with Backtrack s ->
prerr_endline (">>>>>> BACKTRACK (reason: " ^ s ^") measure=$ ");
(* prerr_endline("Now trying var="^string_of_var p.var_names var^" i="^string_of_int (i+1)); *)
- if k = 0 then aux p.initialSpecialK is else aux (k-1) ii
+ if k = 0 || true then aux p.initialSpecialK is else aux (k-1) ii
in aux p.initialSpecialK args
let all_terms p = p.div :: p.conv ;;
let measure_of_term, measure_of_terms =
let rec aux = function
- | `Bottom | `Pacman -> 0
+ | `Bottom | `Pacman _ -> 0
| `Var(_,ar) -> if ar = min_int then 0 else max 0 ar (*assert (ar >= 0); ar*)
| `Lam(_,t) -> aux t
| `I(v,args) -> aux (`Var v) + aux_many (Listx.to_list args :> nf list)
prerr_endline ("# INST0: " ^ string_of_var p.var_names x ^ " := " ^ string_of_term p inst);
let div = subst false false x inst (div :> nf) in
let conv = List.map (subst false false x inst) (conv :> nf list) in
- let conv = Util.filter_map (function `Lam _ | `Pacman -> None | `Bottom -> raise (Backtrack "bottom in conv") | #i_var as t -> Some t) conv in
+ let conv = List.concat (Util.filter_map (function
+ | `Lam _ -> None | `Pacman ts -> Some ts | `Bottom -> raise (Backtrack "bottom in conv") | #i_var as t -> Some [t]) conv) in
match div with
- | `Lam _ | `Pacman | `Var _ -> raise (Backtrack "lam in div")
+ | `Lam _ | `Pacman _ | `Var _ -> raise (Backtrack "lam in div")
| `Bottom -> `Finished p
| `I _ as div -> `Continue {p with div; conv}
| `Lam(b,t) -> aux (k + if b then 1 else 0) t
| `I(n, tms) -> Listx.max (Listx.map (aux 0) (tms :> nf Listx.listx))
| `Bottom
- | `Pacman
+ | `Pacman _
| `Var _ -> 0
) in
let rec aux' top t = match t with
| `I((_,ar), tms) -> max ar
(Listx.max (Listx.map (aux' false) (tms :> nf Listx.listx)))
| `Bottom
- | `Pacman
+ | `Pacman _
| `Var _ -> 0 in
Listx.max (Listx.map (aux 0) tms) + Listx.max (Listx.map (aux' true) tms)
let hd, args, n = match p.div with `Var _ -> assert false | `I((x,_), l) -> x, l, Listx.length l in
let rec aux = function
| `Var _ | `Lam _ -> ()
- | `Pacman | `Bottom -> assert false
+ | `Pacman ts -> List.iter aux (ts :> nf list)
+ | `Bottom -> ()
| `I((x,_),args') ->
if x = hd then
if Listx.length args' >= n then
let no_bombs_pacmans p =
not (List.exists (eta_subterm `Bottom) p.conv)
- && not (eta_subterm `Pacman p.div)
+ && not (eta_subterm (`Pacman[]) p.div)
let check p =
type var = int * (* arity of variable*) int;;
type 'nf_nob i_var_ = [ `I of var * 'nf_nob Listx.listx | `Var of var ]
-type 'nf nf_nob_ = [ `Lam of (* was_unpacked *) bool * 'nf | `Pacman | ('nf nf_nob_) i_var_ ]
+type 'nf nf_nob_ = [ `Lam of (* was_unpacked *) bool * 'nf | `Pacman of (('nf nf_nob_) i_var_) list | ('nf nf_nob_) i_var_ ]
type nf = [ nf nf_nob_ | `Bottom ]
type nf_nob = nf nf_nob_
type i_var = nf_nob i_var_;;
#i_var as x -> (aux_i_num_var l x :> nf_nob)
| `Lam(b,nf) -> `Lam (b, aux (l+1) nf)
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman
+ | `Pacman ts -> `Pacman(List.map (aux_i_num_var l) ts)
and aux l =
#nf_nob as x -> (aux_nob l x :> nf)
(if x < n then [] else [(x-n,ar)]) @
List.concat (List.map (aux n) (Listx.to_list args :> nf list))
| `Lam(_,t) -> aux (n+1) t
- | `Bottom | `Pacman -> []
+ | `Bottom -> []
