let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
+let id x = x;;\r
let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
| P (* pacman *)\r
+let eta_eq =\r
+ let rec aux l1 l2 t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
+ | L t1, L t2 -> aux l1 l2 t1 t2\r
+ | L t1, t2 -> aux l1 (l2+1) t1 t2\r
+ | t1, L t2 -> aux (l1+1) l2 t1 t2\r
+ | V a, V b -> a + l1 = b + l2\r
+ | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> aux l1 l2 t1 u1 && aux l1 l2 t2 u2\r
+ | _, _ -> false\r
+ in aux 0 0\r
type problem = {\r
orig_freshno: int\r
; freshno : int\r
; stepped : var list\r
-let all_terms p = [p.div; p.conv];;\r
exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
exception Fail of int * string;;\r
{p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
-let rec is_inert p =\r
+let rec is_inert =\r
- | A(t,_) -> is_inert p t\r
+ | A(t,_) -> is_inert t\r
| V _ -> true\r
| L _ | B | P -> false\r
let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_pacman = function P -> true | _ -> false;;\r
+let rec head_of_inert = function\r
+ | V n -> n\r
+ | A(t, _) -> head_of_inert t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+let rec args_no = function\r
+ | V _ -> 0\r
+ | A(t, _) -> 1 + args_no t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
let rec subst level delift fromdiv sub =\r
let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
-print_endline ("SUBST IN PROBLEM: " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub));\r
+print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub));\r
let p = {p with stepped=(fst sub)::p.stepped} in\r
let conv = subst false sub p.conv in\r
let div = subst true sub p.div in\r
{p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
-let free_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then [v] else []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) @ (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | B | P -> []\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux 0 t)\r
-let visible_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | V v -> [v]\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux t1) @ (aux t2)\r
- | B | P\r
- | L _ -> []\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux t)\r
-let rec hd_of = function\r
- | V n -> n\r
- | A(t, _) -> hd_of t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
-let rec nargs = function\r
- | V _ -> 0\r
- | A(t, _) -> 1 + nargs t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
let get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args =\r
let rec aux = function\r
| V _ | L _ | B | P -> None\r
| A(t1,t2) as t ->\r
- if hd_of t1 = hd_var && n_args <= 1 + nargs t1\r
+ if head_of_inert t1 = hd_var && n_args <= 1 + args_no t1\r
then Some t\r
- else match aux t2 with\r
- | None -> aux t1\r
- | Some _ as res -> res\r
+ else match aux t2 with\r
+ | None -> aux t1\r
+ | Some _ as res -> res\r
in aux\r
-let rec eta_eq l1 l2 t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
- | L t1, L t2 -> eta_eq l1 l2 t1 t2\r
- | L t1, t2 -> eta_eq l1 (l2+1) t1 t2\r
- | t1, L t2 -> eta_eq (l1+1) l2 t1 t2\r
- | V a, V b -> a + l1 = b + l2\r
- | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> eta_eq l1 l2 t1 u1 && eta_eq l1 l2 t2 u2\r
- | _, _ -> false\r
-let eta_eq = eta_eq 0 0;;\r
-let rec simple_explode p =\r
+(* let rec simple_explode p =\r
match p.div with\r
| V var ->\r
let subst = var, B in\r
sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> p\r
-and sanity p =\r
- (* Sanity checks: *)\r
- if (function | P | L _ -> true | _ -> false) p.div then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
- if p.conv = B then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
+ | _ -> p *)\r
+let sanity p =\r
print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
if p.div = B then raise (Done p.sigma);\r
- let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in\r
+ if not (is_inert p.div) then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
+ if p.conv = B then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
+ (* let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in *)\r
let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
+(* eat the arguments of the divergent and explode.\r
+ It does NOT perform any check, may fail if done unsafely *)\r
let eat p =\r
print_cmd "EAT" "";\r
- let var = hd_of p.div in\r
- let n = nargs p.div in\r
+ let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
+ let n = args_no p.div in\r
let rec aux m t =\r
if m = 0\r
then lift n t\r
sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
+(* step on the head of div, on the k-th argument, with n fresh vars *)\r
let step k n p =\r
- let var = hd_of p.div in\r
+ let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
let rec aux' p m t =\r
if m < 0\r
| Done _ -> ()\r
-let cut_app n t =\r
+let inert_cut_at n t =\r
let rec aux t =\r
match t with\r
| V _ as t -> 0, t\r
in snd (aux t)\r
-let find_difference p t n_args =\r
- let t = cut_app n_args t in\r
+let find_eta_difference p t n_args =\r
+ let t = inert_cut_at n_args t in\r
let rec aux t u k = match t, u with\r
| V _, V _ -> assert false (* div subterm of conv *)\r
| A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) ->\r
in aux p.div t n_args\r
-let rec count_lams = function\r
- | L t -> 1 + count_lams t\r
+let rec no_leading_lambdas = function\r
+ | L t -> 1 + no_leading_lambdas t\r
| _ -> 0\r
-let compute_k_from_args p hd_var j =\r
+let compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j =\r
let rec aux hd = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> max (\r
- if hd_of t1 = hd && (nargs t1) = j\r
- then (print_endline(string_of_t p t2);if t2 = V hd then j else count_lams t2)\r
- else 0) (max (aux hd t1) (aux hd t2))\r
+ | A(t1,t2) ->\r
+ (if head_of_inert t1 = hd && args_no t1 = j\r
+ then max (\r
+ if is_inert t2 && head_of_inert t2 = hd\r
+ then j - args_no t2\r
+ else no_leading_lambdas t2)\r
+ else id) (max (aux hd t1) (aux hd t2))\r
| L t -> aux (hd+1) t\r
| V _ -> 0\r
| _ -> assert false\r
let rec auto p =\r
- let hd_var = hd_of p.div in\r
- let n_args = nargs p.div in\r
+ let hd_var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
+ let n_args = args_no p.div in\r
match get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args p.conv with\r
| None ->\r
(try let p = eat p in problem_fail p "Auto did not complete the problem" with Done _ -> ())\r
| Some t ->\r
- let j = find_difference p t n_args - 1 in\r
+ let j = find_eta_difference p t n_args - 1 in\r
let k = max\r
- (compute_k_from_args p hd_var j p.div)\r
- (compute_k_from_args p hd_var j p.conv) in\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.div)\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.conv) in\r
let p = step j k p in\r
auto p\r