+requires="helm-ng_refiner helm-ng_cic_content helm-ng_disambiguation helm-ng_paramodulation"
ng_kernel \
acic_content \
grafite \
- ng_refiner \
- ng_library \
- ng_cic_content \
- content_pres \
cic_unification \
whelp \
tactics \
acic_procedural \
- disambiguation \
+ disambiguation \
cic_disambiguation \
- lexicon \
- ng_disambiguation \
- ng_paramodulation \
- tptp_grafite \
ng_kernel \
ng_refiner \
+ ng_disambiguation \
+ ng_cic_content \
+ ng_paramodulation \
ng_library \
+ content_pres \
+ lexicon \
+ tptp_grafite \
grafite_parser \
ng_tactics \
grafite_engine \
gallina8Parser.cmi: types.cmo
grafiteParser.cmi: types.cmo
grafite.cmi: types.cmo
gallina8Parser.cmo: types.cmo options.cmo gallina8Parser.cmi
gallina8Parser.cmx: types.cmx options.cmx gallina8Parser.cmi
gallina8Lexer.cmo: options.cmo gallina8Parser.cmi
module Ast = CicNotationPt
module Util = CicNotationUtil
+let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
+let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
module Matcher32 =
module Pattern32 =
Hashtbl.hash mask, tl
let mask_of_appl_pattern = function
- | Ast.UriPattern uri -> NRef (OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri uri), []
+ | Ast.UriPattern uri -> NRef (!reference_of_oxuri uri), []
| Ast.NRefPattern nref -> NRef nref, []
| Ast.ImplicitPattern
| Ast.VarPattern _ -> Blob, []
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
+val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
module Matcher32:
(** @param l3_patterns level 3 (CIC) patterns (AKA cic_appl_pattern) *)
let debug_print s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
let debug_print _ = ();;
+let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
+let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
let cic_name_of_name = function
| Ast.Ident (n, None) -> n
| _ -> assert false
| CicNotationPt.Uri (uri, subst) ->
assert (subst = None);
- NCic.Const (OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri(UriManager.uri_of_string uri))
+ NCic.Const (!reference_of_oxuri(UriManager.uri_of_string uri))
with NRef.IllFormedReference _ ->
CicNotationPt.fail loc "Ill formed reference")
| CicNotationPt.NRef nref -> NCic.Const nref
(* $Id: nCic.ml 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
+val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
val disambiguate_term :
context:NCic.context ->
metasenv:NCic.metasenv ->
nReference.cmi: nUri.cmi
nCicUtils.cmi: nCic.cmo
nCicSubstitution.cmi: nCic.cmo
-oCic2NCic.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
-nCic2OCic.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
nCicEnvironment.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
nCicPp.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
nCicReduction.cmi: nCic.cmo
nCicSubstitution.cmx: nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx nCic.cmx \
-oCic2NCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicSubstitution.cmi nCic.cmo \
- oCic2NCic.cmi
-oCic2NCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCicSubstitution.cmx nCic.cmx \
- oCic2NCic.cmi
-nCic2OCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo nCic2OCic.cmi
-nCic2OCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCic.cmx nCic2OCic.cmi
nCicEnvironment.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo nCicEnvironment.cmi
nCicEnvironment.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCic.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmi
nCicPp.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicSubstitution.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi \
nReference.cmi: nUri.cmi
nCicUtils.cmi: nCic.cmx
nCicSubstitution.cmi: nCic.cmx
-oCic2NCic.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
-nCic2OCic.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
nCicEnvironment.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
nCicPp.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
nCicReduction.cmi: nCic.cmx
nCicSubstitution.cmx: nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx nCic.cmx \
-oCic2NCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicSubstitution.cmi nCic.cmx \
- oCic2NCic.cmi
-oCic2NCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCicSubstitution.cmx nCic.cmx \
- oCic2NCic.cmi
-nCic2OCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx nCic2OCic.cmi
-nCic2OCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCic.cmx nCic2OCic.cmi
nCicEnvironment.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmi
nCicEnvironment.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCic.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmi
nCicPp.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicSubstitution.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi \
nReference.mli \
nCicUtils.mli \
nCicSubstitution.mli \
- oCic2NCic.mli \
- nCic2OCic.mli \
nCicEnvironment.mli \
nCicPp.mli \
nCicReduction.mli \
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-let ouri_of_nuri u = UriManager.uri_of_string (NUri.string_of_uri u);;
