| Intros of count option * name list * note
| Elim of what * using option * note
| LetIn of name * what * note
+ | Apply of what * note
| Exact of what * note
| Branch of step list list * note
let rec mk_apply_term aref ac ds cargs =
let step0 = mk_arg true (ac, [], ds) (List.hd cargs) in
- let _, row, ds = List.fold_left (mk_arg false) step0 (List.tl cargs) in
- Cic.AAppl (aref, List.rev row), ds
-and mk_delta p ds =
- let cmethod = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_method in
- let cargs = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_args in
- let capply = p.C.proof_apply_context in
- let ccont = p.C.proof_context in
- let caref = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_aref in
- match cmethod with
- | "Exact"
- | "Apply" when ccont = [] ->
- let what, ds = mk_apply_term caref capply ds cargs in
- let name = "PREVIOUS" in
- mk_arel 1 name, LetIn (name, what, "") :: ds
- | _ -> mk_arel 1 "COMPOUND", ds
+ let ac, row, ds = List.fold_left (mk_arg false) step0 (List.tl cargs) in
+ ac, ds, Cic.AAppl (aref, List.rev row)
+and mk_delta ac ds = match ac with
+ | p :: ac ->
+ let cmethod = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_method in
+ let cargs = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_args in
+ let capply = p.C.proof_apply_context in
+ let ccont = p.C.proof_context in
+ let caref = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_aref in
+ begin match cmethod with
+ | "Exact"
+ | "Apply" when ccont = [] && capply = [] ->
+ let ac, ds, what = mk_apply_term caref ac ds cargs in
+ let name = "PREVIOUS" in
+ ac, mk_arel 1 name, LetIn (name, what, "") :: ds
+ | _ -> ac, mk_arel 1 "COMPOUND", ds
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false
and mk_arg first (ac, row, ds) = function
| C.Lemma {C.lemma_id = aref; C.lemma_uri = uri} ->
- ac, Cic.AConst (aref, U.uri_of_string uri, []) :: row, ds
+ let t = match CicUtil.term_of_uri (U.uri_of_string uri) with
+ | Cic.Const (uri, _) -> Cic.AConst (aref, uri, [])
+ | Cic.MutConstruct (uri, tno, cno, _) ->
+ Cic.AMutConstruct (aref, uri, tno, cno, [])
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ ac, t :: row, ds
| C.Premise {C.premise_n = Some i; C.premise_binder = Some b} ->
ac, mk_arel i b :: row, ds
| C.Premise {C.premise_n = None; C.premise_binder = None} ->
- begin match first, ac with
- | _, hd :: tl ->
- let arg, ds = mk_delta hd ds in
- tl, arg :: row, ds
- | false, [] -> ac, Cic.AImplicit ("", None) :: row, ds
- | _ -> assert false
- end
+ let ac, arg, ds = mk_delta ac ds in
+ ac, arg :: row, ds
| C.Term t when first -> ac, t :: row, ds
| C.Term _ -> ac, Cic.AImplicit ("", None) :: row, ds
| C.Premise _ -> assert false
let cmethod = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_method in
let cargs = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_args in
let capply = p.C.proof_apply_context in
+ let caref = p.C.proof_conclude.C.conclude_aref in
match cmethod, cargs with
| "Intros+LetTac", [C.ArgProof p] -> mk_proof p
| "ByInduction", C.Aux n :: C.Term (Cic.AAppl (_, using :: _)) :: tl ->
let whatm, ms = split_inductive n tl in (* actual rx params here *)
let _, row, ds = mk_arg true (List.rev capply, [], []) whatm in
- let what, qs = List.hd row, List.map mk_subproof ms in
+ let what, qs = List.hd row, mk_subproofs ms in
List.rev ds @ [Elim (what, Some using, ""); Branch (qs, "")]
+ | "Apply", _ ->
+ let ac, ds, what = mk_apply_term caref (List.rev capply) [] cargs in
+ let qs = List.map mk_proof ac in
+ List.rev ds @ [Apply (what, ""); Branch (qs, "")]
| _ ->
let text =
Printf.sprintf "UNEXPANDED %s %u" cmethod (List.length cargs)
in [Note text]
-and mk_subproof = function
- | C.ArgProof ({C.proof_name = Some n} as p) -> Note n :: mk_proof p
- | C.ArgProof ({C.proof_name = None} as p) -> Note "" :: mk_proof p
- | _ -> assert false
+and mk_subproofs cargs =
+ let mk_subproof proofs = function
+ | C.ArgProof ({C.proof_name = Some n} as p) ->
+ (Note n :: mk_proof p) :: proofs
+ | C.ArgProof ({C.proof_name = None} as p) ->
+ (Note "" :: mk_proof p) :: proofs
+ | _ -> proofs
+ in
+ List.rev (List.fold_left mk_subproof [] cargs)
let mk_obj ids_to_inner_sorts prefix (_, params, xmenv, obj) =
if List.length params > 0 || xmenv <> None then assert false;
let tactic = G.LetIn (floc, what, name) in
mk_tactic tactic
+let mk_apply t =
+ let tactic = G.Apply (floc, t) in
+ mk_tactic tactic
let mk_exact t =
let tactic = G.Exact (floc, t) in
mk_tactic tactic
| Intros (c, ns, s) -> mk_note s :: cont sep (mk_intros c ns :: a)
| Elim (t, xu, s) -> mk_note s :: cont sep (mk_elim t xu :: a)
| LetIn (n, t, s) -> mk_note s :: cont sep (mk_letin n t :: a)
+ | Apply (t, s) -> mk_note s :: cont sep (mk_apply t :: a)
| Exact (t, s) -> mk_note s :: cont sep (mk_exact t :: a)
| Branch ([], s) -> a
| Branch ([ps], s) -> render_steps a ps
| [p] -> render_step None a p
| (Note _ | Theorem _ | Qed _ as p) :: ps ->
render_steps (render_step None a p) ps
+ | p :: ((Branch ([], _) :: _) as ps) ->
+ render_steps (render_step None a p) ps
| p :: ((Branch (_ :: _ :: _, _) :: _) as ps) ->
render_steps (render_step (Some mk_sc) a p) ps
| p :: ps ->