| _ -> assert false)
- let variable_closure ksucc =
+ let variable_closure ksucc kfail =
(fun matched_terms constructors terms ->
(* prerr_endline "variable_closure"; *)
match terms with
| hd :: tl -> ksucc (hd :: matched_terms) constructors tl
- | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> kfail () (*CSC: was assert false, but it did happen*))
let success_closure ksucc =
(fun matched_terms constructors terms ->
match horizontal_split t with
| _, [], _ -> assert false
- | Variable, t', [] -> variable_closure (aux (vertical_split t'))
+ | Variable, t', [] -> variable_closure (aux (vertical_split t')) fail_k
| Constructor, t', [] ->
let tagl =