Some (u, []), add l
| Cic.Appl ((Cic.MutInd (u, t, exp_named_subst))::l) ->
let suri = UriManager.uri_of_uriref u t None in
- if u = HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI then
+ if LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI u then
(* equality is handled in a special way: in particular,
the type, if defined, is always added to the prefix,
and n is not decremented - it should have been n-2 *)
let suri1 = UriManager.uri_of_uriref u1 t1 (Some c1) in
let inconcl = UriManagerSet.remove suri1 (add l1) in
Some (suri, [suri1]), inconcl
- | _ :: _ -> Some (suri, []), UriManagerSet.empty
+ | _ :: tl -> Some (suri, []), add tl
| _ -> assert false (* args number must be > 0 *)
Some (suri, []), add l (fun uri -> (card, uri)) res))
- Printf.fprintf stderr "all: %d\n" (List.length all);flush_all ();
+(* Printf.fprintf stderr "all: %d\n" (List.length all);flush_all (); *)
List.filter (function (_,uri) -> at_most ~dbd ~where constants uri) all in
let equal_to = compute_exactly ~dbd ~facts ~where main prefixes in
greater_than @ equal_to