| `MainHypothesis (Some depth) -> `MainHypothesis (Some (depth + 1))
| _ -> assert false
+let var_has_body uri =
+ match CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri with
+ | Cic.Variable (_, Some body, _, _, _), _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
let compute_term pos term =
let rec aux (pos: position) set = function
- | Cic.Rel _
+ | Cic.Var (uri, subst) when var_has_body uri ->
+ (* handles variables with body as constants *)
+ aux pos set (Cic.Const (uri, subst))
+ | Cic.Rel _
| Cic.Var _ ->
if is_main_pos pos then
S.add (`Rel (main_pos pos)) set
let compute_term start_pos term = S.elements (compute_term start_pos term)
+let depth_offset params =
+ let non p x = not (p x) in
+ List.length (List.filter (non var_has_body) params)
let rec compute_var pos uri =
let o, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in
match o with
- | Cic.Variable (_, body, ty, params, _) ->
+ | Cic.Variable (_, Some body, ty, params, _) -> []
+ | Cic.Variable (_, None, ty, params, _) ->
let metadata_of_vars =
(List.map (compute_var (next_pos pos)) params) in
(match pos with
| `MainHypothesis (Some 0) ->
- let pos = `MainHypothesis(Some (List.length params)) in
- (compute pos ~body ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
+ let pos = `MainHypothesis (Some (depth_offset params)) in
+ (compute pos ~body:None ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
| `InHypothesis ->
- (compute pos ~body ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
+ (compute pos ~body:None ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
match o with
| Cic.Variable (_, body, ty, params, _)
| Cic.Constant (_, body, ty, params, _) ->
- let pos = `MainConclusion(Some (List.length params)) in
+ let pos = `MainConclusion (Some (depth_offset params)) in
let metadata = compute pos ~body ~ty
let metadata_of_vars =
[UriManager.string_of_uri uri,
UriManager.name_of_uri uri,metadata @ metadata_of_vars]
| Cic.InductiveDefinition (types, params, _, _) ->
- let pos = `MainConclusion(Some (List.length params)) in
+ let pos = `MainConclusion(Some (depth_offset params)) in
let metadata_of_vars =
(List.map (compute_var (`MainHypothesis (Some 0))) params) in