Instead of minidom, gdome and gmetadom are now used.
-requires="mlminidom lablgtk"
+requires="gdome lablgtk"
archive(byte)="lablgtkmathview.cma ml_gtk_mathview.o"
archive(native)="lablgtkmathview.cmxa ml_gtk_mathview.o" \
-REQUIRES = mlminidom lablgtk
+REQUIRES = gdome lablgtk
MLFLAGS = -labels
rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
ml_gtk_mathview.o: ml_gtk_mathview.c
- gcc -c -I$(INCLUDEDIR) `ocamlfind query -i-format lablgtk` `glib-config --cflags` `minidom-config --cflags` `gtk-config --cflags` `gtkmathview-config --cflags` `ocamlfind query -i-format mlminidom` $<
+ gcc -c -I$(INCLUDEDIR) `ocamlfind query -i-format lablgtk` `glib-config --cflags` `gtk-config --cflags` `gtkmathview-config --cflags` `gdome-config --cflags` `ocamlfind query -i-format gdome` $<
.SUFFIXES: .cmo .cmi .cmx .ml .mli
$(OCAMLC) -a -custom -package "$(REQUIRES)" \
-predicates "$(PREDICATES)" -o $@ $^ \
- -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs` `gtkmathview-config --libs`"
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `gdome-config --libs` `gtkmathview-config --libs`"
$(OCAMLOPT) -a -package "$(REQUIRES)" \
-predicates "$(PREDICATES)" -o $@ $^ \
- -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs` `gtkmathview-config --libs`"
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `gdome-config --libs` `gtkmathview-config --libs`"
mkdir -p $(TMPPKGDIR)
AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find ocamlfind in PATH, please make sure findlib is installed)
-AC_MSG_CHECKING("for mlminidom")
-ocamlfind query mlminidom ||
- AC_MSG_ERROR(mlminidom not installed (according to findlib))
+AC_MSG_CHECKING("for gdome")
+ocamlfind query gdome ||
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(gdome not installed (according to findlib))
AC_MSG_CHECKING("for lablgtk")
ocamlfind query lablgtk ||
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Stefano Zacchiroli <>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 2.0.0), ocaml (>= 3.02), lablgtk (= 1.2.1helm-1), mlminidom (>= 0.2.1), libgtk1.2-dev, libgtkmathview-dev (>= 0.2.8), libminidom-dev (>= 0.1.3), libxml2-dev, ocaml-findlib
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 2.0.0), ocaml (>= 3.02), lablgtk (= 1.2.1helm-1), libgtk1.2-dev, libgtkmathview-dev (>= 0.3.0), libxml2-dev, ocaml-findlib
Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Package: lablgtkmathview
class math_view_signals obj = object
inherit GContainer.container_signals obj
- method clicked = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.clicked obj ~after
+ method clicked =
+ let module S = GtkSignal in
+ let new_clicked =
+ let new_marshaller f x y =
+ MathView.Signals.clicked.S.marshaller
+ (fun e -> f (new Gdome.element e)) x y
+ in
+ { = "clicked"; S.marshaller = new_marshaller }
+ in
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_clicked obj ~after
method selection_changed =
- GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.selection_changed obj ~after
+ let module S = GtkSignal in
+ let new_selection_changed =
+ let new_marshaller f x y =
+ MathView.Signals.selection_changed.S.marshaller
+ (function None -> f None | Some e -> f (Some (new Gdome.element e))) x y
+ in
+ { = "selection_changed"; S.marshaller = new_marshaller }
+ in
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_selection_changed obj ~after
method element_changed =
- GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.element_changed obj ~after
+ let module S = GtkSignal in
+ let new_element_changed =
+ let new_marshaller f x y =
+ MathView.Signals.element_changed.S.marshaller
+ (function None -> f None | Some e -> f (Some (new Gdome.element e))) x y
+ in
+ { = "element_changed"; S.marshaller = new_marshaller }
+ in
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_element_changed obj ~after
class math_view obj = object
method load ~filename =
if not (MathView.load obj ~filename) then raise (ErrorLoadingFile filename)
method load_tree ~dom =
- if not (MathView.load_tree obj ~dom) then raise ErrorLoadingDOM
+ if not (MathView.load_tree obj ~dom:((dom : Gdome.document)#as_Document)) then
+ raise ErrorLoadingDOM
method unload = MathView.unload obj
- method get_selection = MathView.get_selection obj
- method set_selection (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) = MathView.set_selection obj node
+ method get_selection =
+ match MathView.get_selection obj with
+ None -> None
+ | Some element -> Some (new Gdome.element element)
+ method set_selection element =
+ let element =
+ match element with
+ None -> None
+ | Some element -> Some ((element : Gdome.element)#as_Element)
+ in
+ MathView.set_selection obj element
method get_width = MathView.get_width obj
method get_height = MathView.get_height obj
method get_top = MathView.get_top obj
if not result then raise (ErrorWritingFile filename)
method get_font_manager_type = MathView.get_font_manager_type obj
