open NTacStatus
module Ast = CicNotationPt
+let id_tac status = status;;
let dot_tac status =
let new_gstatus =
match status.gstatus with
{ status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o }
-let clear_tac names = distribute_tac (clear names);;
+let clear_tac names =
+ if names = [] then id_tac else distribute_tac (clear names)
+let generalize0_tac args =
+ if args = [] then id_tac
+ else exact_tac ("",0,Ast.Appl (Ast.Implicit :: args))
let select ~where:(wanted,_,where) status goal =
let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
instantiate status goal instance
-let select_tac ~where = distribute_tac (select ~where) ;;
+let select0_tac ~where = distribute_tac (select ~where) ;;
let select_tac ~where move_down_hyps =
let (wanted,hyps,where) = GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_npattern where in
let path =
match where with None -> NCic.Implicit `Term | Some where -> where in
if not move_down_hyps then
- select_tac ~where:(wanted,hyps,Some path)
+ select0_tac ~where:(wanted,hyps,Some path)
let path =
(fun path (name,path_name) -> NCic.Prod ("_",path_name,path))
path (List.rev hyps)
- let generalize_tac =
- distribute_tac
- (exec (exact_tac
- ("",0,Ast.Appl
- (Ast.Implicit :: (fun (name,_) -> Ast.Ident (name,None))
- hyps))))
- in
block_tac [
- generalize_tac;
- select_tac ~where:(wanted,[],Some path);
+ generalize0_tac ( (fun (name,_) -> Ast.Ident (name,None)) hyps);
+ select0_tac ~where:(wanted,[],Some path);
clear_tac ( fst hyps) ]
+let generalize_tac ~where =
+ block_tac [ select_tac ~where true ; generalize0_tac ???? ]
let reopen status =
let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
let subst, newm =
[ select_tac ~where true;
distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let goalsort = typeof status (ctx_of goalty) goalty in
let _,_,w = what in
let status, what =
disambiguate status what None (ctx_of goalty) in
- let _ty_what = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
- (* check inductive... find eliminator *)
- let holes = [
- Ast.Implicit;Ast.Implicit;Ast.Implicit]
- in
+ let ty_what = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
+ let NReference.Ref (uri,_),consno,lefts,rights =
+ analyse_indty status ty_what in
+ let name = NUri.name_of_uri uri ^
+ match term_of_cic_term goalsort (ctx_of goalsort) with
+ NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> "_ind"
+ | NCic.Sort _ -> "_rect"
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let leftno = List.length rights in
+ let rightno = List.length rights in
+ let holes=HExtlib.mk_list Ast.Implicit (leftno + 1 + consno + rightno) in
let eliminator =
- Ast.Appl(Ast.Ident("nat_ind",None)::holes @ [ w ])
+ Ast.Appl(Ast.Ident(name,None)::holes @ [ w ])
exec (apply_tac ("",0,eliminator)) status goal) ]
[ exact_tac
("",0,(Ast.Binder (`Lambda,
(Ast.Ident (name,None),None),Ast.Implicit)));
- if name = "_" then clear_tac [name] else fun x -> x ]
+ if name = "_" then clear_tac [name] else id_tac ]
let cases ~what status goal =
let gty = get_goalty status goal in
let status, what = disambiguate status what None (ctx_of gty) in
let ty = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
- let ref, consno, left, right = analyse_indty status ty in
+ let ref, consno, _, _ = analyse_indty status ty in
let t =
NCic.Match (ref,NCic.Implicit `Term, term_of_cic_term what (ctx_of gty),
HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Implicit `Term) consno)
~what:("",0,Ast.Ident (name,None));
- if name = "_clearme" then clear_tac ["_clearme"] else fun x -> x ]
+ if name = "_clearme" then clear_tac ["_clearme"] else id_tac ]