let verbose = false
exception Failure of string
-exception Multiple_interpretations
let fail msg = raise (Failure msg)
let uri_predicate = ref BatchParser.constants_only
~selection_mode ?ok ?enable_button_for_non_vars ~title ~msg ~id choices =
List.filter !uri_predicate choices
- let interactive_interpretation_choice _ = raise Multiple_interpretations
+ let interactive_interpretation_choice =
+ let rec aux n =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | _::tl -> n::(aux (n+1) tl)
+ in
+ aux 0
let input_or_locate_uri ~title = fail ("Unknown identifier: " ^ title)
debug_print ("ast:\n" ^ new_pp);
let new_ast = CicTextualParser2.parse_term (Stream.of_string new_pp) in
debug_print ("new_ast:\n" ^ CicAstPp.pp_term ast);
+ let res =
+ Disambiguate'.disambiguate_term mqi_handle [] [] new_ast
+ DisambiguateTypes.Environment.empty in
- (fun (_, _, term) ->
- debug_print ("term: " ^ CicPp.ppterm term))
- (Disambiguate'.disambiguate_term mqi_handle [] [] new_ast
- DisambiguateTypes.Environment.empty)
+ (fun (domain, _, term) ->
+ debug_print
+ ("domain: " ^ CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.to_string domain) ;
+ debug_print ("term: " ^ CicPp.ppterm term)
+ ) res ;
+ List.length res
match annobj with
| Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, None, ty, _) ->
| Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, Some bo, ty, _) ->
debug_print "Cic.AConstant (bo)";
- round_trip bo;
+ let n = round_trip bo in
debug_print "Cic.AConstant (ty)";
- round_trip ty
+ round_trip ty (* + n *)
| Cic.AVariable (_, _, None, ty, _) ->
debug_print "Cic.AVariable (ty)";
round_trip ty
| Cic.AVariable (_, _, Some bo, ty, _) ->
debug_print "Cic.AVariable (bo)";
- round_trip bo;
+ let n = round_trip bo in
debug_print "Cic.AVariable (ty)";
- round_trip ty
- | Cic.ACurrentProof (_, _, _, _, proof, ty, _) ->
- debug_print "Cic.ACurrentProof (proof)";
- round_trip proof;
- debug_print "Cic.ACurrentProof (ty)";
- round_trip ty
+ round_trip ty (* + n *)
+ | Cic.ACurrentProof (_, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ assert false
| Cic.AInductiveDefinition _ ->
- debug_print "AInductiveDefinition: boh ..."
+ debug_print "AInductiveDefinition: boh ..." ;
+ assert false
let test_uri uri =
- test_uri uri;
- `Ok
+ if test_uri uri = 1 then `Ok else `Maybe
- | Multiple_interpretations -> `Maybe
| exn ->
prerr_endline (sprintf "Top Level Uncaught Exception: %s"
(Printexc.to_string exn));