Corrected plus_to_minus, sparing an hypothesis.
-/home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/tlt_defs.moo: ./ /home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
-./ /home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/tlt_defs.moo
-/home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo: ./
-./ /home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
-/home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/lref_map_defs.moo: ./ /home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
-./ /home/sacerdot/miohelm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/lref_map_defs.moo
+/home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/tlt_defs.moo: ./ /home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
+./ /home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/tlt_defs.moo
+/home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo: ./
+./ /home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
+/home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/lref_map_defs.moo: ./ /home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/terms_defs.moo
+./ /home/andrea/helm/matita/.matita/xml/matita/LAMBDA-TYPES/lref_map_defs.moo
rewrite < H5.
rewrite < sym_times.
apply plus_to_minus.
-apply eq_plus_to_le ? ? ? H3.
apply H3.
apply le_times_r.
apply lt_to_le.
rewrite < H3.
rewrite < sym_times.
apply plus_to_minus.
-apply eq_plus_to_le ? ? ? H5.
apply H5.
apply le_times_r.
apply lt_to_le.
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/fermat_little_theorem".
+include "nat/".
+include "nat/".
+theorem permut_mod: \forall p,a:nat. prime p \to
+\lnot divides p a\to permut (\lambda n.(mod (a*n) p)) (pred p).
+unfold permut.intros.
+split.intros.apply le_S_S_to_le.
+apply trans_le ? p.
+change with mod (a*i) p < p.
+apply lt_mod_m_m.
+simplify in H.elim H.
+simplify.apply trans_le ? (S (S O)).
+apply le_n_Sn.assumption.
+rewrite < S_pred.apply le_n.
+unfold prime in H.
+elim H.
+apply trans_lt ? (S O).simplify.apply le_n.assumption.
+unfold injn.intros.
+apply nat_compare_elim i j.
+(* i < j *)
+absurd j-i \lt p.
+rewrite > S_pred p.
+apply le_S_S.
+apply le_plus_to_minus.
+apply trans_le ? (pred p).assumption.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+apply le_plus_n.
+unfold prime in H.
+elim H.
+apply trans_lt ? (S O).simplify.apply le_n.assumption.
+apply le_to_not_lt p (j-i).
+apply divides_to_le.simplify.
+apply le_SO_minus.assumption.
+cut divides p a \lor divides p (j-i).
+elim Hcut.apply False_ind.apply H1.assumption.assumption.
+apply divides_times_to_divides.assumption.
+rewrite > distr_times_minus.
+apply eq_mod_to_divides.
+unfold prime in H.
+elim H.
+apply trans_lt ? (S O).simplify.apply le_n.assumption.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply H4.
+(* i = j *)
+intro. assumption.
+(* j < i *)
+absurd i-j \lt p.
+rewrite > S_pred p.
+apply le_S_S.
+apply le_plus_to_minus.
+apply trans_le ? (pred p).assumption.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+apply le_plus_n.
+unfold prime in H.
+elim H.
+apply trans_lt ? (S O).simplify.apply le_n.assumption.
+apply le_to_not_lt p (i-j).
+apply divides_to_le.simplify.
+apply le_SO_minus.assumption.
+cut divides p a \lor divides p (i-j).
+elim Hcut.apply False_ind.apply H1.assumption.assumption.
+apply divides_times_to_divides.assumption.
+rewrite > distr_times_minus.
+apply eq_mod_to_divides.
+unfold prime in H.
+elim H.
+apply trans_lt ? (S O).simplify.apply le_n.assumption.
+apply H4.
rewrite < H4.
apply sym_eq.
apply plus_to_minus.
-rewrite > div_mod m n in \vdash (? ? %).
rewrite > sym_times.
-apply eq_plus_to_le ? ? (m \mod n).
+apply div_mod.
-rewrite > sym_times.
-apply div_mod.assumption.
theorem divides_mod_to_divides: \forall p,m,n:nat. O < n \to
apply sym_plus.
-theorem plus_to_minus :\forall n,m,p:nat.m \leq n \to
+theorem plus_to_minus :\forall n,m,p:nat.
n = m+p \to n-m = p.
apply inj_plus_r m.
-rewrite < H1.
+rewrite < H.
rewrite < sym_plus.
-apply plus_minus_m_m.assumption.
+apply plus_minus_m_m.rewrite > H.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+apply le_plus_n.
theorem minus_S_S : \forall n,m:nat.
cut m+p \le n \or m+p \nleq n.
elim Hcut.