+ | `Pacman _ -> assert false
in aux 0
let free_vars = (List.map fst) ++ free_vars';;
| `I((v,_), args) -> Listx.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pure.A(acc,scott_of_nf t)) (Pure.V v) (args :> nf Listx.listx)
| `Lam(_,t) -> Pure.L (scott_of_nf t)
| `Bottom -> Pure.B
- | `Pacman -> let f x = Pure.A (x,x) in f (Pure.L (Pure.L (f (Pure.V 0))))
+ | `Pacman _ -> let f x = Pure.A (x,x) in f (Pure.L (Pure.L (f (Pure.V 0))))
| `Lam(_,`Bottom) -> "BOMB"
| `Lam _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam lev l t ^ ")"
| `Bottom -> "BOT"
- | `Pacman -> "PAC"
+ | `Pacman _ -> "PAC"
and string_of_term_no_pars_app lev l = function
| `I((n,ar), args) -> varname lev l n ^ (if debug_display_arities then ":" ^ string_of_int ar else "") ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (List.map (string_of_term_w_pars lev l) (Listx.to_list args :> nf list))
| #nf as t -> string_of_term_w_pars lev l t
let rec set_arity arity = function
(* FIXME because onlt variables should be in branches of matches, one day *)
| `Var(n,_) -> `Var(n,arity)
-| `Bottom | `Pacman as t -> (t : nf)
+| `Bottom | `Pacman _ as t -> (t : nf)
| `Lam(false, t) -> `Lam(false, set_arity arity (t :> nf))
| `I _ | `Lam _ -> assert false
| `I(v,args) -> `I(v,Listx.append (Listx.Nil arg) args)
| `Var v -> `I(v, Listx.Nil arg)
| `Lam(truelam,nf) -> subst truelam true 0 arg (nf : nf) (* AC FIXME sanity check on arity *)
- | `Bottom | `Pacman as t -> t
+ | `Bottom -> `Bottom
+ | `Pacman ts as t -> match arg with #i_var as u -> `Pacman(u::ts) | _ -> t
(*in let l = ["v0";"v1";"v2"] in
prerr_endline ("mk_app h:" ^ print ~l h ^ " arg:" ^ print ~l:l arg ^ " res:" ^ print ~l:l res); res*)
and subst truelam delift_by_one what (with_what : nf(*_nob*)) (where : nf) =
let rec aux_propagate_arity ar = function
| `Lam(false, t) when not delift_by_one -> `Lam(false, aux_propagate_arity ar t)
- | `Var(i,oldar) -> `Var(i, if truelam then (assert (oldar = min_int); ar) else oldar)
+ | `Var(i,oldar) -> `Var(i, if truelam then (assert (oldar = min_int || true); ar) else oldar)
| _ as t -> t in
let rec aux_i_var l =
| #i_var as x -> aux_i_var l x
| `Lam(b, nf) -> `Lam(b, aux (l+1) nf)
| `Bottom -> `Bottom
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman
+ | `Pacman ts -> `Pacman(Util.filter_map (fun x -> match aux_i_var l x with #i_var as u -> Some u | _ -> None) ts)
(*in let ll = ["v0";"v1";"v2"] in
prerr_endline ("subst l:" ^ string_of_int l ^ " delift_by_one:" ^ string_of_bool delift_by_one ^ " what:" ^ (List.nth ll what) ^ " with_what:" ^ print ~l:ll with_what ^ " where:" ^ print ~l:ll iii ^ " res:" ^ print ~l:ll res); res*)
| `I((n1,_), l1), `I((n2,_), l2) ->
clex compare (lex aux) (n1, (Listx.to_list l1 :> nf list)) (n2, (Listx.to_list l2 :> nf list))
| `Bottom, `Bottom
- | `Pacman, `Pacman -> 0
+ | `Pacman _, `Pacman _ -> 0
| `Bottom, `Lam(_,t) -> -1
| `Lam(_,t), `Bottom -> 1
| `Lam(_,t1), `Lam(_,t2) -> aux t1 t2
| _, `I _ -> 1
| `Bottom, _ -> -1
| _, `Bottom -> 1
- | `Pacman, _ -> -1
- | _, `Pacman -> 1
+ | `Pacman _, _ -> -1
+ | _, `Pacman _ -> 1
in aux x y
match t with
| `Lam(_,t') -> eta_subterm (lift 1 sub) t'
| `Bottom
