let send_headers ~headers outchan =
List.iter (fun (header, value) -> send_header ~header ~value outchan) headers
- (** internal: parse a code argument from a function which have two optional
- arguments "code" and "status" *)
-let get_code_argument func_name =
- fun ~code ~status ->
- (match code, status with
- | Some c, None -> c
- | None, Some s -> code_of_status s
- | Some _, Some _ -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
- failwith (func_name ^ " you must give 'code' or 'status', not both")
- | None, None -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
- failwith (func_name ^ " you must give 'code' or 'status', not none"))
(** internal: low level for send_status_line *)
-let send_status_line' ~version ~code =
+let send_status_line' ~version code =
let status_line =
" "
send_raw ~data:(status_line ^ crlf)
-let send_status_line ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
- send_status_line'
- ~version
- ~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_status_line" ~code ~status)
- outchan
+let int_of_code = function
+ | `Code code -> code
+ | `Status status -> code_of_status status
+let send_status_line ?(version = http_version) ~(code: status_code) outchan =
+ send_status_line' ~version (int_of_code code) outchan
(* FIXME duplication of code between this and response#addBasicHeaders *)
-let send_basic_headers ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
- send_status_line'
- ~version ~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_basic_headers" ~code ~status)
- outchan;
+let send_basic_headers ?(version = http_version) ~(code: status_code) outchan =
+ send_status_line' ~version (int_of_code code) outchan;
~headers:["Date", Http_misc.date_822 (); "Server", server_string]
let send_foo_body code body = send_raw ~data:(foo_body code body)
(* Warning: keep default values in sync with Http_response.response class *)
-let respond
- ?(body = "") ?(headers = []) ?version ?(code = 200) ?status outchan
- =
- let code =
- match status with
- | None -> code
- | Some s -> code_of_status s
- in
+let respond ?(body = "") ?(headers = []) ?version ~code outchan =
send_basic_headers ?version ~code outchan;
send_headers ~headers outchan;
send_header "Content-Length" (string_of_int (String.length body)) outchan;
page *)
let send_empty_response
func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers=[]) ?(body="") () =
- fun ?version ?code ?status outchan ->
- let code = get_code_argument func_name ~code ~status in
- if not (is_valid_status code) then
+ fun ?version code outchan ->
+ if not (is_valid_status (int_of_code code)) then
- (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s" code func_name)
+ (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s"
+ (int_of_code code) func_name)
else begin (* status code suitable for answering *)
let headers =
- [
- "Connection", "close";
- "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- ] @ headers
+ [ "Connection", "close";
+ "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" ] @ headers
- let body = (foo_body code body) ^ body in
+ let body = (foo_body (int_of_code code) body) ^ body in
respond ?version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
let respond_redirect
- ~location ?body ?version ?(code = 301) ?status outchan
+ ~location ?body ?version ?(code = `Code 301) outchan
- let code =
- match status with
- | None -> code
- | Some (s: Http_types.redirection_status) -> code_of_status s
- in
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection
- ~headers:["Location", location] ?body ()
- ?version ~code outchan
-let respond_error ?body ?version ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
- let code =
- match status with
- | None -> code
- | Some s -> code_of_status s
- in
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ?body () ?version ~code
- outchan
+ send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection
+ ~headers:["Location", location] ?body () ?version code outchan
+let respond_error ?body ?version ?(code = `Code 400) outchan =
+ send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error
+ ?body () ?version code outchan
let respond_not_found ~url ?version outchan =
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_not_found" () ?version ~code:404 outchan
+ send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_not_found" () ?version (`Code 404) outchan
let respond_forbidden ~url ?version outchan =
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" () ?version ~code:403 outchan
+ send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" () ?version
+ (`Code 403) outchan
let respond_unauthorized ?version ?(realm = server_string) outchan =
respond ~headers:["WWW-Authenticate", sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm]
- ~code:401 outchan
+ ~code:(`Code 401) outchan
let send_file ~src outchan =
let buflen = 1024 in
if Http_misc.is_directory path then begin (* file found, is a dir *)
let dir = Unix.opendir path in
- send_basic_headers ~version ~code:200 outchan;
+ send_basic_headers ~version ~code:(`Code 200) outchan;
send_header "Content-Type" "text/html" outchan;
send_CRLF outchan;
send_dir_listing ~dir ~name:fname ~path outchan;
Unix.closedir dir
end else begin (* file found, is something else *)
let file = open_in fname in
- send_basic_headers ~version ~code:200 outchan;
+ send_basic_headers ~version ~code:(`Code 200) outchan;
~value:(string_of_int (Http_misc.filesize fname))
| (End_of_file) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error ~code:400 ~body:"Unexpected End Of File" outchan;
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:"Unexpected End Of File" outchan;
raise Again
| (Malformed_request req) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error
- ~code:400
- ~body:(
- "request 1st line format should be: '<method> <url> <version>'" ^
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400)
+ ~body:("request 1st line format should be: '<method> <url> <version>'" ^
"<br />\nwhile received request 1st line was:<br />\n" ^ req)
raise Again
| (Invalid_HTTP_method meth) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error
- ~code:501
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 501)
~body:("Method '" ^ meth ^ "' isn't supported (yet)")
raise Again
| (Malformed_request_URI uri) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error ~code:400 ~body:("Malformed URL: '" ^ uri ^ "'") outchan;
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:("Malformed URL: '" ^ uri ^ "'")
+ outchan;
raise Again
| (Invalid_HTTP_version version) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error
- ~code:505
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 505)
~body:("HTTP version '" ^ version ^ "' isn't supported (yet)")
raise Again
| (Malformed_query query) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error
- ~code:400 ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query string '%s'" query) outchan;
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400)
+ ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query string '%s'" query) outchan;
raise Again
| (Malformed_query_part (binding, query)) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error
- ~code:400
- ~body:(
- sprintf "Malformed query part '%s' in query '%s'" binding query)
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400)
+ ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query part '%s' in query '%s'" binding query)
raise Again)
(* (* preliminary support for HTTP keep alive connections ... *)
let callback path _ outchan =
if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "^/") path) then
- respond_error ~code:400 outchan
+ respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) outchan
respond_file ~fname:(Http_misc.strip_heading_slash path) outchan
let start ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port) () =