module C = NCic
module Ref = NReference
+module E = NCicEnvironment
module type Strategy = sig
type stack_term
tl1 tl2 true relevance
with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
- | (C.Match (ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1),
- C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) ->
+ | (C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,_)) as ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1),
+ C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) ->
+ let _,_,itl,_,_ = E.get_checked_indtys ref1 in
+ let _,_,ty,_ = List.nth itl tyno in
+ let rec remove_prods ~subst context ty =
+ let ty = whd ~subst context ty in
+ match ty with
+ | C.Sort _ -> ty
+ | C.Prod (name,so,ta) -> remove_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) ta
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let is_prop =
+ match remove_prods ~subst [] ty with
+ | C.Sort C.Prop -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
Ref.eq ref1 ref2 &&
aux test_eq_only context outtype1 outtype2 &&
- aux test_eq_only context term1 term2 &&
+ (is_prop || aux test_eq_only context term1 term2) &&
(try List.for_all2 (aux test_eq_only context) pl1 pl2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
| (C.Implicit _, _) | (_, C.Implicit _) -> assert false
| (_,_) -> false