type goal = int
type status = proof * goal
+let initial_status ty metasenv =
+ let rec aux max = function
+ | [] -> max + 1
+ | (idx, _, _) :: tl ->
+ if idx > max then
+ aux idx tl
+ else
+ aux max tl
+ in
+ let newmeta_idx = aux 0 metasenv in
+ let proof =
+ None, (newmeta_idx, [], ty) :: metasenv, Cic.Meta (newmeta_idx, []), ty
+ in
+ (proof, newmeta_idx)
a tactic: make a transition from one status to another one or, usually,
raise a "Fail" (@see Fail) exception in case of failure
type goal = int
type status = proof * goal
+ (** @param goal
+ * @param goal's metasenv
+ * @return initial proof status for the given goal *)
+val initial_status: Cic.term -> Cic.metasenv -> status
a tactic: make a transition from one status to another one or, usually,
raise a "Fail" (@see Fail) exception in case of failure