if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
+let mk_irl ctx = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable ctx;;
+let ugraph = CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph;;
+let typeof = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux';;
+let ppterm ctx t =
+ let names = List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) ctx in
+ CicPp.pp t names
let is_propositional context sort =
match CicReduction.whd context sort with
| Cic.Sort Cic.Prop
| Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp _) -> true
| _-> false
+let is_in_prop context subst metasenv ty =
+ let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
+ is_propositional context sort
+exception NotConvertible;;
+let check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
+ if debug then
+ begin
+ try
+ let ty,u = typeof metasenv context proof CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
+ let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible context ty goalty u in
+ if not b then raise NotConvertible else b
+ with _ ->
+ let names =
+ List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) context
+ in
+ debug_print (lazy ("PROOF:" ^ CicPp.pp proof names));
+ (* debug_print (lazy ("PROOFTY:" ^ CicPp.pp ty names)); *)
+ debug_print (lazy ("GOAL:" ^ CicPp.pp goalty names));
+ debug_print (lazy ("MENV:" ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv));
+ false
+ end
+ else true
+let assert_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
+ assert (check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty)
+let assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst' =
+ if debug then
+ assert(List.for_all
+ (fun (i,_) -> List.for_all (fun (j,_) -> i<>j) subst')
+ subst)
+ else ()
+let split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst gl =
+ List.partition
+ (fun g ->
+ let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
+ try
+ let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty ugraph in
+ is_propositional context sort
+ with
+ | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
+ | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s ->
+ debug_print
+ (lazy ("NON TIPA" ^ ppterm context (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty)));
+ debug_print s;
+ false)
+ (* FIXME... they should type! *)
+ gl
+let split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst gl =
+ List.partition
+ (fun g ->
+ let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
+ let ty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty in
+ CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty)
+ gl
+let order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm =
+ let prop,rest = split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst open_goals in
+ let closed_prop, open_prop = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst prop in
+ let closed_type, open_type = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst rest in
+ let open_goals =
+ (List.map (fun x -> x,P) (open_prop @ closed_prop))
+ @
+ (List.map (fun x -> x,T) (open_type @ closed_type))
+ in
+ let tys =
+ List.map
+ (fun (i,sort) ->
+ let _,_,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in i,ty,sort) open_goals
+ in
+ debug_print (lazy (" OPEN: "^
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map
+ (function
+ | (i,t,P) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Prop"
+ | (i,t,T) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Type")
+ tys)));
+ open_goals
+let is_an_equational_goal = function
+ | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd(u,_,_);_;_;_] when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI u -> true
+ | _ -> false
type auto_params = Cic.term list * (string * string) list
very naif version: it does not take dependencies properly into account *)
let naif_closure ?(prefix_name="xxx_") t metasenv context =
+ let in_term t (i,_,_) =
+ List.exists (fun (j,_) -> j=i) (CicUtil.metas_of_term t)
+ in
+ let metasenv = List.filter (in_term t) metasenv in
let metasenv = ProofEngineHelpers.sort_metasenv metasenv in
let n = List.length metasenv in
let what = List.map (fun (i,cc,ty) -> Cic.Meta(i,[])) metasenv in
CicSubstitution.lift n ty,t))
(n-1,body) metasenv
- t
+ t, List.length metasenv
let lambda_close ?prefix_name t menv ctx =
- let t = naif_closure ?prefix_name t menv ctx in
+ let t, num_lambdas = naif_closure ?prefix_name t menv ctx in
(fun (t,i) -> function
| None -> CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Implicit None) t,i (* delift *)
| Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) -> Cic.Lambda (name, ty, t),i+1
| Some (name, Cic.Def (bo, ty)) -> Cic.LetIn (name, bo, ty, t),i+1)
- (t,List.length menv) ctx
+ (t,num_lambdas) ctx
(* functions for retrieving theorems *)
let new_metasenv_and_unify_and_t
dbd flags universe proof goal ?tables newmeta' metasenv'
context term' ty termty goal_arity
+ let ppterm = ppterm context in
let (consthead,newmetasenv,arguments,_) =
TermUtil.saturate_term newmeta' metasenv' context termty goal_arity in
let term'' =
(PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac term'')
- match
- let (active, passive,bag), cache, maxmeta =
- init_cache_and_tables ~dbd flags.use_library true true false universe
+ let (active, passive,bag), cache, maxm =
+ init_cache_and_tables ~dbd flags.use_library false (* was true *)
+ true false universe
- Saturation.given_clause bag maxmeta (proof'''',newmeta) active passive
- max_int max_int flags.timeout
+ match
+ Saturation.given_clause bag maxm (proof'''',newmeta) active passive
+ 10 10 flags.timeout
| None, _,_,_ ->
raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("FIXME: propaga le tabelle")))
ProofEngineHelpers.compare_metasenvs ~oldmetasenv
