) status projections
-let eval_command status cmd =
+let eval_command output status cmd =
match cmd with
| TacticAst.Set (loc, name, value) ->
let value =
| TacticAst.Coercion (loc, coercion) ->
eval_coercion status coercion
| TacticAst.Alias (loc, spec) ->
- (match spec with
+ let status =
+ match spec with
| TacticAst.Ident_alias (id,uri) ->
{status with aliases =
{status with aliases =
(DisambiguateTypes.Num instance)
- (DisambiguateChoices.lookup_num_by_dsc desc) status.aliases })
+ (DisambiguateChoices.lookup_num_by_dsc desc) status.aliases }
+ in
+ output (TacticAstPp.pp_alias spec ^ ".\n");
+ status
| TacticAst.Obj (loc,obj) ->
let ext,name =
match obj with
| Cic.CurrentProof _
| Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
-let eval_executable status ex =
+let eval_executable output status ex =
match ex with
| TacticAst.Tactical (_, tac) -> eval_tactical status tac
- | TacticAst.Command (_, cmd) -> eval_command status cmd
+ | TacticAst.Command (_, cmd) -> eval_command output status cmd
| TacticAst.Macro (_, mac) ->
command_error (sprintf "The macro %s can't be in a script"
(TacticAstPp.pp_macro_cic mac))
let eval_comment status c = status
-let eval status st =
+let eval output status st =
match st with
- | TacticAst.Executable (_,ex) -> eval_executable status ex
+ | TacticAst.Executable (_,ex) -> eval_executable output status ex
| TacticAst.Comment (_,c) -> eval_comment status c
let disambiguate_term status term =
let status, ex = disambiguate_executable status ex in
status, TacticAst.Executable (loc,ex)
-let eval_ast status ast =
+let eval_ast output status ast =
let status,st = disambiguate_statement status ast in
(* this disambiguation step should be deferred to support tacticals *)
- eval status st
+ eval output status st
-let eval_from_stream status str cb =
+let eval_from_stream output status str cb =
let stl = CicTextualParser2.parse_statements str in
- List.iter (fun ast -> cb !status ast;status := eval_ast !status ast) stl
+ List.iter
+ (fun ast -> cb !status ast;status := eval_ast output !status ast) stl
-let eval_from_stream_greedy status str cb =
+let eval_from_stream_greedy output status str cb =
while true do
print_string "matita> ";
flush stdout;
let ast = CicTextualParser2.parse_statement str in
cb !status ast;
- status := eval_ast !status ast
+ status := eval_ast output !status ast
-let eval_string status str =
- eval_from_stream status (Stream.of_string str) (fun _ _ -> ())
+let eval_string output status str =
+ eval_from_stream output status (Stream.of_string str) (fun _ _ -> ())
let default_options () =
exception Drop
-val eval_string: MatitaTypes.status ref -> string -> unit
+val eval_string: (string -> unit) -> MatitaTypes.status ref -> string -> unit
val eval_from_stream:
+ (string -> unit) ->
MatitaTypes.status ref -> char Stream.t ->
(MatitaTypes.status ->
(CicAst.term,TacticAst.obj,string) TacticAst.statement -> unit) ->
val eval_from_stream_greedy:
+ (string -> unit) ->
MatitaTypes.status ref-> char Stream.t ->
(MatitaTypes.status ->
(CicAst.term,TacticAst.obj,string) TacticAst.statement -> unit) ->
val eval_ast:
+ (string -> unit) ->
MatitaTypes.status ->
(CicAst.term,TacticAst.obj,string) TacticAst.statement ->
val eval:
+ (string -> unit) ->
MatitaTypes.status -> (Cic.term,Cic.obj,string) TacticAst.statement ->
let loc = CicAst.dummy_floc in
A.Executable (loc, A.Tactical (loc, A.Tactic (loc, A.Goal (loc, n))))
-let eval_with_engine status user_goal parsed_text st =
+let eval_with_engine output status user_goal parsed_text st =
let module TA = TacticAst in
let module TAPp = TacticAstPp in
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
match status.proof_status with
| Incomplete_proof (_, goal) when goal <> user_goal ->
goal_changed := true;
- MatitaEngine.eval_ast status (goal_ast user_goal)
+ MatitaEngine.eval_ast output status (goal_ast user_goal)
| _ -> status
- let new_status = MatitaEngine.eval_ast status st in
+ let new_status = MatitaEngine.eval_ast output status st in
let new_aliases =
match ex with
| TA.Command (_, TA.Alias _) ->
| [_,_,x,_] -> x
| _ -> assert false
-let eval_macro status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer) urichooser parsed_text
