x z ≈ δ x y + δ y z.
apply (le_transitive ????? (ml_prop2 ?? (y) ??));
cut ( δx y+ δy z ≈ δ(y∨x) (y∨z)+ δ(y∧x) (y∧z)); [
apply (le_rewr ??? (δx y+ δy z)); [assumption] apply le_reflexive]
-lapply (le_to_eqm ??? Lxy) as Dxm; lapply (le_to_eqm ??? Lyz) as Dym;
-lapply (le_to_eqj ??? Lxy) as Dxj; lapply (le_to_eqj ??? Lyz) as Dyj; clear Lxy Lyz;
+lapply (le_to_eqm ?? Lxy) as Dxm; lapply (le_to_eqm ?? Lyz) as Dym;
+lapply (le_to_eqj ?? (le_to_ge ??? Lxy)) as Dxj; lapply (le_to_eqj ?? (le_to_ge ??? Lyz)) as Dyj; clear Lxy Lyz;
apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) y + δy z) (meq_l ????? Dxm));
apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) (y∧z) + δy z) (meq_r ????? Dym));
-apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) (y∧z) + δ(x∨y) z) (meq_l ????? Dxj));
-apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) (y∧z) + δ(x∨y) (y∨z))); [
- apply (feq_plusl ? (δ(x∧y) (y∧z)) ?? (meq_r ??? (x∨y) ? Dyj));]
+apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) (y∧z) + δ(y∨x) z));[
+ apply feq_plusl; apply meq_l; clear Dyj Dxm Dym;
+ unfold apartness_OF_mlattice1;
+ exact (eq_to_eq ??? Dxj);]
+apply (Eq≈ (δ(x∧y) (y∧z) + δ(y∨x) (z∨y))); [
+ apply (feq_plusl ? (δ(x∧y) (y∧z)) ?? (meq_r ??? (y∨x) ? Dyj));]
apply (Eq≈ ? (plus_comm ???));
-apply (Eq≈ (δ(y∨x) (y∨z)+ δ(x∧y) (y∧z)) (meq_l ????? (join_comm ?x y)));
+apply (Eq≈ (δ(y∨x) (y∨z)+ δ(x∧y) (y∧z)));[
+ apply feq_plusr;
+ apply meq_r;
+ apply (join_comm y z);]
apply feq_plusl;
-apply (Eq≈ (δ(y∧x) (y∧z)) (meq_l ????? (meet_comm ?x y)));
+apply (Eq≈ (δ(y∧x) (y∧z)) (meq_l ????? (meet_comm x y)));
apply eq_reflexive;