include "nat/nat.ma".
+include "sets/sets.ma".
ninductive le (n: nat) : nat → CProp[0] ≝
le_n: le n n
| le_S: ∀m. le n m → le n (S m).
-ndefinition lt ≝ λn,m. le (S n) m.
+interpretation "natural 'less or equal to'" 'leq x y = (le x y).
+interpretation "natural 'neither less nor equal to'" 'nleq x y = (Not (le x y)).
+ndefinition lt ≝ λn,m. S n ≤ m.
+interpretation "natural 'less than'" 'lt x y = (lt x y).
+interpretation "natural 'not less than'" 'nless x y = (Not (lt x y)).
nlemma le_O_n: ∀n. le O n.
#n; nelim n [ napply le_n | #n'; #H; napply le_S; nassumption ]
nlemma lt_O_Sn: ∀n. lt O (S n).
#n; napply le_S_S; napply le_O_n.
+ndefinition Nat_: nat → qpowerclass NAT.
+ #n; napply mk_qpowerclass
+ [ napply {m | m < n}
+ | #x; #x'; #H; nrewrite < H; napply mk_iff; #K; nassumption (* refl non va *) ]
include "nat/compare.ma".
include "nat/minus.ma".
-(* sbaglia a fare le proiezioni *)
-nrecord finite_partition (A: Type[0]) : Type[1] ≝
- { card: nat;
- class: ∀n. lt n card → Ω \sup A;
- inhabited: ∀i,p. class i p ≬ class i p(*;
- disjoint: ∀i,j,p,p'. class i p ≬ class j p' → i=j;
- covers: big_union ?? class = full_set A*)
- }.
-nrecord has_card (A: Type[0]) (S: Ω \sup A) (n: nat) : CProp[0] ≝
- { f: ∀m:nat. lt m n → A;
- in_S: ∀m.∀p:lt m n. f ? p ∈ S (*;
- f_inj: injective ?? f;
- f_sur: surjective ?? f*)
- }.
-nlemma subset_of_finite:
- ∀A. ∃n. has_card ? (full_subset A) n → ∀S. ∃m. has_card ? S m.
+alias symbol "eq" = "setoid eq".
+alias symbol "eq" = "setoid1 eq".
+nrecord partition (A: setoid) : Type[1] ≝
+ { support: setoid;
+ indexes: qpowerclass support;
+ class: support → qpowerclass A;
+ inhabited: ∀i. i ∈ indexes → class i ≬ class i;
+ disjoint: ∀i,j. i ∈ indexes → j ∈ indexes → class i ≬ class j → i=j;
+ covers: big_union support ? ? (λx.class x) = full_set A
+ }. napply indexes; nqed.
naxiom daemon: False.
nlet rec partition_splits_card_map
- A (P: finite_partition A) (s: ∀i. lt i (card ? P) → nat)
- (H:∀i.∀p: lt i (card ? P). has_card ? (class ? P i p) (s i p))
- m index on index:
- le (S index) (card ? P) → lt m (big_plus (S index) (λi,p. s i ?)) → lt index (card ? P) → A ≝
- match index return λx. le (S x) (card ? P) → lt m (big_plus (S x) ?) → lt x (card ? P) → ? with
- [ O ⇒ λL,H1,p.f ??? (H O p) m ?
- | S index' ⇒ λL,H1,p.
- match ltb m (s (S index') p) with
- [ or_introl K ⇒ f ??? (H (S index') p) m K
- | or_intror _ ⇒ partition_splits_card_map A P s H (minus m (s (S index') p)) index' ??? ]].
-##[##3: napply lt_minus; nelim daemon (*nassumption*)
- |##4: napply lt_Sn_m; nassumption
- |##5: napply (lt_le_trans … p); nassumption
-##|##2: napply lt_to_le; nassumption
-##|##1: nnormalize in H1; nelim daemon ]
+ A (P:partition A) n s (f:isomorphism ?? (Nat_ n) (indexes ? P))
+ (fi: ∀i. isomorphism ?? (Nat_ (s i)) (class ? P (iso_f ???? f i))) m index
+ on index : A ≝
+ match ltb m (s index) with
+ [ or_introl _ ⇒ iso_f ???? (fi index) m
+ | or_intror _ ⇒
+ match index with
+ [ O ⇒ (* dummy value: it could be an elim False: *) iso_f ???? (fi O) O
+ | S index' ⇒
+ partition_splits_card_map A P n s f fi (minus m (s index)) index']].
nlemma partition_splits_card:
- ∀A. ∀P: finite_partition A. ∀s: ∀i. lt i (card ? P) → nat.
- (∀i.∀p: lt i (card ? P). has_card ? (class ? P i p) (s i p)) →
- has_card A (full_set A) (big_plus (card ? P) s).