method set_font_manager_type ~fm_type = MathView.set_font_manager_type obj ~fm_type
- method get_element = MathView.get_element obj
+ method get_element =
+ match MathView.get_element obj with
+ None -> None
+ | Some element -> Some (new Gdome.element element)
method action_get_selected = MathView.action_get_selected obj
method action_set_selected = MathView.action_set_selected obj
- method get_action = MathView.get_action obj
+ method get_action =
+ match MathView.get_action obj with
+ None -> None
+ | Some ac -> Some (new Gdome.element ac)
method action_toggle = MathView.action_toggle obj
open GtkBase
open Gpointer
-external mDOMNode_of_boxed_option :
- Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode =
- "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_boxed_option"
+external gdome_element_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> TElement.t =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_gdome_element_of_boxed_option"
-external mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option :
- Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
- "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option"
-let o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode node = new Ominidom.o_mDOMNode node
-let o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option =
- function
- | Some x -> Some (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode x)
- | None -> None
-let mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option =
- function
- | Some x -> Some (x#get_dom_node)
- | None -> None
+external gdome_element_option_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> TElement.t option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_gdome_element_option_of_boxed_option"
module MathView = struct
exception NoSelection
create (optboxed adjustmenth) (optboxed adjustmentv)
external load : [>`math_view] obj -> filename:string -> bool =
- external raw_load_tree : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMDoc -> bool =
+ external load_tree : [>`math_view] obj -> dom:[> `Document] GdomeT.t -> bool =
- let load_tree obj ~(dom:Ominidom.o_mDOMDoc) =
- raw_load_tree obj dom#get_dom_doc
external unload : [>`math_view] obj -> unit =
- external raw_get_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ external get_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> TElement.t option =
- let get_selection obj =
- o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (raw_get_selection obj)
- external raw_set_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option -> unit=
+ external set_selection :
+ [>`math_view] obj -> [> `Element] GdomeT.t option -> unit=
- let set_selection obj node =
- raw_set_selection obj (mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option node)
external get_width : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
external get_height : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
external set_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj ->
fm_type:[`font_manager_gtk | `font_manager_t1] -> unit =
- external raw_get_element : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ external get_element : [>`math_view] obj -> TElement.t option =
- let get_element obj =
- o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (raw_get_element obj)
external action_get_selected : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
external action_set_selected : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
- external raw_get_action : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ external get_action : [>`math_view] obj -> TElement.t option =
- let get_action obj =
- o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (raw_get_action obj)
external action_toggle : [>`math_view] obj -> unit =
let clicked : ([>`math_view],_) t =
let marshal_clicked f _ =
- [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER element] -> f (gdome_element_of_boxed_option element)
| _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_clicked"
{ name = "clicked"; marshaller = marshal_clicked }
let selection_changed : ([>`math_view],_) t =
let marshal_selection_changed f _ =
- [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option node))
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER element] -> f (gdome_element_option_of_boxed_option element)
| _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_selection_changed"
{ name = "selection_changed"; marshaller = marshal_selection_changed }
let element_changed : ([>`math_view],_) t =
let marshal_element_changed f _ =
- [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option node))
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER element] -> f (gdome_element_option_of_boxed_option element)
| _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_element_changed"
{ name = "element_changed"; marshaller = marshal_element_changed }
#include <ml_gtk.h>
