let debug_print =
let debug = true in
- fun s -> prerr_endline (sprintf "DEBUG: %s" s)
+ fun s -> prerr_endline (sprintf "HBUGS DEBUG: %s" s)
exception NoProofInProgress;;
let hbugs_client = ref None
let use_hint_callback = ref ignore
+let describe_hint_callback = ref ignore
+let set_describe_hint_callback c = describe_hint_callback := c
let quit () =
match !hbugs_client with
hbugs_client :=
Some (new Hbugs_client.hbugsClient
- ~use_hint_callback:!use_hint_callback ())
+ ~use_hint_callback:!use_hint_callback
+ ~describe_hint_callback:!describe_hint_callback
+ ())
with e ->
prerr_endline (sprintf "Can't start HBugs client: %s"
(Printexc.to_string e));
val start_web_services: unit -> unit
val stop_web_services: unit -> unit
+(* Other callbacks *)
+open Hbugs_types
+ (* what to do when the user single click on an hint *)
+val set_describe_hint_callback: (hint -> unit) -> unit