(*CSC: mettere in cicSubstitution *)
let rec subst_inductive_type_with_dummy _ = function
| C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri',Ref.Ind (true,0,_))) when NUri.eq uri' uri -> dummy
- | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri',Ref.Ind (true,0,_))))::_)
- when NUri.eq uri' uri -> dummy
+ | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri',Ref.Ind (true,0,lno))))::tl)
+ when NUri.eq uri' uri ->
+ let _, rargs = HExtlib.split_nth lno tl in
+ if rargs = [] then dummy else C.Appl (dummy :: rargs)
| t -> U.map (fun _ x->x) () subst_inductive_type_with_dummy t
- match R.whd context te with
- | C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri',Ref.Ind _))
- | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri',Ref.Ind _)))::_)
- when NUri.eq uri' uri -> true
- | C.Prod (name,source,dest) when
- does_not_occur ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context) 0 1 dest ->
- (* dummy abstraction, so we behave as in the anonimous case *)
- strictly_positive ~subst context n nn
- (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy () source) &&
- weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
- (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
- | C.Prod (name,source,dest) ->
- does_not_occur ~subst context n nn
- (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy () source)&&
- weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
- (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
- | _ ->
- raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "Malformed inductive constructor type"))
+ (* this function has the same semantics of are_all_occurrences_positive
+ but the i-th context entry role is played by dummy and some checks
+ are skipped because we already know that are_all_occurrences_positive
+ of uri in te. *)
+ let rec aux context n nn te =
+ match R.whd context te with
+ | t when t = dummy -> true
+ | C.Appl (te::rargs) when te = dummy ->
+ List.for_all (does_not_occur ~subst context n nn) rargs
+ | C.Prod (name,source,dest) when
+ does_not_occur ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context) 0 1 dest ->
+ (* dummy abstraction, so we behave as in the anonimous case *)
+ strictly_positive ~subst context n nn source &&
+ weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
+ (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
+ | C.Prod (name,source,dest) ->
+ does_not_occur ~subst context n nn source &&
+ weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
+ (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
+ | _ ->
+ raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "Malformed inductive constructor type"))
+ in
+ aux context n nn (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy () te)
and strictly_positive ~subst context n nn te =
match R.whd context te with
let rec aux context ty = function
| [] -> []
| arg::tl -> match R.whd ~subst context ty with
- | C.Prod (name,so,de) ->
+ | C.Prod (_,so,de) ->
let sort = typeof ~subst ~metasenv:[] context so in
let new_ty = S.subst ~avoid_beta_redexes:true arg de in
(*prerr_endline ("so: " ^ PP.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv:[]
) [] subst)
-let check_rel1_irrelevant ~metasenv ~subst context = fun _ -> ();;
-(* let shift e (k, context) = k+1,e::context in
- let rec aux (evil, context as k) () t =
- match R.whd ~subst context t with
- | C.Rel i when i = evil -> (*
- raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy (Printf.sprintf
- "Argument %s declared as irrelevante is used in a relevant position"
- (PP.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context (C.Rel i))))) *) ()
- | C.Meta _ -> ()
- | C.Lambda (name,so,tgt) ->
- (* checking so is not needed since the implicit version of CC
- * has untyped lambdas (curry style), see Barras and Bernardo *)
- aux (shift (name,C.Decl so) k) () tgt
- | C.Appl (C.Const ref::args) ->
- let relevance = NCicEnvironment.get_relevance ref in
- HExtlib.list_iter_default2
- (fun t -> function false -> () | _ -> aux k () t)
- args true relevance
- | C.Match (_, _, _, []) -> ()
- | C.Match (ref, _, t, [p]) ->
- aux k () p;
- let _,lno,itl,_,_ = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
- let _,_,_,cl = List.hd itl in
- let _,_,c = List.hd cl in
- if not (is_non_informative lno c) then aux k () t
- | C.Match (_, _, t, pl) -> List.iter (aux k ()) (t::pl)
- | t -> U.fold shift k aux () t
- in
- aux (1, context) () *)
let typecheck_obj (uri,_height,metasenv,subst,kind) =
(* height is not checked since it is only used to implement an optimization *)