- riattaccare hbugs (brrr...) -> Zack
- - tutte gli script che parsano (e.g. matitaclean, matitadep) debbono
- processare la notazione per evitare errori di parsing (visibili ora
- che e' stata committata la contrib list)!
- la funzione alias_diff e' lentissima (anche se CSC l'ha accellerata di
un fattore 3x) e puo' essere evitata: chi vuole aggiungere alias (la
disambiguazione, il comando "alias" e l'add_obj) deve indicare
+- tutte gli script che parsano (e.g. matitaclean, matitadep) debbono
+ processare la notazione per evitare errori di parsing (visibili ora
+ che e' stata committata la contrib list)! -> Gares
- E' possibile fare "Build" senza selezionare nulla, ottenendo un
assert false -> Gares
- disambiguazione: attualmente io (CSC) ho committato la versione di
Printf.sprintf "MatitaDep v%s\nUsage: matitadep [options] file...\nOptions:"
-module TA = GrafiteAst
+module GA = GrafiteAst
module U = UriManager
let deps = Hashtbl.create (Array.length Sys.argv)
raise exc
+(* note, this function works cause moo files are transitively closed *)
+let process_notation_of_file file =
+ let ic = open_in file in
+ let istream = Stream.of_channel ic in
+ let notation_ids = ref [] in
+ try
+ while true do
+ match GrafiteParser.parse_statement istream with
+ | GA.Executable (_, GA.Command (_, notation)) ->
+ let stm, ids = CicNotation.process_notation notation in
+ notation_ids := ids @ !notation_ids
+ | _ -> ()
+ done; []
+ with
+ | End_of_file -> close_in ic; !notation_ids
+ | CicNotationParser.Parse_error _ as exn ->
+ prerr_endline ("Unable to parse: " ^ file);
+ prerr_endline (MatitaExcPp.to_string exn);
+ raise exn
let main () =
Helm_registry.load_from BuildTimeConf.matita_conf;
CicNotation.load_notation BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script;
(fun file ->
let ic = open_in file in
let istream = Stream.of_channel ic in
+ let notation_ids = ref [] in
while true do
- match GrafiteParser.parse_statement istream with
- | TA.Executable (_, TA.Command (_, TA.Set (_, "baseuri", uri))) ->
+ let stm = GrafiteParser.parse_statement istream in
+ (match stm with
+ | GA.Executable (_, GA.Command (_, notation)) ->
+ let stm, ids = CicNotation.process_notation notation in
+ notation_ids := ids @ !notation_ids
+ | _ -> ());
+ match stm with
+ | GA.Executable (_, GA.Command (_, GA.Set (_, "baseuri", uri))) ->
let uri = MatitaMisc.strip_trailing_slash uri in
baseuris := uri :: !baseuris
- | TA.Executable (_, TA.Command
- (_, TA.Alias (_, TA.Ident_alias(_, uri)))) ->
+ | GA.Executable (_, GA.Command
+ (_, GA.Alias (_, GA.Ident_alias(_, uri)))) ->
Hashtbl.add aliases file uri
- | TA.Executable (_, TA.Command (_, TA.Include (_, path))) ->
- if path <> "coq.ma" then
+ | GA.Executable (_, GA.Command (_, GA.Include (_, path))) ->
+ (* maybe to process coq.ma is useles since it contains only
+ * interpretations... no idea if notations will be added later *)
+ let moo_file =
+ MatitaMisc.obj_file_of_script (
+ if path <> "coq.ma" then find path else path)
+ in
+ let ids = process_notation_of_file moo_file in
+ notation_ids := ids @ !notation_ids;
- Hashtbl.add deps file (MatitaMisc.obj_file_of_script (find path))
+ Hashtbl.add deps file moo_file
Sys_error _ ->
match dep with
| None -> ()
| Some u -> Hashtbl.add deps file (MatitaMisc.obj_file_of_baseuri u))
- aliases
+ aliases;
+ (* remove notation ids *)
+ List.iter CicNotation.remove_notation !notation_ids;
) !files;
(fun file ->