-let ouri_of_reference (NReference.Ref (u,_)) = ouri_of_nuri u;;
-let cprop = [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")];;
-let nn_2_on = function
- | "_" -> Cic.Anonymous
- | s -> Cic.Name s
-let convert_term uri n_fl t =
- let rec convert_term k = function (* pass k along *)
- | NCic.Rel i -> Cic.Rel i
- | NCic.Meta _ -> assert false
- | NCic.Appl l -> Cic.Appl (List.map (convert_term k) l)
- | NCic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- Cic.Prod (nn_2_on n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
- | NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- Cic.Lambda(nn_2_on n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
- | NCic.LetIn (n,ty_s,s,t) ->
- Cic.LetIn (nn_2_on n,convert_term k s,convert_term k ty_s, convert_term (k+1) t)
- | NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> Cic.Sort Cic.Prop
- | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) when
- (* BUG HERE: I should use NCicEnvironment.universe_eq, but I do not
- want to add this recursion between the modules *)
- (*NCicEnvironment.universe_eq*) u=cprop -> Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp (CicUniv.fresh ()))
- | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type _) -> Cic.Sort (Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh ()))
- | NCic.Implicit _ -> assert false
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Ind (_,i,_))) ->
- Cic.MutInd (ouri_of_nuri u,i,[])
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Con (i,j,_))) ->
- Cic.MutConstruct (ouri_of_nuri u,i,j,[])
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Def _))
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Decl)) ->
- Cic.Const (ouri_of_nuri u,[])
- | NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Ind (_,i,_)),oty,t,pl) ->
- Cic.MutCase (ouri_of_nuri u,i, convert_term k oty, convert_term k t,
- List.map (convert_term k) pl)
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Fix (i,_,_)))
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.CoFix i)) ->
- if NUri.eq u uri then
- Cic.Rel (n_fl - i + k)
- else
- let ouri = ouri_of_nuri u in
- let ouri =
- UriManager.uri_of_string
- (UriManager.buri_of_uri ouri ^ "/" ^
- UriManager.name_of_uri ouri ^ string_of_int i ^ ".con") in
- Cic.Const (ouri,[])
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- convert_term 0 t
-let convert_fix is_fix uri k fl =
- let n_fl = List.length fl in
- if is_fix then
- let fl =
- List.map
- (fun (_, name,recno,ty,bo) ->
- name, recno, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
- fl
- in
- Cic.Fix (k, fl)
- else
- let fl =
- List.map
- (fun (_, name,_,ty,bo) ->
- name, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
- fl
- in
- Cic.CoFix (k, fl)
-let convert_nobj = function
- | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, Some bo, ty, _) ->
- [ouri_of_nuri u,Cic.Constant
- (name, Some (convert_term u 0 bo), convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])]
- | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, None, ty, _) ->
- [ouri_of_nuri u,Cic.Constant (name, None, convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])]
- | u,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix, fl, _) ->
- List.map
- (fun nth ->
- let name =
- UriManager.name_of_uri (ouri_of_nuri u) ^ string_of_int nth in
- let buri = UriManager.buri_of_uri (ouri_of_nuri u) in
- let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (buri ^"/"^name^".con") in
- uri,
- Cic.Constant (name,
- Some (convert_fix is_fix u nth fl),
- convert_term u 0 (let _,_,_,ty,_ = List.hd fl in ty), [], []))
- (let rec seq = function 0 -> [0]|n -> n::seq (n-1) in
- seq (List.length fl-1))
- | u,_,_,_,NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,itl,_) ->
- let itl =
- List.map
- (function (_,name,ty,cl) ->
- let cl=List.map (function (_,name,ty) -> name,convert_term u 0 ty) cl in
- name,inductive,convert_term u 0 ty,cl
- ) itl
- in
- [ouri_of_nuri u, Cic.InductiveDefinition (itl,[],leftno,[])]
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-val ouri_of_nuri: NUri.uri -> UriManager.uri
-val ouri_of_reference: NReference.reference -> UriManager.uri
-val convert_nobj: NCic.obj -> (UriManager.uri * Cic.obj) list
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-module Ref = NReference
-let nuri_of_ouri o = NUri.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri o);;
-let mk_type n =
- [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
-let mk_cprop n =
- if n = 0 then
- [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
- else
- [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
-let is_proof_irrelevant context ty =
- match
- CicReduction.whd context
- (fst (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context ty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph))
- with
- Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> true
- | Cic.Sort _ -> false
- | _ -> assert false
-exception InProp;;