- symmetry.apply plus_to_minus.assumption.
+ symmetry.apply plus_to_minus.
rewrite > assoc_plus.rewrite > sym_plus p.rewrite < plus_minus_m_m.
rewrite > sym_plus.rewrite < plus_minus_m_m.
apply sym_eq.
apply plus_to_minus.
-apply le_plus_to_minus.
-apply trans_le ? n.assumption.rewrite < sym_plus.apply le_plus_n.
rewrite < assoc_plus.
rewrite < plus_minus_m_m.
rewrite < sym_plus.
include "nat/".
include "nat/".
+definition injn: (nat \to nat) \to nat \to Prop \def
+\lambda f:nat \to nat.\lambda n:nat.\forall i,j:nat.
+i \le n \to j \le n \to f i = f j \to i = j.
+theorem injn_Sn_n: \forall f:nat \to nat. \forall n:nat.
+injn f (S n) \to injn f n.simplify.
+intros.apply H.
+apply le_S.assumption.
+apply le_S.assumption.
+theorem injective_to_injn: \forall f:nat \to nat. \forall n:nat.
+injective nat nat f \to injn f n.
+simplify.intros.apply H.assumption.
definition permut : (nat \to nat) \to nat \to Prop
\def \lambda f:nat \to nat. \lambda m:nat.
-\forall i:nat. i \le m \to (f i \le m \land
-(\forall j:nat. f i = f j \to i = j)).
+(\forall i:nat. i \le m \to f i \le m )\land injn f m.
theorem permut_O_to_eq_O: \forall h:nat \to nat.
permut h O \to (h O) = O.
intros.unfold permut in H.
-elim H O.apply sym_eq.apply le_n_O_to_eq.
-assumption.apply le_n.
+elim H.apply sym_eq.apply le_n_O_to_eq.
+apply H1.apply le_n.
theorem permut_S_to_permut: \forall f:nat \to nat. \forall m:nat.
permut f (S m) \to f (S m) = (S m) \to permut f m.
unfold permut.intros.
-elim H i.
-elim H (S m).split.
+elim H.
cut f i < S m \lor f i = S m.
elim Hcut.
apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
apply not_le_Sn_n m.
cut (S m) = i.
rewrite > Hcut1.assumption.
-apply H6.rewrite > H7.assumption.
-apply le_to_or_lt_eq.assumption.
-assumption.apply le_n.
-apply le_S.assumption.
+apply H3.apply le_n.apply le_S.assumption.
+rewrite > H5.assumption.
+apply le_to_or_lt_eq.apply H2.apply le_S.assumption.
+apply injn_Sn_n f m H3.
(* transpositions *)
permut (transpose i j) n.
unfold permut.intros.
split.unfold transpose.
elim eqb i1 i.simplify.assumption.
elim eqb i1 j.simplify.assumption.
-apply inj_transpose.
+apply injective_to_injn (transpose i j) n.
+apply injective_transpose.
theorem permut_fg: \forall f,g:nat \to nat. \forall n:nat.
permut f n \to permut g n \to permut (\lambda m.(f(g m))) n.
unfold permut. intros.
-split.simplify.elim H1 i.
-elim H (g i).assumption.assumption.assumption.
-elim H1 i.apply H5.
-elim H (g i).
-apply H7.assumption.assumption.assumption.
+elim H.elim H1.
+split.intros.simplify.apply H2.
+apply H4.assumption.
+apply H5.assumption.assumption.
+apply H3.apply H4.assumption.apply H4.assumption.
theorem permut_transpose_l:
theorem permut_S_to_permut_transpose: \forall f:nat \to nat.
\forall m:nat. permut f (S m) \to permut (\lambda n.transpose (f (S m)) (S m)
(f n)) m.
-cut permut (\lambda n.transpose (f (S m)) (S m) (f n)) (S m).
-apply permut_S_to_permut.assumption.
-apply eqb_elim (f (S m)) (f (S m)).simplify.
-intro.apply False_ind.apply H1.reflexivity.
-apply permut_transpose_l.
-unfold permut in H.
-elim H (S m).
-assumption.apply le_n.
-apply le_n.
+unfold permut.intros.
+elim H.
+apply eqb_elim (f i) (f (S m)).simplify.
+intro.apply False_ind.
+cut i = (S m).
+apply not_le_Sn_n m.
