MAL.add (recons_univ universe) (recons_entry entry) map)
graph MAL.empty
-let assert_univs_have_uri graph =
- let assert_univ u =
+let assert_univ u =
match u with
| (_,None) -> raise (UniverseInconsistency "This universe graph has a hole")
| _ -> ()
- in
+let assert_univs_have_uri graph =
let assert_set s =
SOF.iter (fun u -> assert_univ u) s
* CicEnvironment.restore_from_channel *)
val recons_graph: universe_graph -> universe_graph
+ (** re-hash-cons a single universe *)
+val recons_univ: universe -> universe
(** consistency chek that should be done before committin the graph to the
* cache *)
val assert_univs_have_uri: universe_graph -> unit
+ (** asserts the univers is named *)
+val assert_univ: universe -> unit
Benchmarking stuff