|*: cases Hletin1; cases x1; change in f3 with (eq1 ? x w); apply (. f3‡#); assumption;]
-theorem SUBSETS_full: ∀S,T.∀f.∃g. map_arrows2 ?? SUBSETS' S T g = f.
+inductive exT2 (A:Type2) (P:A→CProp2) : CProp2 ≝
+ ex_introT2: ∀w:A. P w → exT2 A P.
+theorem SUBSETS_full: ∀S,T.∀f. exT2 ? (λg. map_arrows2 ?? SUBSETS' S T g = f).
intros; exists;
[ constructor 1; constructor 1;
- [ apply (λx.λy. y ∈ f (singleton S x));
+ [ apply (λx:carr S.λy:carr T. y ∈ f (singleton S x));
| intros; unfold FunClass_1_OF_carr2; lapply (.= e1‡#);
[4: apply mem; |6: apply Hletin;|1,2,3,5: skip]
- lapply (#‡prop11 ?? f ?? (†e)); [6: apply Hletin; |*:skip ]]
- | whd; split; whd; intro; simplify; unfold map_arrows2; simplify;
+ lapply (#‡prop11 ?? f ?? (†e)); [6: apply Hletin; |*:skip ]]
+ | whd; split; whd; intro; simplify; unfold map_arrows2; simplify;
[ split;
[ change with (∀a1.(∀x. a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) → x ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f⎻* a);
| change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f⎻* a → (∀x.a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) → x ∈ a)); ]
| split;
- [ change with (∀a1.(∃y. y ∈ f (singleton S a1) ∧ y ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f⎻ a);
- | change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f⎻ a → (∃y.y ∈ f (singleton S a1) ∧ y ∈ a)); ]
+ [ change with (∀a1.(∃y:carr T. y ∈ f (singleton S a1) ∧ y ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f⎻ a);
+ | change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f⎻ a → (∃y:carr T.y ∈ f (singleton S a1) ∧ y ∈ a)); ]
| split;
- [ change with (∀a1.(∃x. a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) ∧ x ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f a);
- | change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f a → (∃x. a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) ∧ x ∈ a)); ]
+ [ change with (∀a1.(∃x:carr S. a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) ∧ x ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f a);
+ | change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f a → (∃x:carr S. a1 ∈ f (singleton S x) ∧ x ∈ a)); ]
| split;
[ change with (∀a1.(∀y. y ∈ f (singleton S a1) → y ∈ a) → a1 ∈ f* a);
| change with (∀a1.a1 ∈ f* a → (∀y. y ∈ f (singleton S a1) → y ∈ a)); ]]
[ intros 2; change in f3 with (eq1 ? a1 a2); change with (a2 ∈ f* a);
apply (. f3^-1‡#); assumption;
| assumption ]]]
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