| Abort -> "Abort"
| Baseuri (Some uri) -> sprintf "Baseuri \"%s\"" uri
| Baseuri None -> "Baseuri"
- | Check term -> sprintf "Check %s" (CicAstPp.pp_term term)
+ | Check term -> sprintf "Check %s" (pp_term term)
| Proof -> "Proof"
| Qed name ->
(match name with None -> "Qed" | Some name -> sprintf "Save %s" name)
| Quit -> "Quit"
| Redo None -> "Redo"
| Redo (Some n) -> sprintf "Redo %d" n
- | Inductive _ -> (* TODO Zack *) assert false
+ | Inductive (params, types) ->
+ let pp_params = function
+ | [] -> ""
+ | params ->
+ " " ^
+ String.concat " "
+ (List.map
+ (fun (name, typ) -> sprintf "(%s:%s)" name (pp_term typ))
+ params)
+ in
+ let pp_constructors constructors =
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map (fun (name, typ) -> sprintf "| %s: %s" name (pp_term typ))
+ constructors)
+ in
+ let pp_type (name, _, typ, constructors) =
+ sprintf "\nwith %s: %s \\def\n%s" name (pp_term typ)
+ (pp_constructors constructors)
+ in
+ (match types with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (name, inductive, typ, constructors) :: tl ->
+ let fst_typ_pp =
+ sprintf "%sinductive %s%s: %s \\def\n%s"
+ (if inductive then "" else "co") name (pp_params params)
+ (pp_term typ) (pp_constructors constructors)
+ in
+ fst_typ_pp ^ String.concat "" (List.map pp_type tl))
| Theorem (flavour, name, typ, body) ->
sprintf "%s %s: %s %s"
(pp_flavour flavour)
(match name with None -> "" | Some name -> name)
- (CicAstPp.pp_term typ)
+ (pp_term typ)
(match body with
| None -> ""
- | Some body -> "\\def " ^ CicAstPp.pp_term body)
+ | Some body -> "\\def " ^ pp_term body)
| Undo None -> "Undo"
| Undo (Some n) -> sprintf "Undo %d" n