#include <gtk_tags.h>
-#include <minidom.h>
-#include "ml_minidom.h"
+#include <mlgdomevalue.h>
#define GtkMathView_val(val) check_cast(GTK_MATH_VIEW,val)
#define FontManagerId_val(val) Int_val(val)
#define Val_FontManagerId(val) Val_int(val)
+// As ML_1, but the result is optional
+#define OML_1(cname, conv1, conv) \
+value ml_##cname (value arg1) { return Val_option_ptr((cname (conv1 (arg1))),conv); }
+// As ML_2, but the second argument is optional
+#define ML_2O(cname, conv1, conv2, conv) \
+value ml_##cname (value arg1, value arg2) \
+{ return conv (cname (conv1(arg1), ptr_val_option(arg2,conv2))); }
font_manager_id_of_value(value v)
ML_2 (gtk_math_view_new,GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Val_GtkWidget_sink)
ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load, GtkMathView_val, String_val, Val_bool)
-ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load_tree, GtkMathView_val, mDOMDocRef_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load_tree, GtkMathView_val, Document_val, Val_bool)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_unload, GtkMathView_val, Unit)
-ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_selection, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
-ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_selection, GtkMathView_val, mDOMNodeRef_val, Unit)
+OML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_selection, GtkMathView_val, Val_Element)
+ML_2O (gtk_math_view_set_selection, GtkMathView_val, Element_val, Unit)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_width, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_height, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_top, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Int_val, Unit)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, font_manager_id_of_value, Unit)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, value_of_font_manager_id)
-ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_element, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
-ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_action, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
+OML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_element, GtkMathView_val, Val_Element)
+OML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_action, GtkMathView_val, Val_Element)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_action_get_selected, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
ML_2 (gtk_math_view_action_set_selected, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
ML_1 (gtk_math_view_action_toggle, GtkMathView_val, Unit)
CAMLreturn (result);
-value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_boxed_option (value arg1)
+value ml_gtk_math_view_gdome_element_of_boxed_option (value arg1)
- mDOMNodeRef nr;
- CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
- CAMLlocal1 (optval);
+ GdomeElement* nr;
CAMLlocal1 (res);
if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
} else {
- tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
- nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ nr = (GdomeElement*) Field(Field(arg1,0), 1);
- optval = Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr);
- if (optval==Val_int(0)) {
+ res = Val_Element(nr);
+ if (res==Val_int(0)) {
- } else {
- res = Field(optval, 0);
- CAMLreturn(res);
+ CAMLreturn(res);
-value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option (value arg1)
+value ml_gtk_math_view_gdome_element_option_of_boxed_option (value arg1)
- mDOMNodeRef nr;
- CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ GdomeElement* nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (valnr);
+ CAMLlocal1 (res);
if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
- nr=NULL;
+ res=Val_unit;
} else {
- tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
- nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ res = Val_option_ptr((GdomeElement*) Field(Field(arg1,0),1),Val_Element);
- CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr));
+ CAMLreturn(res);
(* Callbacks *)
-let selection_changed mathview (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) =
- let module O = Ominidom in
- print_string ("selection_changed: " ^
- (match node with
- None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
- | Some node ->
- match node#get_name with
- | Some x -> x#get_string
- | None -> "on element without name"
- ) ^ "\n");
- mathview#set_selection node;
- flush stdout
+let selection_changed mathview (element : Gdome.element option) =
+ print_endline ("selection_changed: " ^
+ (match element with
+ None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
+ | Some element -> element#get_tagName#to_string
+ )
+ ) ;
+ mathview#set_selection element;
+ flush stdout
+let element_changed mathview (element : Gdome.element option) =
+ print_endline ("element_changed: " ^
