(if hd_of_i_var (cast_to_i_var !bomb) = x
then failwithProblem p ("BOMB (" ^ string_of_nf !bomb ^ ") cannot be instantiated!"));
let arity_of_x = max_arity_tms x (all_terms p) in
- (if arity_of_x < 0 then failwithProblem p "step on a var of negative arity");
+ (if arity_of_x = None then failwithProblem p "step on var non occurring in problem");
+ (if Util.option_get(arity_of_x) = min_int then failwithProblem p "step on fake variable");
+ (if Util.option_get(arity_of_x) <= 0 then failwithProblem p "step on var of non-positive arity");
(* AC: Once upon a time, it was:
let arities = Num.compute_arities x (n+1) (all_terms p :> nf list) in *)
(* let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) 0) in *)
let p,vars = make_fresh_vars p arities in
let args = Listx.from_list (vars :> nf list) in
let bs = ref [] in
- (* min_int, since it will be replaced anyway during subst: *)
- let inst = `Lam(false,`Match(`I((0,n+1),Listx.map (lift 1) args),(x,min_int),1,bs,[])) in
+ (* 666, since it will be replaced anyway during subst: *)
+ let inst = `Lam(false,`Match(`I((0,n+2),Listx.map (lift 1) args),(x,666),1,bs,[])) in
let p = {p with deltas=bs::p.deltas} in
subst_in_problem x inst p
| `Var(n,_) -> `Var(n,arity)
| `Lam(false, `N _)
| `Lam(false, `Lam _) as t -> t
-| `Lam(false, `Match(t,(n,ar),bs_lift,bs,args)) -> `Lam(false, `Match(t,(n,arity),bs_lift,bs,args))
+| `Lam(false, `Match(t,(n,_),bs_lift,bs,args)) -> `Lam(false, `Match(t,(n,arity),bs_lift,bs,args))
| _ -> assert false
+let minus1 n = if n = min_int then n else n - 1;;
let rec mk_app (h : nf) (arg : nf) =
(*let res =*)
match h with
`N m ->
let h = List.assoc m !bs in
- let h = set_arity (ar-1) h in
+ let h = set_arity (minus1 ar) h in
let h = lift bs_lift h in
mk_appl h args
with Not_found ->
let parse' strs =
let fix_arity = function
- | `I((n,_),args) -> `I((n,Listx.length args),args)
+ | `I((n,_),args) -> `I((n,1+Listx.length args),args)
| _ -> assert false in
let rec aux = function
| Parser.Lam t -> `Lam (true, aux t)
| Parser.App (t1, t2) -> fix_arity (mk_app (aux t1) (aux t2))
- | Parser.Var v -> `Var(v,0) in
+ | Parser.Var v -> `Var(v,1) in
let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs in
List.map aux tms, free
let max_arity_tms n =
- let aux_var l (m,a) = if n + l = m then a else -1 in
+ let max a b = match a, b with
+ | None, None -> None
+ | None, Some x
+ | Some x, None -> Some x
+ | Some x, Some y -> Some (Pervasives.max x y) in
+ let aux_var l (m,a) = if n + l = m then Some a else None in
let rec aux l = function
| `Var v -> aux_var l v
| `I(v,tms) -> max (aux_var l v) (aux_tms l (Listx.to_list tms))
| `Lam(_,t) -> aux (l+1) t
| `Match(u,_,_,bs,args) -> max (max (aux l (u :> nf)) (aux_tms l args)) (aux_tms l (List.map snd !bs))
- | `N _ -> -1
+ | `N _ -> None
and aux_tms l =
- List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pervasives.max acc (aux l t)) ~-1 in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pervasives.max acc (aux l t)) None in
fun tms -> aux_tms 0 (tms :> nf list)
then []
let tms = Util.filter_map (function `Lam(_,t) -> Some t | _ -> None ) tms in
- let arity = max 0 (max_arity_tms (m-n) tms) in (* FIXME: 0 or -1 ??? *)
+ let arity = match max_arity_tms (m-n) tms with None -> -666 | Some x -> x in
arity :: (aux (n-1) tms)
in fun tms -> List.rev (aux m tms)