- { K.proof_name = None ;
+ { K.proof_name = inner_proof.K.proof_name;
K.proof_id = gen_id seed;
K.proof_context = [] ;
- K.proof_apply_context = [inner_proof];
+ K.proof_apply_context = [{inner_proof with K.proof_name = None}];
K.proof_conclude =
{ K.conclude_id = gen_id seed;
K.conclude_aref = id;
let module K = Content in
let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ (match name_of n with
+ Some "w" -> prerr_endline ("build_def: " ^ sort );
+ | _ -> ());
if sort = "Prop" then
- `Proof (acic2content seed ?name:(name_of n) ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types t)
+ (prerr_endline ("entro");
+ let p =
+ (acic2content seed ?name:(name_of n) ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types t)
+ in
+ (match p.K.proof_name with
+ Some "w" -> prerr_endline ("TUTTO BENE:");
+ | Some s -> prerr_endline ("mi chiamo " ^ s);
+ | _ -> prerr_endline ("ho perso il nome"););
+ prerr_endline ("esco"); `Proof p;)
+ (prerr_endline ("siamo qui???");
{ K.def_name = name_of n;
K.def_id = gen_id seed;
K.def_aref = id;
K.def_term = t
- }
+ })
Not_found -> assert false
else raise Not_a_proof
| C.ALetIn (id,n,s,t) ->
let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- if sort = "Prop" then
+ if sort = "Prop" then
let proof = aux t in
let proof' =
if proof.K.proof_conclude.K.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
with Not_found -> -1) in
if n<0 then raise NotApplicable
+ let method_name =
+ if uri_str = "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic_Type/exT_ind.con" then
+ "Exists"
+ else "ByInduction" in
let prefix = String.sub uri_str 0 n in
let ind_str = (prefix ^ ".ind") in
let ind_uri = UriManager.uri_of_string ind_str in
if n = 0 then ([],l) else
let p,a = split (n-1) (List.tl l) in
((List.hd l::p),a) in
- let params_and_IP,tail_args = split (noparams+1) args in
+ let params_and_IP,tail_args = split (noparams+1) args in
+ if method_name = "Exists" then
+ (prerr_endline ("+++++args++++:" ^ string_of_int (List.length args));
+ prerr_endline ("+++++tail++++:" ^ string_of_int (List.length tail_args)));
let constructors =
(match inductive_types with
[(_,_,_,l)] -> l
hdarg::(build_method_args (tlc,tla))
| _ -> assert false in
build_method_args (constructors1,args_for_cases) in
- { K.proof_name = None;
+ { K.proof_name = name;
K.proof_id = gen_id seed;
K.proof_context = [];
K.proof_apply_context = serialize seed subproofs;
K.proof_conclude =
{ K.conclude_id = gen_id seed;
K.conclude_aref = id;
- K.conclude_method = "ByInduction";
+ K.conclude_method = method_name;
K.conclude_args =
K.Aux (string_of_int no_constructors)
::K.Term (C.AAppl id ((C.AConst(idc,uri,exp_named_subst))::params_and_IP))
else K.Term a in
hd::(ma_aux (n-1) tl) in
(ma_aux 3 args) in
- { K.proof_name = None;
+ { K.proof_name = name;
K.proof_id = gen_id seed;
K.proof_context = [];
K.proof_apply_context = serialize seed subproofs;
exception RferenceToCurrentProof;;
exception ReferenceToInductiveDefinition;;
let rec fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty te =
let module C = Cic in
let module S = CicSubstitution in
-(* prerr_endline ("entering fix_lambdas: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
- flush stderr ; *)
- (* cast e altra porcheria ???? *)
+(* prerr_endline ("entering fix_lambdas: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
+ match ty with
+ C.Prod (_,_,ty') ->
+ (match CicReduction.whd [] te with
+ C.Lambda (n,s,te') ->
+ C.Lambda (n,s,fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' te')
+ | t ->
+ let rec get_sources =
+ function
+ C.Prod (_,s,ty) -> s::(get_sources ty)
+ | _ -> [] in
+ let sources = get_sources ty in
+ let no_sources = List.length sources in
+ let rec mk_rels n shift =
+ if n = 0 then []
+ else (C.Rel (n + shift))::(mk_rels (n - 1) shift) in
+ let t' = S.lift no_sources t in
+ let t2 =
+ match t' with
+ C.Appl l ->
+ C.LetIn
+ (C.Name "w",t',C.Appl ((C.Rel 1)::(mk_rels no_sources 1)))
+ | _ ->
+ C.Appl (t'::(mk_rels no_sources 0)) in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun source t -> C.Lambda (C.Name "y",source,t))
+ sources t2)
+ | _ -> te
+;; *)
+let rec fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty te =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+(* prerr_endline ("entering fix_lambdas: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
+ match ty,te with
+ C.Prod (_,_,ty'), C.Lambda (n,s,te') ->
+ C.Lambda (n,s,fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' te')
+ | C.Prod (_,s,ty'), t ->
+ let rec get_sources =
+ function
+ C.Prod (_,s,ty) -> s::(get_sources ty)
+ | _ -> [] in
+ let sources = get_sources ty in
+ let no_sources = List.length sources in
+ let rec mk_rels n shift =
+ if n = 0 then []
+ else (C.Rel (n + shift))::(mk_rels (n - 1) shift) in
+ let t' = S.lift no_sources t in
+ let t2 =
+ match t' with
+ C.Appl l ->
+ C.LetIn (C.Name "w",t',C.Appl ((C.Rel 1)::(mk_rels no_sources 1)))
+ | _ -> C.Appl (t'::(mk_rels no_sources 0)) in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun source t -> C.Lambda (C.Name "y",CicReduction.whd [] source,t)) sources t2
