<h2>The Formal System λδ (lambda-delta)<a name="lambda-delta"></a></h2>
+ <p>The formal system λδ is a typed λ-calculus that
+ pursues the unification of terms, types, environments and contexts
+ as the main goal.
+ λδ takes some features from the Automath-related
+ λ-calculi and some from the pure type systems, but differs
+ from both in that it does not include the Π construction while it
+ provides for an abbreviation mechanism at the level of terms.
+ </p>
+ <p> The development presents the proofs of some important properties that
+ λδ enjoys. In particular:
+ <ul> <li> the confluence of reduction </li>
+ <li> the correctness of types </li>
+ <li> the uniqueness of types up to conversion </li>
+ <li> the subject reduction of the type assignment </li>
+ <li> the strong normalization of the typed terms </li>
+ <li> the decidability of type inference problem </li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
- See the <a href="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/lambda-delta/">λδ home page</a>.
+ See the <a href="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/lambda-delta/">λδ home page</a>
+ for more information.
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