| `Exists -> "exists"
| `Forall -> "forall"
-let rec pp_term = function
+let pp_name = function Cic.Anonymous -> "_" | Cic.Name s -> s
+let rec pp_capture_variable = function
+ | name, None -> pp_name name
+ | name, Some typ -> "(" ^ pp_name name ^ ": " ^ pp_term typ ^ ")"
+and pp_term = function
| LocatedTerm ((p_begin, p_end), term) ->
(* sprintf "[%d,%d]%s" p_begin p_end (pp_term term) *)
pp_term term
| Appl terms -> sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat " " (List.map pp_term terms))
| Appl_symbol (symbol, _, terms) ->
sprintf "(%s %s)" symbol (String.concat " " (List.map pp_term terms))
- | Binder (kind, var, typ, body) ->
- sprintf "\\%s %s%s.%s" (pp_binder kind)
- (match var with Cic.Anonymous -> "_" | Cic.Name s -> s)
- (match typ with None -> "" | Some typ -> ": " ^ pp_term typ)
+ | Binder (kind, var, body) ->
+ sprintf "\\%s %s.%s" (pp_binder kind) (pp_capture_variable var)
(pp_term body)
| Case (term, indtype, typ, patterns) ->
sprintf "%smatch %s with %s"
(match typ with None -> "" | Some t -> sprintf "<%s>" (pp_term t))
(pp_term term) (pp_patterns patterns)
- | LetIn (name, t1, t2) ->
- sprintf "let %s = %s in %s" name (pp_term t1) (pp_term t2)
+ | LetIn (var, t1, t2) ->
+ sprintf "let %s = %s in %s" (pp_capture_variable var) (pp_term t1)
+ (pp_term t2)
| LetRec (kind, definitions, term) ->
sprintf "let %s %s in %s"
(match kind with `Inductive -> "rec" | `CoInductive -> "corec")
(String.concat " and "
- (fun (name, body, typ, index) ->
- sprintf "%s%s = %s" name
- (match typ with None -> "" | Some typ -> ": " ^ pp_term typ)
- (pp_term body))
+ (fun (var, body, _) ->
+ sprintf "%s = %s" (pp_capture_variable var) (pp_term body))
(pp_term term)
| Ident (name, []) -> name
and pp_subst (name, term) = sprintf "%s := %s" name (pp_term term)
and pp_substs substs = String.concat "; " (List.map pp_subst substs)
-and pp_pattern (names, term) =
+and pp_pattern ((head, vars), term) =
sprintf "%s -> %s"
- (match names with
- | [n] -> n
- | names -> "(" ^ String.concat " " names ^ ")")
+ (match vars with
+ | [] -> head
+ | _ ->
+ sprintf "(%s %s)" head
+ (String.concat " " (List.map pp_capture_variable vars)))
(pp_term term)
and pp_patterns patterns =