(* well typed and avoid_beta_redexes is true. *)
val subst : ?avoid_beta_redexes:bool -> NCic.term -> NCic.term -> NCic.term
-(* psubst [avoid] [delift] [lift_args] [t] [map_arg] [args]
+(* psubst [avoid] [map_arg] [args] [t]
* [avoid] : do not leave newly created beta-redexes, default false
- * [delift] : perform delifting
* [t] : term to fill in
- * [lift_args] : lift argument after map_arg is applied
* [args] : stuff to substitute
* [map_arg] : map the argument to obtain a term
* the function is ReductionStrategy.from_env_for_unwind when psubst is