open Printf
+type attribute = string * string (* <key, value> pair *)
let png_flags = "-Tpng"
let map_flags = "-Tcmapx"
let gCirco = factory "circo"
let gFdp = factory "fdp"
+module Pp =
+ struct
+ module type GraphvizFormatter =
+ sig
+ val header: ?name:string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val node: string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val edge:
+ string -> string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter ->
+ unit
+ val raw: string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val trailer: Format.formatter -> unit
+ end
+ open Format
+ module Dot =
+ struct
+ let attribute fmt (k, v) = fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>%s=@,\"%s\",@]" k v
+ let attributes attrs fmt = List.iter (attribute fmt) attrs
+ let header ?(name = "g") fmt = fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>digraph %s {@," name
+ let node name ?(attrs = []) fmt =
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>%s@ [" name;
+ attributes attrs fmt;
+ fprintf fmt "];@]@,"
+ let edge name1 name2 ?(attrs = []) fmt =
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>%s ->@ %s@ [" name1 name2;
+ attributes attrs fmt;
+ fprintf fmt "];@]@,"
+ let raw s fmt = pp_print_string fmt s
+ let trailer fmt = fprintf fmt "@,}@]%!"
+ end
+ end
(** {1 LablGtk "widget" for rendering Graphviz graphs and connecting to clicks
* on nodes, edges, ...} *)
+type attribute = string * string (* <key, value> pair *)
class type graphviz_widget =
* (e.g.: [ "shape","rect"; "href","";
* "title","foo"; "alt","description"; "coords","41,6,113,54" ] *)
method connect_href:
- (GdkEvent.Button.t -> (string * string) list -> unit) -> unit
+ (GdkEvent.Button.t -> attribute list -> unit) -> unit
(** {3 low level access to embedded widgets}
* Containment hierarchy:
val gCirco: ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> unit -> graphviz_widget
val gFdp: ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> unit -> graphviz_widget
+(** {2 Pretty printer for generating Graphviz markup} *)
+module Pp:
+ sig
+ module type GraphvizFormatter =
+ sig
+ val header: ?name:string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val node: string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val edge:
+ string -> string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter ->
+ unit
+ val raw: string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val trailer: Format.formatter -> unit
+ end
+ module Dot: GraphvizFormatter
+ end