[status, parsed_text], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NCheck (_,t) ->
let status = script#grafite_status in
- let ctx = [] in
+ let _,_,menv,subst,_ = status#obj in
+ let ctx =
+ try let _,(_,ctx,_) = List.hd menv in ctx
+ with Failure "hd" -> []
+ in
let m, s, status, t =
- None status [] [] ctx (parsed_text,parsed_text_length,
+ None status ctx menv subst (parsed_text,parsed_text_length,
CicNotationPt.Cast (t,CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne))
(* XXX use the metasenv, if possible *)
notations that resemble the ones used in the original paper. We believe
this a important part of every formalization, not only for the estetic
point of view, but also from the practical point of view. Being
-consistent allows to follow the paper in a pedantic way.
+consistent allows to follow the paper in a pedantic way, and hopefully
+to make the formalization (at least the definitions and proved
+statements) readable to the author of the paper.
-buttons, PG-interaction-model, sequent window, script window
+buttons, PG-interaction-model, sequent window, script window, ncheck
The library, inclusion of `sets/sets.ma`, notation defined: Ω^A.
Symbols (see menu: View ▹ TeX/UTF-8 Table):