~newmetasenv:(let _,m,_subst,_,_, _ = proof''''' in m), active, passive
+ debug_print
+ (lazy
+ ("SUBSUMPTION SU: " ^ string_of_int newmeta ^ " " ^ ppterm goal_for_paramod));
+ let res, maxmeta =
+ Saturation.all_subsumed bag maxm (proof'''',newmeta) active passive
+ in
+ if res = [] then
+ raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy("BUM")))
+ else let (_,proof''''',_) = List.hd res in
+ proof''''',ProofEngineHelpers.compare_metasenvs ~oldmetasenv
+ ~newmetasenv:(let _,m,_subst,_,_, _ = proof''''' in m), active, passive
let rec count_prods context ty =
(****************** AUTO ********************)
-let mk_irl ctx = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable ctx;;
-let ugraph = CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph;;
-let typeof = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux';;
-let ppterm ctx t =
- let names = List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) ctx in
- CicPp.pp t names
-let is_in_prop context subst metasenv ty =
- let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
- is_propositional context sort
-exception NotConvertible;;
-let check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
- if debug then
- begin
- try
- let ty,u = typeof metasenv context proof CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
- let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible context ty goalty u in
- if not b then raise NotConvertible else b
- with _ ->
- let names =
- List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) context
- in
- debug_print (lazy ("PROOF:" ^ CicPp.pp proof names));
- (* debug_print (lazy ("PROOFTY:" ^ CicPp.pp ty names)); *)
- debug_print (lazy ("GOAL:" ^ CicPp.pp goalty names));
- debug_print (lazy ("MENV:" ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv));
- false
- end
- else true
-let assert_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
- assert (check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty)
-let assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst' =
- if debug then
- assert(List.for_all
- (fun (i,_) -> List.for_all (fun (j,_) -> i<>j) subst')
- subst)
- else ()
-let split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst gl =
- List.partition
- (fun g ->
- let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
- try
- let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty ugraph in
- is_propositional context sort
- with
- | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
- | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s ->
- debug_print
- (lazy ("NON TIPA" ^ ppterm context (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty)));
- debug_print s;
- false)
- (* FIXME... they should type! *)
- gl
-let split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst gl =
- List.partition
- (fun g ->
- let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
- let ty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty in
- CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty)
- gl
-let order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm =
- let prop,rest = split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst open_goals in
- let closed_prop, open_prop = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst prop in
- let closed_type, open_type = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst rest in
- let open_goals =
- (List.map (fun x -> x,P) (open_prop @ closed_prop))
- @
- (List.map (fun x -> x,T) (open_type @ closed_type))
- in
- let tys =
- List.map
- (fun (i,sort) ->
- let _,_,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in i,ty,sort) open_goals
- in
- debug_print (lazy (" OPEN: "^
- String.concat "\n"
- (List.map
- (function
- | (i,t,P) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Prop"
- | (i,t,T) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Type")
- tys)));
- open_goals
-let is_an_equational_goal = function
- | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd(u,_,_);_;_;_] when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI u -> true
- | _ -> false
let prop = function (_,depth,P) -> depth < 9 | _ -> false;;
let entry = goalno, (canonical_ctx, t,ty) in
assert_subst_are_disjoint subst [entry];
let subst = entry :: subst in
let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
subst, metasenv
(match calculate_goal_ty g variant menv with
| None -> assert false
| Some (_, gty') ->
- if gty = gty' then
- no_progress variant tl
+ if gty = gty' then no_progress variant tl
+(prerr_endline (string_of_int n);
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm gty);
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm gty');
+ prerr_endline "---------- subst";
+ prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppsubst ~metasenv:menv subst);
+ prerr_endline "---------- variant";
+ prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppsubst ~metasenv:menv variant);
+ prerr_endline "---------- menv";
+ prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] menv);
+ no_progress variant tl) *)
else false))
| _::tl -> no_progress variant tl
-(* }}} ****************** AUTO ***************)
+(******************* AUTO ***************)
let auto flags metasenv tables universe cache context metasenv gl =
let initial_time = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let equalities = (Saturation.list_of_passive passive) in
(* we demodulate using both actives passives *)
+ let env = metasenv,context,CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ debug_print (lazy ("PASSIVES:" ^ string_of_int(List.length equalities)));
+ List.iter (fun e -> debug_print (lazy (Equality.string_of_equality ~env e)))
+ equalities;
let table =
(fun tbl eq -> Indexing.index tbl eq)