let rec aux newmeta =
C.Cast (he,_) -> aux newmeta he
+ (* If the expected type is a Type, then also Set is OK ==>
+ * we accept any term of type Type *)
+ (*CSC: BUG HERE: in this way it is possible for the term of
+ * type Type to be different from a Sort!!! *)
+ | C.Prod (name,(C.Sort C.Type as s),t) ->
+ let irl =
+ CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context
+ in
+ let newargument = C.Meta (newmeta+1,irl) in
+ let (res,newmetasenv,arguments,lastmeta) =
+ aux (newmeta + 2) (S.subst newargument t)
+ in
+ res,
+ (newmeta,[],s)::(newmeta+1,context,C.Meta (newmeta,[]))::newmetasenv,
+ newargument::arguments,lastmeta
| C.Prod (name,s,t) ->
let irl =
CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context
let newmetasenv = metasenv'@newmetas in
let subst,newmetasenv' =
- CicUnification.fo_unif newmetasenv context consthead ty
+ CicUnification.fo_unif newmetasenv context consthead ty
let in_subst_domain i = List.exists (function (j,_) -> i=j) subst in
let apply_subst = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst in