-(* 2 basic properties of divides predicate *)
-theorem aDIVb_to_bDIVa_to_aEQb:
-\forall a,b:nat.
-a \divides b \to b \divides a \to a = b.
-apply antisymmetric_divides;
- assumption.
+(* a basic property of divides predicate *)
theorem O_div_c_to_c_eq_O: \forall c:nat.
O \divides c \to c = O.
-apply aDIVb_to_bDIVa_to_aEQb
+apply antisymmetric_divides
[ apply divides_n_O
| assumption
(\forall d:nat. d \divides a \to d \divides b \to d \divides c) \to (gcd a b) = c.
elim (H2 ((gcd a b)))
-[ apply (aDIVb_to_bDIVa_to_aEQb (gcd a b) c)
+[ apply (antisymmetric_divides (gcd a b) c)
[ apply (witness (gcd a b) c n2).
| apply divides_d_gcd;
- (*
- apply (nat_case1 a)
- [ intros.
- rewrite > (sym_times c O).
- simplify.
- reflexivity
- | intros.
- rewrite < H1.
- apply (nat_case1 b)
- [ intros.
- rewrite > (sym_times ? O).
- rewrite > (sym_gcd a O).
- rewrite > sym_gcd.
- simplify.
- reflexivity
- | intros.
- rewrite < H2.
- apply gcd1
- [ apply divides_times
- [ apply divides_n_n
- | apply divides_gcd_n.
- ]
- | apply divides_times
- [ apply divides_n_n
- | rewrite > sym_gcd.
- apply divides_gcd_n
- ]
- | intros.
- apply (divides_d_times_gcd)
- [ rewrite > H.
- apply lt_O_S
- | assumption
- | assumption
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ]
theorem associative_nat_gcd: associative nat gcd.
change with (\forall a,b,c:nat. (gcd (gcd a b) c) = (gcd a (gcd b c))).
-theorem bTIMESc_le_a_to_c_le_aDIVb: \forall a,b,c:nat.
-O \lt b \to (b*c) \le a \to c \le (a /b).
-rewrite > (div_mod a b) in H1
-[ apply (le_times_to_le b ? ?)
- [ assumption
- | cut ( (c*b) \le ((a/b)*b) \lor ((a/b)*b) \lt (c*b))
- [ elim Hcut
- [ rewrite < (sym_times c b).
- rewrite < (sym_times (a/b) b).
- assumption
- | cut (a/b \lt c)
- [ change in Hcut1 with ((S (a/b)) \le c).
- cut( b*(S (a/b)) \le b*c)
- [ rewrite > (sym_times b (S (a/b))) in Hcut2.
- simplify in Hcut2.
- cut ((b + (a/b)*b) \le ((a/b)*b + (a \mod b)))
- [ cut (b \le (a \mod b))
- [ apply False_ind.
- apply (lt_to_not_le (a \mod b) b)
- [ apply (lt_mod_m_m).
- assumption
- | assumption
- ]
- | apply (le_plus_to_le ((a/b)*b)).
- rewrite > sym_plus.
- assumption.
- ]
- | apply (trans_le ? (b*c) ?);
- assumption
- ]
- | apply (le_times_r b ? ?).
- assumption
- ]
- | apply (lt_times_n_to_lt b (a/b) c)
- [ assumption
- | assumption
- ]
- ]
- ]
- | apply (leb_elim (c*b) ((a/b)*b))
- [ intros.
- left.
- assumption
- | intros.
- right.
- apply cic:/matita/nat/orders/not_le_to_lt.con.
- assumption
- ]
- ]
- ]
-| assumption
theorem lt_O_a_lt_O_b_a_divides_b_to_lt_O_aDIVb:
\forall a,b:nat.
O \lt a \to O \lt b \to a \divides b \to O \lt (b/a).
elim H2.
-cut (O \lt n2)
-[ rewrite > H3.
- rewrite > (sym_times a n2).
- rewrite > (div_times_ltO n2 a);
- assumption
-| apply (divides_to_lt_O n2 b)
+rewrite > H3.
+rewrite > (sym_times a n2).
+rewrite > (div_times_ltO n2 a)
+[ apply (divides_to_lt_O n2 b)
[ assumption
| apply (witness n2 b a).
rewrite > sym_times.
- ]
+ ]
+| assumption
theorem div_times_to_eqSO: \forall a,d:nat.
O \lt d \to a*d = d \to a = (S O).
-apply (cic:/matita/nat/div_and_mod/inj_times_r1.con d)
+apply (inj_times_r1 d)
[ assumption
| rewrite > sym_times.
rewrite < (times_n_SO d).
theorem div_mod_minus:
theorem sum_div_eq_div: \forall a,b,c:nat.
O \lt c \to b \lt c \to c \divides a \to (a+b) /c = a/c.
| assumption
(* A corollary to the division theorem (between natural numbers).
| rewrite < (times_n_Sm b c).
rewrite < H1.
rewrite > sym_times.
- rewrite > div_mod_minus
- [ rewrite < (eq_minus_plus_plus_minus b a (a \mod b))
- [ rewrite < (sym_plus a b).
- rewrite > (eq_minus_plus_plus_minus a b (a \mod b))
- [ rewrite > (plus_n_O a) in \vdash (? % ?).
- apply (le_to_lt_to_plus_lt)
- [ apply (le_n a)
- | apply cic:/matita/nat/minus/lt_to_lt_O_minus.con.
- apply cic:/matita/nat/div_and_mod/lt_mod_m_m.con.
- assumption
- ]
- | apply lt_to_le.
- apply lt_mod_m_m.
- assumption
- ]
- | rewrite > (div_mod a b) in \vdash (? ? %)
- [ rewrite > plus_n_O in \vdash (? % ?).
- rewrite > sym_plus.
- apply cic:/matita/nat/le_arith/le_plus_n.con
- | assumption
- ]
- ]
+ rewrite > (div_mod a b) in \vdash (? % ?)
+ [ rewrite > (sym_plus b ((a/b)*b)).
+ apply lt_plus_r.
+ apply lt_mod_m_m.
+ assumption
| assumption
theorem th_div_interi_1: \forall a,c,b:nat.
O \lt b \to (b*c) \le a \to a \lt (b*(S c)) \to a/b = c.
apply (le_to_le_to_eq)
-[ cut (a/b \le c \lor c \lt a/b)
- [ elim Hcut
- [ assumption
- | change in H3 with ((S c) \le (a/b)).
- cut (b*(S c) \le (b*(a/b)))
- [ rewrite > (sym_times b (S c)) in Hcut1.
- cut (a \lt (b * (a/b)))
- [ rewrite > (div_mod a b) in Hcut2:(? % ?)
- [ rewrite > (plus_n_O (b*(a/b))) in Hcut2:(? ? %).
- cut ((a \mod b) \lt O)
- [ apply False_ind.
- apply (lt_to_not_le (a \mod b) O)
- [ assumption
- | apply le_O_n
- ]
- | apply (lt_plus_to_lt_r ((a/b)*b)).
- rewrite > (sym_times b (a/b)) in Hcut2:(? ? (? % ?)).
- assumption
- ]
- | assumption
- ]
- | apply (lt_to_le_to_lt ? (b*(S c)) ?)
+[ apply (leb_elim (a/b) c);intros
+ [ assumption
+ | cut (c \lt (a/b))
+ [ apply False_ind.
+ apply (lt_to_not_le (a \mod b) O)
+ [ apply (lt_plus_to_lt_l ((a/b)*b)).
+ simplify.
+ rewrite < sym_plus.
+ rewrite < div_mod
+ [ apply (lt_to_le_to_lt ? (b*(S c)) ?)
[ assumption
- | rewrite > (sym_times b (S c)).
+ | rewrite > (sym_times (a/b) b).
+ apply le_times_r.
+ | assumption
- | apply le_times_r.
- assumption
+ | apply le_O_n
- ]
- | apply (leb_elim (a/b) c)
- [ intros.
- left.
+ | apply not_le_to_lt.
- | intros.
- right.
- apply cic:/matita/nat/orders/not_le_to_lt.con.
+ ]
+ ]
+| apply (leb_elim c (a/b));intros
+ [ assumption
+ | cut((a/b) \lt c)
+ [ apply False_ind.
+ apply (lt_to_not_le (a \mod b) b)
+ [ apply (lt_mod_m_m).
+ assumption
+ | apply (le_plus_to_le ((a/b)*b)).
+ rewrite < (div_mod a b)
+ [ apply (trans_le ? (b*c) ?)
+ [ rewrite > (sym_times (a/b) b).
+ rewrite > (times_n_SO b) in \vdash (? (? ? %) ?).
+ rewrite < distr_times_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ simplify in \vdash (? (? ? %) ?).
+ apply le_times_r.
+ assumption
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ | apply not_le_to_lt.
- ]
-| apply (bTIMESc_le_a_to_c_le_aDIVb);
- assumption
+ ]
theorem times_numerator_denominator_aux: \forall a,b,c,d:nat.
O \lt c \to O \lt b \to d = (a/b) \to d= (a*c)/(b*c).
theorem sum_divisor_totient1_aux_3: \forall i,n:nat.
-i < n*n \to
+(S O) \lt n \to i < n*n \to
(divides_b (i/n) (pred n)
\land (leb (S(i\mod n)) (i/n)
\land eqb (gcd (i\mod n) (i/n)) (S O)))
| rewrite > (NdivM_times_M_to_N )
[ rewrite > (NdivM_times_M_to_N ) in \vdash (? ? %)
[ apply (monotonic_lt_times_variant (pred n))
- [ apply (nat_case1 n)
- [ intros.
- rewrite > H2 in H:(? ? %).
- change in H:(? ? %) with (O).
- change in H:(%) with ((S i) \le O).
- apply False_ind.
- apply (not_le_Sn_O i H)
- | intro.
- elim m
- [ rewrite > H2 in H1:(%).
- rewrite > H2 in H:(%).
- simplify in H.
- cut (i = O)
- [ rewrite > Hcut in H1:(%).
- simplify in H1.
- apply False_ind.
- apply (not_eq_true_false H1)
- | change in H:(%) with((S i) \le (S O)).
- cut (i \le O )
- [ apply (nat_case1 i)
- [ intros.
- reflexivity
- | intros.
- rewrite > H3 in Hcut:(%).
- apply False_ind.
- apply (not_le_Sn_O m1 Hcut)
- ]
- | apply (le_S_S_to_le i O).
- assumption
- ]
- ]
- | change with ((S O) \le (S n1)).
- apply (le_S_S O n1).
- apply (le_O_n n1)
- ]
- ]
+ [ apply n_gt_Uno_to_O_lt_pred_n.
+ assumption
| change with ((S (i\mod n)) \le (i/n)).
apply (aux_S_i_mod_n_le_i_div_n i n);
| rewrite > (sym_times).
rewrite > (div_times_ltO )
- [ apply (le_n (pred n)).
+ [ apply (le_n (pred n))
| apply (Sa_le_b_to_O_lt_b (i \mod n) (i/n)).
apply (aux_S_i_mod_n_le_i_div_n i n);
(* The main theorem, adding the hypotesis n > 1 (the cases n= 0
and n = 1 are dealed as particular cases in theorem
- sum_divisor_totiet)
+ sum_divisor_totient)
theorem sum_divisor_totient1: \forall n. (S O) \lt n \to sigma_p n (\lambda d.divides_b d (pred n)) totient = (pred n).