exception Pacman
exception Bottom
exception Backtrack of string
-exception Fail of string
let first bound p var f =
let p = {p with trail = (List.map (!) p.deltas)::p.trail} in
let arity_of arities k =
let _,pos,y = List.find (fun (v,_,_) -> v=k) arities in
- let arity = match y with `Var _ -> 0 | `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | _ -> assert false in
+ let arity = match y with `Var _ -> 0 | `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | `N _ -> assert false in
arity + if pos = -1 then - 1 else 0
Not_found -> ([],Pure.V n,[]))::e
in aux 0
+(* ************************************************************************** *)
+type response = [
+ | `CompleteSeparable of string
+ | `CompleteUnseparable of string
+ | `Uncomplete
+type result = [
+ `Complete | `Uncomplete
+] * [
+ | `Separable of (int * Num.nf) list
+ | `Unseparable of string
+let run p =
+ Console.print_hline();
+ prerr_endline (string_of_problem "main" p);
+ let p_finale = auto p p.initialSpecialK in
+ let freshno,sigma = p_finale.freshno, p_finale.sigma in
+ prerr_endline ("------- <DONE> ------ measure=. \n ");
+ let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in
+ List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma;
-let solve p =
- if List.for_all (function `N _ -> true | _ -> false) p.ps && p.div = None
- then (prerr_endline "Initial problem is already completed, nothing to do")
- else (
- Console.print_hline();
- prerr_endline (string_of_problem "main" p);
- let p_finale =
- try
- auto p p.initialSpecialK
- with Backtrack _ -> raise (Fail "Unsolvable problem, apparently") in
- let freshno,sigma = p_finale.freshno, p_finale.sigma in
- prerr_endline ("------- <DONE> ------ measure=. \n ");
- (* prerr_endline (string_of_problem "Original problem" p); *)
- (* prerr_endline "---------------------"; *)
- let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in
- (* prerr_endline "---------------------"; *)
- List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma;
- prerr_endline "----------------------";
- let ps =
- List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) ->
- (* CSC: XXXX Is the subst always sorted correctly? Otherwise, implement a recursive subst *)
- (* In this non-recursive version, the intermediate states may containt Matchs *)
- List.map (fun t -> let t = subst false x inst (t :> nf) in cast_to_i_num_var t) ps)
- (p.ps :> i_num_var list) sigma in
- prerr_endline (string_of_problem {p with ps= List.map (function t -> cast_to_i_n_var t) ps; freshno});
- List.iteri (fun i (n,more_args) -> assert (more_args = 0 && n = `N i)) ps ;
- prerr_endline "---------<OPT>----------";
- let sigma = optimize_numerals p_finale in (* optimize numerals *)
- let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in
- List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma;
- prerr_endline "---------<PURE>---------";
- let scott_of_nf t = ToScott.scott_of_nf (t :> nf) in
- let div = option_map scott_of_nf p.div in
- let conv = List.map scott_of_nf p.conv in
- let ps = List.map scott_of_nf p.ps in
- let sigma' = List.map (fun (x,inst) -> x, ToScott.scott_of_nf inst) sigma in
- let e' = env_of_sigma freshno sigma' in
+ prerr_endline "---------<OPT>----------";
+ let sigma = optimize_numerals p_finale in (* optimize numerals *)
+ let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in
+ List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma;
+ prerr_endline "---------<PURE>---------";
+ let scott_of_nf t = ToScott.scott_of_nf (t :> nf) in
+ let div = option_map scott_of_nf p.div in
+ let conv = List.map scott_of_nf p.conv in
+ let ps = List.map scott_of_nf p.ps in
+ let sigma' = List.map (fun (x,inst) -> x, ToScott.scott_of_nf inst) sigma in
+ let e' = env_of_sigma freshno sigma' in
+ prerr_endline "--------<REDUCE>---------";
+ (function Some div ->
+ print_endline (Pure.print div);
+ let t = Pure.mwhd (e',div,[]) in
+ prerr_endline ("*:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
+ assert (t = Pure.B)
+ | None -> ()) div;
+ List.iter (fun n ->
+ verbose ("_::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
+ let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
+ verbose ("_:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
+ assert (t <> Pure.B)
+ ) conv ;
+ List.iteri (fun i n ->
+ verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ "::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
+ let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
+ verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print t));
+ assert (t = Scott.mk_n i)
+ ) ps ;
+ prerr_endline "-------- </DONE> --------";
+ p_finale.sigma
- prerr_endline "---------<PPP>---------";
-let rec print_e e =
-"[" ^ String.concat ";" (List.map (fun (e,t,[]) -> print_e e ^ ":" ^ Pure.print t) e) ^ "]"
- prerr_endline (print_e e);
- List.iter (fun (t,t_ok) ->
- prerr_endline ("T0= " ^ Pure.print t ^ "\nTM= " ^ Pure.print (Pure.unwind (e,t,[])) ^ "\nOM= " ^ Pure.print t_ok);
- (*assert (Pure.unwind (e,t,[]) = t_ok)*)
- ) (List.combine ps ps_ok);
- prerr_endline "--------<REDUCE>---------";
- (function Some div ->
- print_endline (Pure.print div);
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',div,[]) in