- #A; #P; #s; #H; ncases (card A P)
- [ nnormalize; napply mk_has_card
- [ #m; #H; nelim daemon
- | #m; #H; nelim daemon ]
-##| #c; napply mk_has_card
- [ #m; #H1; napply partition_splits_card_map A P s H m H1 (pred (card ? P))
- |
+ ∀A. ∀P:partition A. ∀n,s.
+ ∀f:isomorphism ?? (Nat_ n) (indexes ? P).
+ (∀i. isomorphism ?? (Nat_ (s i)) (class ? P (iso_f ???? f i))) →
+ (isomorphism ?? (Nat_ (big_plus n (λi.λ_.s i))) (Full_set A)).
+ #A; #P; #n; #s; #f; #fi; napply mk_isomorphism
+ [ napply mk_unary_morphism
+ [ napply (λm.partition_splits_card_map A P n s f fi m n)
+ | #a; #a'; #H; nrewrite < H; napply refl ]
+##| #y; #_;
+ ngeneralize in match (covers ? P) in ⊢ ?; *; #_; #Hc;
+ ngeneralize in match (Hc y I) in ⊢ ?; *; #index; *; #Hi1; #Hi2;
+ nelim daemon
+ | #x; #x'; nnormalize in ⊢ (? → ? → %);
+ nelim daemon
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
ndefinition union ≝ λA.λU,V:Ω \sup A.{ x | x ∈ U ∨ x ∈ V }.
interpretation "union" 'union U V = (union ? U V).
-ndefinition big_union ≝ λA.λT:Type[0].λf:T → Ω \sup A.{ x | ∃i. x ∈ f i }.
+ndefinition big_union ≝ λA,B.λT:Ω \sup A.λf:A → Ω \sup B.{ x | ∃i. i ∈ T ∧ x ∈ f i }.
-ndefinition big_intersection ≝ λA.λT:Type[0].λf:T → Ω \sup A.{ x | ∀i. x ∈ f i }.
+ndefinition big_intersection ≝ λA,B.λT:Ω \sup A.λf:A → Ω \sup B.{ x | ∀i. i ∈ T → x ∈ f i }.
ndefinition full_set: ∀A. Ω \sup A ≝ λA.{ x | True }.
(* bug dichiarazione coercion qui *)
mem_ok': ∀x,x':A. x=x' → (x ∈ pc) = (x' ∈ pc)
+ndefinition Full_set: ∀A. qpowerclass A.
+ #A; napply mk_qpowerclass
+ [ napply (full_set A)
+ | #x; #x'; #H; nnormalize in ⊢ (?%?%%); (* bug universi qui napply refl1;*)
+ napply mk_iff; #K; nassumption ]
ndefinition qseteq: ∀A. equivalence_relation1 (qpowerclass A).
#A; napply mk_equivalence_relation1
[ napply (λS,S':qpowerclass A. eq_rel1 ? (eq1 (powerclass_setoid A)) S S')
#A; #B; #f; #x; napply refl;
-ndefinition surjective ≝ λA,B.λf:unary_morphism A B. ∀y.∃x. f x = y.
+ndefinition surjective ≝
+ λA,B.λS: qpowerclass A.λT: qpowerclass B.λf:unary_morphism A B.
+ ∀y. y ∈ T → ∃x. x ∈ S ∧ f x = y.
-ndefinition injective ≝ λA,B.λf:unary_morphism A B. ∀x,x'. f x = f x' → x = x'.
+ndefinition injective ≝
+ λA,B.λS: qpowerclass A.λf:unary_morphism A B.
+ ∀x,x'. x ∈ S → x' ∈ S → f x = f x' → x = x'.
nlemma first_omomorphism_theorem_functions2:
- ∀A,B.∀f: unary_morphism A B. surjective ?? (canonical_proj ? (eqrel_of_morphism ?? f)).
- #A; #B; #f; nwhd; #y; napply (ex_intro … y); napply refl.
+ ∀A,B.∀f: unary_morphism A B. surjective ?? (Full_set ?) (Full_set ?) (canonical_proj ? (eqrel_of_morphism ?? f)).
+ #A; #B; #f; nwhd; #y; #Hy; napply (ex_intro … y); napply conj
+ [ napply I | napply refl]
nlemma first_omomorphism_theorem_functions3:
- ∀A,B.∀f: unary_morphism A B. injective ?? (quotiented_mor ?? f).
- #A; #B; #f; nwhd; #x; #x'; #H; nassumption.
+ ∀A,B.∀f: unary_morphism A B. injective ?? (Full_set ?) (quotiented_mor ?? f).
+ #A; #B; #f; nwhd; #x; #x'; #Hx; #Hx'; #K; nassumption.
+nrecord isomorphism (A) (B) (S: qpowerclass A) (T: qpowerclass B) : CProp[0] ≝
+ { iso_f:> unary_morphism A B;
+ f_sur: surjective ?? S T iso_f;
+ f_inj: injective ?? S iso_f
+ }.