(* CODICE c&p da NCicPp *)
-let r2s pp_fix_name r =
- try
- match r with
- | NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Ind (_,i,_)) ->
- (match NCicLibrary.get_obj u with
- | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (_,_,itl,_) ->
- let _,name,_,_ = List.nth itl i in name
- | _ -> assert false)
- | NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Con (i,j,_)) ->
- (match NCicLibrary.get_obj u with
- | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (_,_,itl,_) ->
- let _,_,_,cl = List.nth itl i in
- let _,name,_ = List.nth cl (j-1) in name
- | _ -> assert false)
- | NReference.Ref (u,(NReference.Decl | NReference.Def _)) ->
- (match NCicLibrary.get_obj u with
- | _,_,_,_, NCic.Constant (_,name,_,_,_) -> name
- | _ -> assert false)
- | NReference.Ref (u,(NReference.Fix (i,_,_)|NReference.CoFix i)) ->
- (match NCicLibrary.get_obj u with
- | _,_,_,_, NCic.Fixpoint (_,fl,_) ->
- if pp_fix_name then
- let _,name,_,_,_ = List.nth fl i in name
- else
- NUri.name_of_uri u ^"("^ string_of_int i ^ ")"
- | _ -> assert false)
- with NCicLibrary.ObjectNotFound _ -> NReference.string_of_reference r
-let nast_of_cic ~subst =
- let rec k = function
- | NCic.Rel n -> Ast.Ident ("-" ^ string_of_int n, None)
- | NCic.Const r -> Ast.Ident (r2s true r, None)
+let nast_of_cic ~subst ~context =
+ let rec k ctx = function
+ | NCic.Rel n ->
+ (try
+ let name,_ = List.nth ctx (n-1) in
+ let name = if name = "_" then "__"^string_of_int n else name in
+ Ast.Ident (name,None)
+ with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" ->
+ Ast.Ident ("-" ^ string_of_int (n - List.length ctx),None))
+ | NCic.Const r -> Ast.Ident (NCicPp.r2s false r, None)
| NCic.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
let _,_,t,_ = List.assoc n subst in
- k (*ctx*) (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t)
- | NCic.Meta (n,l) -> Ast.Meta (n, [](*aux_context l*))
+ k ctx (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t)
+ | NCic.Meta (n,(s,l)) ->
+ (* CSC: qua non dovremmo espandere *)
+ let l = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l in
+ Ast.Meta
+ (n, List.map (fun x -> Some (k ctx (NCicSubstitution.lift s x))) l)
| NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> Ast.Sort `Prop
| NCic.Sort NCic.Type _ -> Ast.Sort `Set
+ (* CSC: | C.Sort (C.Type []) -> F.fprintf f "Type0"
+ | C.Sort (C.Type [false, u]) -> F.fprintf f "%s" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
+ | C.Sort (C.Type [true, u]) -> F.fprintf f "S(%s)" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
+ | C.Sort (C.Type l) ->
+ F.fprintf f "Max(";
+ aux ctx (C.Sort (C.Type [List.hd l]));
+ List.iter (fun x -> F.fprintf f ",";aux ctx (C.Sort (C.Type [x])))
+ (List.tl l);
+ F.fprintf f ")"*)
+ (* CSC: qua siamo grezzi *)
| NCic.Implicit `Hole -> Ast.UserInput
| NCic.Implicit _ -> Ast.Implicit
| NCic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
let binder_kind = `Forall in
- Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k s)), k t)
+ Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ctx s)),
+ k ((n,NCic.Decl s)::ctx) t)
| NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k s)), k t)
+ Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ctx s)),
+ k ((n,NCic.Decl s)::ctx) t)
| NCic.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) ->
- Ast.LetIn ((Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ty)), k s, k t)
+ Ast.LetIn ((Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ctx ty)), k ctx s,
+ k ((n,NCic.Decl s)::ctx) t)
| NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (n,lc) :: args) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
let _,_,t,_ = List.assoc n subst in
let hd = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in
- k (*ctx*)
+ k ctx
(NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~upto:(List.length args)
(match hd with
| NCic.Appl l -> NCic.Appl (l@args)
| _ -> NCic.Appl (hd :: args)))
- | NCic.Appl args -> Ast.Appl (List.map k args)
- (*| NCic.AConst (id,uri,substs) ->
- register_uri id uri;
- idref id (Ast.Ident (UriManager.name_of_uri uri, aux_substs substs))*)
+ | NCic.Appl args -> Ast.Appl (List.map (k ctx) args)
| NCic.Match (uri,ty,te,patterns) ->
let name = NReference.name_of_reference uri in
| `Term -> Some case_indty
idref id (Ast.Case (k te, indty, Some (k ty), patterns))
-*) Ast.Ident ("Un case",None)
+*) assert false
- k
+ k context
let nmap_sequent ~subst (i,(n,context,ty):int * NCic.conjecture) =
let module K = Content in
- let context' =
- List.map
- (function
- | name,NCic.Decl t ->
+ let context',_ =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun item (res,context) ->
+ match item with
+ | name,NCic.Decl t ->
(* We should call build_decl_item, but we have not computed *)
(* the inner-types ==> we always produce a declaration *)
K.dec_id = "-1";
K.dec_inductive = false;
K.dec_aref = "-1";
- K.dec_type = t
- })
- | name,NCic.Def (t,ty) ->
+ K.dec_type = nast_of_cic ~subst ~context t
+ })::res,item::context
+ | name,NCic.Def (t,ty) ->
(* We should call build_def_item, but we have not computed *)
(* the inner-types ==> we always produce a declaration *)
{ K.def_name = (Some name);
K.def_id = "-1";
K.def_aref = "-1";
- K.def_term = t;
- K.def_type = ty
- })
- ) context
+ K.def_term = nast_of_cic ~subst ~context t;
+ K.def_type = nast_of_cic ~subst ~context ty
+ })::res,item::context
+ ) context ([],[])
- "-1",i,context',ty
+ "-1",i,context',nast_of_cic ~subst ~context ty