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+\title{The proof assistant Matita}
+\author{Andrea Asperti, Ferruccio Guidi, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen
+ and Stefano Zacchiroli}
+\institute{Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna\\
+ Mura Anteo Zamboni, 7 --- 40127 Bologna, ITALY\\
+ \email{$\{$asperti,sacerdot,tassi,zacchiro$\}$@cs.unibo.it}}
+{\bf Acknowledgements}
+We would like to thank all the students that during the past
+five years collaborated in the Helm project and contributed to
+the development of Matita, and in particular
+A.Griggio, F.Guidi, P. Di Lena, L.Padovani, I.Schena, M.Selmi,
+ \bibitem{annals} A.~Asperti, F.~Guidi, L.~Padovani, C.~Sacerdoti Coen,
+ I.~Schena. \emph{Mathematical Knowledge Management in HELM}. Annals of
+ Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 38(1): 27--46; May 2003.
+ \bibitem{metadata2} A. Asperti, M. Selmi. \emph{Efficient Retrieval of
+ Mathematical Statements}. In Proceeding of the Third International Conference
+ on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2004. Bialowieza, Poland. LNCS 3119.
+ \bibitem{pechino} A.Asperti, B.Wegner. \emph{An Approach to
+ Machine-Understandable Representation of the Mathematical Information in
+ Digital Documents}. In: Fengshai Bai and Bernd Wegner (eds.): Electronic
+ Information and Communication in Mathematics, LNCS vol. 2730,
+ pp. 14--23, 2003
+ \bibitem{coq} The Coq proof-assistant, \url{http://coq.inria.fr}
+ \bibitem{metadata1} F. Guidi, C. Sacerdoti Coen. \emph{Querying Distributed
+ Digital Libraries of Mathematics}. In Proceedings of Calculemus 2003, 11th
+ Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanized
+ Reasoning. Aracne Editrice.
+ \bibitem{exportation} C. Sacerdoti Coen. \emph{From Proof-Assistans to
+ Distributed Libraries of Mathematics: Tips and Pitfalls}.
+ In Proc. Mathematical Knowledge Management 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer
+ Science, Vol. 2594, pp. 30--44, Springer-Verlag.
+ \bibitem{disambiguation} C. Sacerdoti Coen, S. Zacchiroli. \emph{Efficient
+ Ambiguous Parsing of Mathematical Formulae}. In Proceedings of the Third
+ International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2004.
+ LNCS,3119.