status#auto_cache l)
+let basic_eval_interpretation (dsc, (symbol, args), cic_appl_pattern) status =
+ let status =
+ Interpretations.add_interpretation status dsc (symbol, args) cic_appl_pattern
+ in
+ let mode = GrafiteAst.WithPreferences (*assert false*) in (* VEDI SOTTO *)
+ let diff =
+ [DisambiguateTypes.Symbol (symbol, 0), GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (symbol,0,dsc)]
+ in
+ LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status ~implicit_aliases:false mode diff
+let inject_interpretation =
+ let basic_eval_interpretation (dsc, (symbol, args), cic_appl_pattern)
+ ~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term
+ =
+ let rec refresh =
+ function
+ NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.Ref (uri,spec)) ->
+ NotationPt.NRefPattern
+ (NReference.reference_of_spec (NCicLibrary.refresh_uri uri) spec)
+ | NotationPt.VarPattern _
+ | NotationPt.ImplicitPattern as x -> x
+ | NotationPt.ApplPattern l -> NotationPt.ApplPattern ( refresh l)
+ in
+ let cic_appl_pattern = refresh cic_appl_pattern in
+ basic_eval_interpretation (dsc, (symbol, args), cic_appl_pattern)
+ in
+ GrafiteTypes.Serializer.register#run "interpretation"
+ basic_eval_interpretation
+let eval_interpretation status data=
+ let status = basic_eval_interpretation data status in
+ let dump = inject_interpretation data::status#dump in
+ status#set_dump dump
let record_index_obj =
let aux l
let metasenv,subst,status,sort = match sort with
| None -> [],[],status,NCic.Sort NCic.Prop
- | Some s -> GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm None status [] [] []
- (text,prefix_len,s)
+ | Some s ->
+ GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm None status [] [] []
+ (text,prefix_len,s)
assert (metasenv = []);
let sort = NCicReduction.whd ~subst [] sort in
- let sort = match sort with
+ let sort =
+ match sort with
NCic.Sort s -> s
- | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf "ninverter: found target %s, which is not a sort"
- (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[] sort)))
- in
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf
+ "ninverter: found target %s, which is not a sort"
+ (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[] sort))) in
let status = status#set_ng_mode `ProofMode in
let metasenv,subst,status,indty =
- GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm None status [] [] subst (text,prefix_len,indty) in
- let indtyno,(_,leftno,tys,_,_) = match indty with
- NCic.Const ((NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Ind (_,indtyno,_))) as r) ->
- indtyno, NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys r
- | _ -> prerr_endline ("engine: indty =" ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] indty) ; assert false in
+ GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm None status [] [] subst
+ (text,prefix_len,indty) in
+ let indtyno,(_,leftno,tys,_,_) =
+ match indty with
+ NCic.Const ((NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Ind (_,indtyno,_))) as r) ->
+ indtyno, NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys r
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline ("engine: indty =" ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[]
+ ~subst:[] ~context:[] indty);
+ assert false in
let it = List.nth tys indtyno in
- let status,obj = NInversion.mk_inverter name true it leftno ?selection sort
- status status#baseuri in
- let _,_,menv,_,_ = obj in
- (match menv with
- [] ->
- eval_ncommand ~include_paths opts status ("",0,GrafiteAst.NQed Stdpp.dummy_loc)
- | _ -> assert false)
+ let status,obj =
+ NInversion.mk_inverter name true it leftno ?selection sort
+ status status#baseuri in
+ let _,_,menv,_,_ = obj in
+ (match menv with
+ [] ->
+ eval_ncommand ~include_paths opts status
+ ("",0,GrafiteAst.NQed Stdpp.dummy_loc)
+ | _ -> assert false)
| GrafiteAst.NUnivConstraint (loc,u1,u2) ->
eval_add_constraint status [`Type,u1] [`Type,u2]
(* ex lexicon commands *)
(function (NotationPt.IdentArg (_,id')) -> id'=id) args)
let item = DisambiguateTypes.Id id in
- begin try
- match DisambiguateTypes.Environment.find item status#lstatus.LexiconTypes.aliases with
+ begin
+ try
+ match
+ DisambiguateTypes.Environment.find item
+ status#lstatus.LexiconTypes.aliases
+ with
GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (_, uri) ->
NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
| _ -> assert false
| p -> p
let cic_appl_pattern = disambiguate cic_appl_pattern in
- let status =
- Interpretations.add_interpretation status
- dsc (symbol, args) cic_appl_pattern in
- let mode = GrafiteAst.WithPreferences (*assert false*) in (* VEDI SOTTO *)
- let diff =
- [DisambiguateTypes.Symbol (symbol, 0),
- GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (symbol,0,dsc)] in
- let status =
- LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status ~implicit_aliases:false mode diff
- in
- status
- IL MODE WithPreference/WithOutPreferences*)
+ eval_interpretation status (dsc,(symbol, args),cic_appl_pattern)
| GrafiteAst.Notation (loc, dir, l1, associativity, precedence, l2) ->
let l1 =
(`Loc loc,TermContentPres.instantiate_level2 env l2))
else status
- let status =
- if dir <> Some `LeftToRight then
- let status = TermContentPres.add_pretty_printer status l2 l1 in
- status
- else
- status
- in
-(* assert false (* MANCA SALVATAGGIO SU DISCO *) *)
- status (* capire [] XX *)
+ if dir <> Some `LeftToRight then
+ TermContentPres.add_pretty_printer status l2 l1
+ else status
| GrafiteAst.Alias (loc, spec) ->
let diff =
(*CSC: Warning: this code should be factorized with the corresponding
| GrafiteAst.Number_alias (instance,desc) ->
[DisambiguateTypes.Num instance,spec]
- let mode = assert false in (* VEDI SOPRA *)
- LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status ~implicit_aliases:false mode diff;
- assert false (* MANCA SALVATAGGIO SU DISCO *)
+ let mode = GrafiteAst.WithPreferences in(*assert false in (* VEDI SOPRA *) MATITA 1.0*)
+ LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status ~implicit_aliases:false mode diff
+ (* assert false (* MANCA SALVATAGGIO SU DISCO *) *)
let eval_comment opts status (text,prefix_len,c) = status