let lift m =
let rec aux l =
- | V n -> V (if n < l then n else n+m)
+ | V n -> V (if n >= l then n+m else n)
| A (t1,t2) -> A (aux l t1, aux l t2)
| L t -> L (aux (l+1) t)
| B -> B
aux 0
(* Reference implementation.
- Reduction machine used below
+ Reduction machine used below *)
let subst delift_by_one what with_what =
let rec aux l =
| A(t1,t2) -> A(aux l t1, aux l t2)
| V n ->
- if n = what + l then
+ if (if what < 0 then n = what else n = what + l) then
lift l with_what
V (if delift_by_one && n >= l then n-1 else n)
| L t -> L (aux (l+1) t)
+ | B -> B
aux 0
-let rec whd =
+(* let rec whd =
| A(t1, t2) ->
let t2 = whd t2 in
unwind m
-let mwhd m =
- let rec aux =
- function
- | (e,A(t1,t2),s) ->
- let t2' = aux (e,t2,[]) in
- let (_,t,_) = t2' in
- if t = B
- then t2'
- else aux (e,t1,t2'::s)
- | (e,L t,x::s) -> aux (x::e,t,s)
- | (e,V n,s) as m ->
- (try
- let e,t,s' = List.nth e n in
- aux (e,t,s'@s)
- with Failure _ -> m)
- | (e, B, _) -> (e, B, [])
- | (_,L _,[]) as m -> m
- in
- unwind (aux m)
+(* let rec print_machine (e,t,s) =
+ "[" ^ String.concat "," (List.map print_machine e) ^
+ "|" ^ print t ^ "|" ^
+ String.concat "," (List.map print_machine s) ^ "]"
+;; *)
+ let mwhd m =
+ let rec aux g =
+ function
+ (* mmm -> print_endline (print_machine mmm); match mmm with *)
+ | (e,A(t1,t2),s) ->
+ let t2' = aux g (e,t2,[]) in
+ let (_,t,_) = t2' in
+ if t = B
+ then t2'
+ else aux g (e,t1,t2'::s)
+ | (e,L t,x::s) -> aux g (x::e,t,s)
+ | (e,V n,s) as m ->
+ (try
+ let e,t,s' = List.nth e n in
+ aux g (e,t,s'@s)
+ with Invalid_argument "List.nth" | Failure _ -> m
+ )
+ | (e, B, _) -> (e, B, [])
+ | (e, L t, []) ->
+ let t = subst true 0 (V g) t in
+ (* print_endline ("." ^ string_of_int g ^ " " ^ print_machine ((e,t,[]))); *)
+ let m' = aux (g-1) (e, t, []) in
+ let t' = unwind m' in
+ (* print_endline ("=" ^ print t');
+ print_endline ("==" ^ print (lift 1 t')); *)
+ let t' = subst false g (V 0) (lift 1 t') in
+ (* print_endline ("===" ^ print t'); *)
+ [], (if t' = B then t' else L t'), []
+ in
+ unwind (aux ~-2 m)
let omega should_explode =
if should_explode
then let f t = A(t,t) in f (L (f (V 0)))