+ | _, _ -> te
+let rec fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty te =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+(* prerr_endline ("entering fix_lambdas: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
match ty,te with
C.Prod (_,_,ty'), C.Lambda (n,s,te') ->
C.Lambda (n,s,fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' te')
+ | C.Prod (_,s,ty'), ((C.Appl (C.Const _ ::_)) as t) ->
+ (* const have a fixed arity *)
+ (* prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 0: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
+ let t' = S.lift 1 t in
+ C.Lambda (C.Name "x",s,
+ C.LetIn
+ (C.Name "H", fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' t',
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1;C.Rel 2]))
| C.Prod (_,s,ty'), C.Appl l ->
- prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 1: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
- flush stderr ;
+ (* prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 1: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
let l' = List.map (S.lift 1) l in
C.Lambda (C.Name "x",s,
fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' (C.Appl (l'@[C.Rel 1])))
| C.Prod (_,s,ty'), _ ->
- prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 2: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
+ (* prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 2: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te); *)
flush stderr ;
let te' = S.lift 1 te in
C.Lambda (C.Name "x",s,
fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' (C.Appl [te';C.Rel 1]))
| _, _ -> te
let fix_according_to_type ty hd tl =
let module C = Cic in
let module S = CicSubstitution in
- let rec aux ty tl res =
- (* prerr_endline ("entering aux_1 with type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty);
- flush stderr ; *)
- match ty with
- C.Rel _
- | C.Var _
- | C.Meta _
- | C.Sort _
- | C.Implicit ->
+ let rec count_prods =
+ function
+ C.Prod (_,_,t) -> 1 + (count_prods t)
+ | _ -> 0 in
+ let expected_arity = count_prods ty in
+ let rec aux n ty tl res =
+ if n = 0 then
(match tl with
[] -> C.Appl res
- | _ ->
- prerr_endline ("******* fat - too many args: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res));
- flush stderr ;
- C.LetIn
- (C.Name "H", C.Appl res, C.Appl (C.Rel 1::(List.map (S.lift 1) tl))))
- | C.Cast (v,t) -> aux v tl res
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- (match tl with
- [] ->
- prerr_endline ("******* fat - eta expansion: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res));
- flush stderr ;
- let res' = List.map (S.lift 1) res
- in
+ | _ ->
+ match res with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [a] -> C.Appl (a::tl)
+ | _ ->
+ (* prerr_endline ("******* too many args: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res)); *)
+ C.LetIn
+ (C.Name "H",
+ C.Appl res, C.Appl (C.Rel 1::(List.map (S.lift 1) tl))))
+ else
+ let name,source,target =
+ (match ty with
+ C.Prod (C.Name _ as n,s,t) -> n,s,t
+ | C.Prod (C.Anonymous, s,t) -> C.Name "z",s,t
+ | _ -> (* prods number may only increase for substitution *)
+ assert false) in
+ match tl with
+ [] ->
+ (* prerr_endline ("******* too few args: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res)); *)
+ let res' = List.map (S.lift 1) res in
- (C.Name "x", (* Andrea: to do: generate a fresh name *)
- s,
- aux t [] (res'@[C.Rel 1]))
+ (name, source, aux (n-1) target [] (res'@[C.Rel 1]))
| hd::tl' ->
- let hd' = fix_lambdas_wrt_type s hd
- in
- aux (S.subst hd' t) tl' (res@[hd']))
- | C.Lambda _ -> assert false
- | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> aux (S.subst s t) tl res
- | C.Appl _
- | C.Const _
- | C.MutInd _
- | C.MutConstruct _
- | C.MutCase _
- | C.Fix _
- | C.CoFix _ -> (* ???? *)
- (match tl with
- [] -> C.Appl res
- | _ -> (* Andrea: to do: generate a fresh name *)
- C.LetIn
- (C.Name "H",
- C.Appl res,
- C.Appl (C.Rel 1::(List.map (S.lift 1) tl))))
- in
- aux ty tl [hd]
+ let hd' = fix_lambdas_wrt_type source hd in
+ (* (prerr_endline ("++++++prima :" ^(CicPp.ppterm hd));
+ prerr_endline ("++++++dopo :" ^(CicPp.ppterm hd'))); *)
+ aux (n-1) (S.subst hd' target) tl' (res@[hd']) in
+ aux expected_arity ty tl [hd]
let eta_fix metasenv t =
| C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
| C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
| C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
- | C.Appl l ->
+ | C.Appl l as appl ->
let l' = List.map eta_fix' l
(match l' with
| C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition
- fix_according_to_type constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l''
+ let result = fix_according_to_type constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l'' in
+ if not (CicReduction.are_convertible [] appl result) then
+ (prerr_endline ("prima :" ^(CicPp.ppterm appl));
+ prerr_endline ("dopo :" ^(CicPp.ppterm result)));
+ result
| _ -> C.Appl l' )
| C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
let exp_named_subst' =
eta_fix' t