let n_right_args = List.length right_args in
let n_lambdas = n_right_args + 1 in
let lifted_ty = CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas ty in
- let replace = ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting
- ~equality:(CicUtil.alpha_equivalence)
- in
let captured_ty =
let what =
- List.map (CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas) (right_args@[term])
+ List.map (CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas) (right_args)
- let with_what =
+ let with_what meta =
let rec mkargs = function
- | 0 -> []
- | 1 -> [Cic.Rel 1]
- | n -> (Cic.Rel n)::(mkargs (n-1))
+ | 0 -> assert false
+ | 1 -> []
+ | n ->
+ (if meta then Cic.Implicit None else Cic.Rel n)::(mkargs (n-1))
mkargs n_lambdas
- replace ~what ~with_what ~where:lifted_ty
+ let replaced = ref false in
+ let replace = ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting
+ ~equality:(fun a b -> let rc = CicUtil.alpha_equivalence a b in
+ if rc then replaced := true; rc)
+ in
+ let captured =
+ replace ~what:[CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas term]
+ ~with_what:[Cic.Rel 1] ~where:lifted_ty
+ in
+ if not !replaced then
+ (* this means the matched term is not there,
+ * but maybe right params are: we user rels (to right args lambdas) *)
+ replace ~what ~with_what:(with_what false) ~where:captured
+ else
+ (* since the matched is there, rights should be inferrable *)
+ replace ~what ~with_what:(with_what true) ~where:captured
let captured_term_ty =
let term_ty = CicSubstitution.lift n_right_args termty in