- prerr_endline ("*:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t = Pure.B)
- | None -> ()) div;
- List.iter (fun n ->
- verbose ("_::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
- verbose ("_:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t <> Pure.B)
- ) conv ;
- List.iteri (fun i n ->
- verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ "::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
- verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t = Scott.mk_n i)
- ) ps ;
- prerr_endline "-------- </DONE> --------"
- )
+let solve (p, todo) =
+ let completeness, to_run =
+ match todo with
+ | `CompleteUnseparable s -> `Complete, `False s
+ | `CompleteSeparable _ -> `Complete, `True
+ | `Uncomplete -> `Uncomplete, `True in
+ match to_run with
+ | `False s -> completeness, `Unseparable s
+ | `True ->
+ try
+ let sigma = run p in
+ completeness, `Separable sigma
+ with
+ | Backtrack _ -> completeness, `Unseparable "backtrack"
-(********************** problems *******************)
+let check p =
+ (* check if there are duplicates in p.ps *)
+ (* FIXME what about initial fragments? *)
+ if (let rec f = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | hd::tl -> List.exists (eta_eq hd) tl || f tl in
+ f p.ps)
+ then `CompleteUnseparable "ps contains duplicates"
+ (* check if div occurs somewhere in ps@conv *)
+ else if (match p.div with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some div -> not (List.exists (eta_subterm div) (p.ps@p.conv))
+ ) && false (* TODO no bombs && pacmans *)
+ then `CompleteSeparable "no bombs, pacmans and div"
+ else if false (* TODO bombs or div fuori da lambda in ps@conv *)
+ then `CompleteUnseparable "bombs or div fuori da lambda in ps@conv"
+ else if p.div = None
+ then `CompleteSeparable "no div"
+ else `Uncomplete
let zero = `Var(0,0);;
let append_zero =
| `I _
- | `Var _ as i -> cast_to_i_n_var (mk_app i zero)
- | _ -> assert false
+ | `Var _ as i -> cast_to_i_n_var (mk_app i zero)
+ | `N _ -> raise (Parser.ParsingError " numbers in ps")
let problem_of ~div ~conv ~nums =
let all_tms = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> [div]) @ nums @ conv in
let all_tms, var_names = Parser.parse' all_tms in
- let div, (tms, conv) = match div with
- | None -> None, list_cut (List.length nums, all_tms)
- | Some _ -> Some (List.hd all_tms), list_cut (List.length nums, List.tl all_tms) in
- if match div with None -> false | Some div -> List.exists (eta_subterm div) (tms@conv)
- then (
- prerr_endline "--- TEST SKIPPED ---";
- {freshno=0; div=None; conv=[]; ps=[]; sigma=[]; deltas=[]; initialSpecialK=0; trail=[]}
- ) else
- let tms = sort_uniq ~compare:eta_compare tms in
- let special_k = compute_special_k (Listx.from_list all_tms) in (* compute initial special K *)
- (* casts *)
- let div =
- match div with
- | None | Some `Bottom -> None
- | Some (`I _ as t) -> Some t
- | _ -> raise (Fail "div is not an inert or BOT in the initial problem") in
- let conv = Util.filter_map (
- function
- | #i_n_var as t -> Some t
- | `Lam _ -> None
- | _ -> raise (Fail "A term in conv is not i_n_var")
- ) conv in
- let tms = List.map (
- function
- | #i_n_var as y -> y
- | _ -> raise (Fail "A term in num is not i_n_var")
- ) tms in
- let ps = List.map append_zero tms in (* crea lista applicando zeri o dummies *)
- let freshno = List.length var_names in
- let deltas =
- let dummy = `Var (max_int / 2, -666) in
- [ ref (Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length ps) (fun i -> i, dummy))) ] in
- let trail = [] in
- {freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma=[] ; deltas; initialSpecialK=special_k; trail}
-let should_fail f =
- try
- solve (f ());
- failwith "The problem should have failed"
- with Fail _ ->
- prerr_endline "The problem failed, as expected"
+ let div, (ps, conv) = match div with
+ | None -> None, list_cut (List.length nums, all_tms)
+ | Some _ -> Some (List.hd all_tms), list_cut (List.length nums, List.tl all_tms) in
+ let div =
+ match div with
+ | None | Some `Bottom -> None
+ | Some (`I _ as t) -> Some t
+ | _ -> raise (Parser.ParsingError "div is not an inert or BOT in the initial problem") in
+ let conv = Util.filter_map (
+ function
+ | #i_n_var as t -> Some t
+ | `Lam _ -> None
+ | _ -> raise (Parser.ParsingError "A term in conv is not i_n_var")
+ ) conv in
+ let ps = List.map (
+ function
+ | #i_n_var as y -> y
+ | _ -> raise (Parser.ParsingError "A term in num is not i_n_var")
+ ) ps in
+ let ps = List.map append_zero ps in (* crea lista applicando zeri o dummies *)
+ let ps = sort_uniq ~compare:eta_compare (ps :> nf list) in
+ let ps = List.map (cast_to_i_n_var) ps in
+ (* TODO: *)
+ (* replace div with bottom in problem??? *)
+ let special_k = compute_special_k (Listx.from_list all_tms) in (* compute initial special K *)
+ let freshno = List.length var_names in
+ let deltas =
+ let dummy = `Var (max_int / 2, -666) in
+ [ ref (Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length ps) (fun i -> i, dummy))) ] in
+ let trail = [] in
+ let p = {freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma=[] ; deltas; initialSpecialK=special_k; trail} in
+ p, check p