+rewrite < Hcut.assumption.
+apply H2.apply le_S.assumption.apply le_n.assumption.
+apply eqb_elim (f i) (S m).simplify.
+cut f (S m) \lt (S m) \lor f (S m) = (S m).
+elim Hcut.apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
+apply False_ind.apply H4.rewrite > H6.assumption.
+apply le_to_or_lt_eq.apply H1.apply le_n.
+cut f i \lt (S m) \lor f i = (S m).
+elim Hcut.apply le_S_S_to_le.assumption.
+apply False_ind.apply H5.assumption.
+apply le_to_or_lt_eq.apply H1.apply le_S.assumption.
+unfold injn.intros.
+apply H2.apply le_S.assumption.apply le_S.assumption.
+apply inj_transpose (f (S m)) (S m).
+apply H5.
(* bounded bijectivity *)
apply ex_intro ? ? m.
apply le_n_O_elim m ? (\lambda p. f p = p).
-elim H O.apply sym_eq. apply le_n_O_to_eq.assumption.
-apply le_n.
+assumption.unfold permut in H.
+elim H.apply sym_eq. apply le_n_O_to_eq.apply H2.apply le_n.
apply eq_to_bijn (\lambda p.
(transpose (f (S n1)) (S n1)) (transpose (f (S n1)) (S n1) (f p))) f.
intros.apply transpose_transpose.
apply bijn_fg (transpose (f (S n1)) (S n1)).
apply bijn_transpose.
-simplify in H1.
-elim H1 (S n1).assumption.apply le_n.apply le_n.
+unfold permut in H1.
+elim H1.apply H2.apply le_n.apply le_n.
apply bijn_n_Sn.
apply H.
apply permut_S_to_permut_transpose.
apply trans_eq ? ? (map_iter (S(S n1)) (\lambda m.g ((transpose (h (S n1)) (S n1)) m)) f a).
apply eq_map_iter_transpose2 f H H1 (S n1) a ? ? g.
unfold permut in H3.
-elim H3 (S n1).assumption.apply le_n.apply le_n.
+elim H3.apply H4.apply le_n.apply le_n.
apply trans_eq ? ? (map_iter (S(S n1)) (\lambda m.
(g(transpose (h (S n1)) (S n1)
(transpose (h (S n1)) (S n1) (h m)))) )f a).
variant trans_divides: \forall n,m,p.
n \divides m \to m \divides p \to n \divides p \def transitive_divides.
+theorem eq_mod_to_divides:\forall n,m,p. O< p \to
+mod n p = mod m p \to divides p (n-m).
+cut n \le m \or \not n \le m.
+elim Hcut.
+cut n-m=O.
+rewrite > Hcut1.
+apply witness p O O.
+apply times_n_O.
+apply eq_minus_n_m_O.
+apply witness p (n-m) ((div n p)-(div m p)).
+rewrite > distr_times_minus.
+rewrite > sym_times.
+rewrite > sym_times p.
+cut (div n p)*p = n - (mod n p).
+rewrite > Hcut1.
+rewrite > eq_minus_minus_minus_plus.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+rewrite > H1.
+rewrite < div_mod.reflexivity.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply plus_to_minus.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+apply div_mod.
+apply decidable_le n m.
(* divides le *)
theorem divides_to_le : \forall n,m. O < m \to n \divides m \to n \le m.
intros. elim H1.rewrite > H2.cut O < n2.
cut (S(S O)) = (S(S m1)) - m1.
rewrite > Hcut.
apply le_min_aux.
-apply sym_eq.apply plus_to_minus.apply le_S.apply le_n_Sn.
+apply sym_eq.apply plus_to_minus.
rewrite < sym_plus.simplify.reflexivity.
cut (S(S O)) = (S(S m1)-m1).
rewrite < Hcut.exact H1.
apply sym_eq. apply plus_to_minus.
-apply le_S.apply le_n_Sn.
rewrite < sym_plus.simplify.reflexivity.
exact H2.
set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/sigma_and_pi".
+include "nat/".
include "nat/".
let rec sigma n f \def
apply H.intros.apply H1.
apply trans_lt ? n1.assumption.simplify.apply le_n.
+theorem eq_fact_pi: \forall n. n! = pi n S.
+intro.elim n.
+change with (S n1)*n1! = (S n1)*(pi n1 S).
+apply eq_f.assumption.
\ No newline at end of file