let include_deps = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let baseuri_of = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let baseuri_of_inv = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let dot_name = "depends" in
let dot_file = ref "" in
+ let set_dot_file () = dot_file := dot_name^".dot" in
(* helpers *)
let include_paths = ref [] in
let baseuri_of_script s =
(* initialization *)
- ["-dot", Arg.Set_string dot_file,
- "<file> Save dependency graph in dot format to the given file";];
+ ["-dot", Arg.Unit set_dot_file,
+ "Save dependency graph in dot format and generate a png";];
MatitaInit.parse_cmdline_and_configuration_file ();
MatitaInit.initialize_environment ();
let args =
HExtlib.find ~test:(fun x -> Filename.check_suffix x ".ma") "."
| _ ->
let roots = List.map (HExtlib.chop_prefix (Sys.getcwd()^"/")) roots in
- prerr_endline ("Too many roots found:\n\t" ^ String.concat "\n\t" roots);
+ prerr_endline ("Too many roots found:\n\t"^String.concat "\n\t" roots);
prerr_endline ("\nEnter one of these directories and retry");
exit 1
+ let fix_name f =
+ let f =
+ if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^\\./" f then String.sub f 2 (String.length f - 2)
+ else f
+ in
+ HExtlib.normalize_path f
+ in
let ma_files = args in
(* here we go *)
(* fills:
Hashtbl.add include_deps ma_file path)
- (* dot generation *)
- if !dot_file <> "" then
- begin
- let oc = open_out !dot_file in
- let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
- GraphvizPp.Dot.header fmt;
- List.iter
- (fun ma_file ->
- let deps = Hashtbl.find_all include_deps ma_file in
- let deps =
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (fun u ->
- try Some (Hashtbl.find baseuri_of_inv u)
- with Not_found -> None)
- deps
- in
- let deps = List.fast_sort Pervasives.compare deps in
- let deps = HExtlib.list_uniq deps in
- GraphvizPp.Dot.node ma_file fmt;
- List.iter (fun dep -> GraphvizPp.Dot.edge ma_file dep fmt) deps)
- ma_files;
- GraphvizPp.Dot.trailer fmt;
- close_out oc
- end;
(* generate regular depend output *)
- let fix_name f =
- let f =
- if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^\\./" f then
- String.sub f 2 (String.length f - 2)
- else
- f
- in
- HExtlib.normalize_path f
- in
let deps =
(fun acc ma_file ->
Librarian.write_deps_file (Sys.getcwd())
(deps@HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort Pervasives.compare (List.map (fun x ->
- x,[]) extern)))
+ x,[]) extern)));
+ (* dot generation *)
+ if !dot_file <> "" then
+ begin
+ let oc = open_out !dot_file in
+ let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.header fmt;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (ma_file,deps) ->
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.node ma_file fmt;
+ List.iter (fun dep -> GraphvizPp.Dot.edge ma_file dep fmt) deps)
+ deps;
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> GraphvizPp.Dot.node ~attrs:["style","dashed"] x fmt)
+ extern;
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.trailer fmt;
+ close_out oc;
+ ignore(Sys.command ("tred "^ !dot_file^"| dot -Tpng -o"^dot_name^".png"));
+ HLog.message ("Type 'eog "^dot_name^".png' to view the graph");
+ end;