let fixed_args bos j n nn =
let rec aux k acc = function
| NCic.Appl (NCic.Rel i::args) when i+k > n && i+k <= nn ->
- (try
- let lefts, _ = HExtlib.split_nth j args in
- List.map (fun ((b,x),i) -> b && x = NCic.Rel (k-i))
- (HExtlib.list_mapi (fun x i -> x,i) (List.combine acc lefts))
- with Failure "HExtlib.split_nth" -> assert false)
- (* se sono meno di j, fino a j deduco, dopo false *)
+ let rec combine l1 l2 =
+ match l1,l2 with
+ [],[] -> []
+ | he1::tl1, he2::tl2 -> (he1,he2)::combine tl1 tl2
+ | he::tl, [] -> (false,NCic.Rel ~-1)::combine tl [] (* dummy term *)
+ | [],_::_ -> assert false
+ in
+ let lefts, _ = HExtlib.split_nth (min j (List.length args)) args in
+ List.map (fun ((b,x),i) -> b && x = NCic.Rel (k-i))
+ (HExtlib.list_mapi (fun x i -> x,i) (combine acc lefts))
| t -> NCicUtils.fold (fun _ k -> k+1) k aux acc t
List.fold_left (aux 0)
let rec typeof ~subst ~metasenv context term =
let rec typeof_aux context =
- fun t -> (*prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppterm ~context t); *)
+ fun t -> (*prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t);*)
match t with
| C.Rel n ->