+ (match element with
+ None -> "element_changed on nothing"
+ | Some element -> element#get_tagName#to_string
+ )
+ ) ;
+ flush stdout
-let rec jump (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
- let module O = Ominidom in
- match node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "href") with
- None ->
- begin
- try
- let p = node#get_parent in
- jump p
- with
- O.Node_has_no_parent ->
+let rec jump (element : Gdome.element) =
+ let module G = Gdome in
+ let attr = (element#getAttribute ~name:(G.domString "href"))#to_string in
+ if attr = "" then
+ match element#get_parentNode with
+ Some p ->
+ begin
+ try
+ jump (new Gdome.element_of_node p)
+ with
+ GdomeInit.DOMCastException _ ->
print_string "jump: NO HREF FOR THIS NODE\n" ;
flush stdout ;
- end
- | Some x ->
- print_string ("jump: " ^ x#get_string ^ "\n") ;
- flush stdout ;
- true
+ end
+ | None -> assert false (* every element has a parent *)
+ else
+ begin
+ print_endline ("jump: " ^ attr) ;
+ flush stdout ;
+ true
+ end
-let clicked mathview (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
- let module O = Ominidom in
- if not (jump node) then
+let clicked (mathview : GMathView.math_view) (element : Gdome.element) =
+ let module G = Gdome in
+ if not (jump element) then
match mathview#get_action with
Some n ->
mathview#action_toggle ;
flush stdout ;
| None ->
print_string ("mouse is on: " ^
- (match (mathview#get_element : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) with
- Some e ->
- (match e#get_name with
- Some x -> x#get_string
- | None -> "no name"
- )
+ (match (mathview#get_element : Gdome.element option) with
+ Some e -> e#get_tagName#to_string
| None -> "NO ELEMENT!\n"
) ^ "\n") ;
- print_string ("clicked: " ^
- (match node#get_name with
- Some x -> x#get_string
- | None -> "no name"
- ) ^ "\n") ;
+ print_endline ("clicked: " ^ element#get_tagName#to_string) ;
flush stdout
-let activate_t1 mathview () =
+let activate_t1 (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_t1;
print_string "WIDGET SET WITH T1 FONTS\n" ;
flush stdout
-let activate_gtk mathview () =
- mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_gtk;
+let activate_gtk (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_gtk ;
print_string "WIDGET SET WITH GTK FONTS\n" ;
flush stdout
-let load mathview () =
+let load (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
mathview#load "test.xml" ;
print_string "load: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
flush stdout
-let load_dom mathview () =
- mathview#load_tree (new Ominidom.o_mDOMDoc (Minidom.doc_load "test.xml")) ;
+let load_dom (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ mathview#load_tree ((Gdome.domImplementation ())#createDocumentFromURI ~uri:"test.xml" ~mode:0) ;
print_string "load from DOM: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
flush stdout
-let get_selection mathview () =
- let module O = Ominidom in
- let selection =
- match mathview#get_selection with
- | Some node ->
- begin
- match node#get_name with
- | Some name -> name#get_string
- | None -> "element with no name!"
- end
- | None -> "no selection!"
- in
- print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
- flush stdout
+let get_selection (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ let selection =
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ Some element -> element#get_tagName#to_string
+ | None -> "no selection!"
+ in
+ print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
-let set_selection mathview () =
- let module O = Ominidom in
- begin
- match mathview#get_selection with
- | Some node ->
- begin
- try
- let parent_node = node#get_parent in
- mathview#set_selection (Some parent_node);
- print_string "set selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
- with
- _ -> print_string "EXCEPTION: no parent\n"
- end
+let set_selection (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ Some element ->
+ begin
+ match element#get_parentNode with
+ Some p ->
+ begin
+ try
+ mathview#set_selection (Some (new Gdome.element_of_node p));
+ print_string "set selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
+ with
+ GdomeInit.DOMCastException _ ->
+ print_string "EXCEPTION: no parent\n"
+ end
+ | None -> assert false (* every element has a parent *)
+ end
| None ->
- mathview#set_selection None;
- print_string "no selection\n"
- end ;
- flush stdout
+ mathview#set_selection None;
+ print_string "no selection\n"
+ end ;
+ flush stdout
let unload mathview () =
ignore(button_set_transparency#connect#clicked (set_transparency mathview)) ;
ignore(mathview#connect#clicked (clicked mathview)) ;
ignore(mathview#connect#selection_changed (selection_changed mathview)) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#element_changed (element_changed mathview)) ;
ignore(button_load_dom#connect#clicked (load_dom mathview)) ;
(* Main Loop *)
main_window#show () ;