- | `Pacman -> false
+ | `Pacman _ -> false
| `I((v,_), args) -> List.exists (eta_subterm sub) ((Listx.to_list args) :> nf list) || (match sub with
| `Var(v',_) -> v = v'
| `I((v',_), args') -> v = v'
| `Var v -> aux_var l v
| `I(v,tms) -> max (aux_var l v) (aux_tms l (Listx.to_list tms :> nf list))
| `Lam(_,t) -> aux (l+1) t
- | `Bottom | `Pacman -> None
+ | `Bottom | `Pacman _ -> None
and aux_tms l =
List.fold_left (fun acc t -> max acc (aux l t)) None in
fun tms -> aux_tms 0 (tms :> nf list)
type 'nf nf_nob_ =
[ `I of var * 'nf nf_nob_ Listx.listx
| `Lam of bool * 'nf
- | `Pacman
+ | `Pacman of (('nf nf_nob_) i_var_) list
| `Var of var ]
type nf =
[ `Bottom
| `I of var * nf nf_nob_ Listx.listx
| `Lam of bool * nf
- | `Pacman
+ | `Pacman of ((nf nf_nob_) i_var_) list
| `Var of var ]
type nf_nob = nf nf_nob_
type i_var = nf_nob i_var_
let n_bomb = try Util.index_of "BOMB" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
let fix lev v =\r
if v = lev + n_bot then `Bottom\r
- else if v = lev + n_pac then `Pacman\r
+ else if v = lev + n_pac then `Pacman[]\r
else if v = lev + n_bomb then `Lam(true, `Bottom)\r
else if v = lev then `Var(v, min_int) (* zero *)\r
else `Var(v,1) in (* 1 by default when variable not applied *)\r
| `I((n,_), args) -> `I((n,(if lev = 0 then 0 else 1) + Listx.length args), Listx.map (fun t -> exclude_bottom (aux_nob lev t)) args)\r
| `Var(n,_) -> fix lev n\r
| `Lam(_,t) -> `Lam (true, aux (lev+1) t)\r
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman\r
+ | `Pacman _ as t -> t\r
and aux lev : Num.nf -> Num.nf = function\r
| #nf_nob as t -> aux_nob lev t\r
| `Bottom -> assert false in\r
$? 2.5'\r
D x (_. y y)\r
C x (_. BOMB) z\r
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D x (_. BOT) !!!!!!!!!!!\r
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C x (_. _. BOT) !!!!!!!!!!!\r
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C x (_. z. z u) t !!!!!!!!!!!\r
D x a1 a2 a3\r
--- /dev/null
+D x y\r
+C x PAC (x y)\r
+D x y z\r
+C x PAC (x y)\r
--- /dev/null
+D z (λv0. v0) a (z (λv0. b)) (z (λv0. v0) v (λv0. v0)) (z PAC (a (λv0. w)) (λv0. λv1. v1)) (z (λv0. v0) a (z (λv0. b)) (z (λv0. v0) v (λv0. v0)) (z PAC (a (λv0. w)) (λv0. λv1. v1)) (w PAC w))\r
+C z (λv0. v0) a (y v (λv0. y)) (z b (z (λv0. v0) v)) (a (λv0. w) (z PAC (λv0. v0)) (z (λv0. v0) a))\r
+C z b (w PAC w) (z (λv0. v0) v) (λv0. w) (y v (λv0. y)) (λv0. λv1. v1)\r
+C z PAC (λv0. v0) (λv0. w PAC) (λv0. z (λv1. v1) v) (λv0. z (λv1. v1) a (z (λv1. b)) (z (λv1. v1) v (λv1. v1)) (z PAC (a(λv1. w)) (λv1. λv2. v2))) (x (z (λv0. v0) a))\r
--- /dev/null
+D x PAC due tre\r
+C x uno due tre\r
then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso2 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams\r
else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso2 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams\r
in aux (n-1) inerts lams\r
- in aux (2*n) vars []\r
+ in aux (2*n) vars ["PAC"; "PAC"]\r
let test4 n vars =\r
let main =\r
Random.self_init ();\r
let num = 100 in\r
- let complex = 1000 in\r
+ let complex = 100 in\r
let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in\r
(* let open Parser in *)\r