- script mac
+let eval_macro output status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer) urichooser
+ parsed_text script mac
let module TA = TacticAst in
let module TAPp = TacticAstPp in
| [] -> [], parsed_text_length
| [uri] ->
let ast =
- (TA.Executable (loc,
- (TA.Tactical (loc,
- TA.Tactic (loc,
- TA.Apply (loc, CicAst.Uri (UriManager.string_of_uri uri,None)))))))
+ TA.Executable (loc,
+ (TA.Tactical (loc,
+ TA.Tactic (loc,
+ TA.Apply (loc, CicAst.Uri (UriManager.string_of_uri uri,None))))))
- let new_status = MatitaEngine.eval_ast status ast in
+ let new_status = MatitaEngine.eval_ast output status ast in
let extra_text =
comment parsed_text ^
"\n" ^ TAPp.pp_statement ast
| TA.Search_term (_, search_kind, term) -> failwith "not implemented"
-let eval_executable status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer) urichooser
+let eval_executable output status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer) urichooser
user_goal parsed_text script ex =
let module TA = TacticAst in
let module TAPp = TacticAstPp in
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
match ex with
| TA.Command (loc, _) | TA.Tactical (loc, _) ->
- eval_with_engine status user_goal parsed_text (TA.Executable (loc, ex))
+ eval_with_engine output status user_goal parsed_text
+ (TA.Executable (loc, ex))
| TA.Macro (_,mac) ->
- eval_macro status mathviewer urichooser parsed_text script mac
+ eval_macro output status mathviewer urichooser parsed_text script mac
-let rec eval_statement status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer) urichooser
-user_goal script s =
+let rec eval_statement output status (mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer)
+ urichooser user_goal script s
if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE s then raise Margin;
let st = CicTextualParser2.parse_statement (Stream.of_string s) in
let text_of_loc loc =
let remain_len = String.length s - parsed_text_length in
let s = String.sub s parsed_text_length remain_len in
let s,len =
- eval_statement status mathviewer urichooser user_goal script s
+ eval_statement output status mathviewer urichooser user_goal script s
(match s with
| (status, text) :: tl ->
| [] -> [], 0)
| TacticAst.Executable (loc, ex) ->
let parsed_text, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
- eval_executable
- status mathviewer urichooser user_goal parsed_text script ex
+ eval_executable output status mathviewer urichooser user_goal
+ parsed_text script ex
let fresh_script_id =
let i = ref 0 in
let s = match statement with Some s -> s | None -> self#getFuture in
MatitaLog.debug ("evaluating: " ^ first_line s ^ " ...");
let (entries, parsed_len) =
- eval_statement self#status mathviewer urichooser userGoal self s in
+ eval_statement (assert false) self#status mathviewer urichooser userGoal self s in
let (new_statuses, new_statements) = List.split entries in
prerr_endline "evalStatement returned";
let status = ref None
-let run_script is eval_function =
+let run_script output is eval_function =
let status =
match !status with
| None -> assert false
MatitaLog.debug ("Executing: ``" ^ stm ^ "''")
- eval_function status is cb
+ eval_function output status is cb
| MatitaEngine.Drop
| CicTextualParser2.Parse_error _ as exn -> raise exn
let rec go () =
let str = Stream.of_channel stdin in
- run_script str MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream_greedy
+ run_script ignore str MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream_greedy
| MatitaEngine.Drop -> pp_ocaml_mode ()
| Sys.Break -> MatitaLog.error "user break!"; go ()
| "stdin" -> stdin
| fname -> open_in fname)
- run_script is MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream;
+ let os = open_out (MatitaMisc.obj_file_of_script fname) in
+ let output s = output_string os s in
+ output "(* GENERATED FILE: DO NOT EDIT! *)\n\n";
+ run_script output is MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream;
let elapsed = Unix.time () -. time in
let tm = Unix.gmtime elapsed in
let sec =
(sprintf "execution of %s completed in %s." fname (hou^min^sec));
- close_out (open_out (MatitaMisc.obj_file_of_script fname));
+ close_out os;
exit 0