-let get_relevance ty =
- let rec aux context ty =
- match CicReduction.whd context ty with
- Cic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- not (is_proof_irrelevant context s)::aux (Some (n,Cic.Decl s)::context) t
- | _ -> []
- in aux [] ty
-(* | ty -> if is_proof_irrelevant context ty then raise InProp else []
- in
- try aux [] ty
- with InProp -> []*)
-(* porcatissima *)
-type reference = Ref of NUri.uri * NReference.spec
-let reference_of_ouri u indinfo =
- let u = nuri_of_ouri u in
- NReference.reference_of_string
- (NReference.string_of_reference (Obj.magic (Ref (u,indinfo))))
-type ctx =
- | Ce of (NCic.hypothesis * NCic.obj list) Lazy.t
- | Fix of (Ref.reference * string * NCic.term) Lazy.t
-let strictify =
- function
- Ce l -> `Ce (Lazy.force l)
- | Fix l -> `Fix (Lazy.force l)
-let count_vars vars =
- List.length
- (List.filter (fun v ->
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph v) with
- Cic.Variable (_,Some _,_,_,_) -> false
- | Cic.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) -> true
- | _ -> assert false) vars)
-(***** A function to restrict the context of a term getting rid of unsed
- variables *******)
-let restrict octx ctx ot =
- let odummy = Cic.Implicit None in
- let dummy = NCic.Meta (~-1,(0,NCic.Irl 0)) in
- let rec aux m acc ot t =
- function
- [],[] -> (ot,t),acc
- | ohe::otl as octx,he::tl ->
- if CicTypeChecker.does_not_occur octx 0 1 ot then
- aux (m+1) acc (CicSubstitution.subst odummy ot)
- (NCicSubstitution.subst dummy t) (otl,tl)
- else
- (match ohe,strictify he with
- None,_ -> assert false
- | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),`Ce ((name', NCic.Decl ty),objs) ->
- aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
- (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
- | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),`Fix (ref,name',ty) ->
- aux (m+1) ((m+1,[],Some ref)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
- (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
- | Some (name,Cic.Def (obo,oty)),`Ce ((name', NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs) ->
- aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.LetIn (name,obo,oty,ot))
- (NCic.LetIn (name',bo,ty,t)) (otl,tl)
- | _,_ -> assert false)
- | _,_ -> assert false in
- let rec split_lambdas_and_letins octx ctx infos (ote,te) =
- match infos, ote, te with
- ([], _, _) -> octx,ctx,ote
- | ((_,objs,None)::tl, Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota), NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
- split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
- (Ce (lazy ((name',NCic.Decl so),objs))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
- | ((_,_,Some r)::tl,Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota),NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
- split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
- (Fix (lazy (r,name',so))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
- | ((_,objs,None)::tl,Cic.LetIn(name,obo,oty,ota),NCic.LetIn(nam',bo,ty,ta))->
- split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some (name,(Cic.Def (obo,oty))))::octx)
- (Ce (lazy ((nam',NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
- | (_, _, _) -> assert false
- in
- let long_t,infos = aux 0 [] ot dummy (octx,ctx) in
- let clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot= split_lambdas_and_letins [] [] infos long_t
- in
-(*prerr_endline ("RESTRICT PRIMA: " ^ CicPp.pp ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) octx));
-prerr_endline ("RESTRICT DOPO: " ^ CicPp.pp clean_ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) clean_octx));
- clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot, List.map (fun (rel,_,_) -> rel) infos
-(**** The translation itself ****)
-let cn_to_s = function
- | Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
- | Cic.Name s -> s
-let splat mk_pi ctx t =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (t,l) c ->
- match strictify c with
- | `Ce ((name, NCic.Def (bo,ty)),l') -> NCic.LetIn (name, ty, bo, t),l@l'
- | `Ce ((name, NCic.Decl ty),l') when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t),l@l'
- | `Ce ((name, NCic.Decl ty),l') -> NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t),l@l'
- | `Fix (_,name,ty) when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t),l
- | `Fix (_,name,ty) -> NCic.Lambda (name,ty,t),l)
- (t,[]) ctx
-let osplat mk_pi ctx t =
- List.fold_left
- (fun t c ->
- match c with
- | Some (name, Cic.Def (bo,ty)) -> Cic.LetIn (name, ty, bo, t)
- | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) when mk_pi -> Cic.Prod (name, ty, t)
- | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) -> Cic.Lambda (name, ty, t)
- | None -> assert false)
- t ctx
-let context_tassonomy ctx =
- let rec split inner acc acc1 = function
- | Ce _ :: tl when inner -> split inner (acc+1) (acc1+1) tl
- | Fix _ ::tl -> split false acc (acc1+1) tl
- | _ as l ->
- let only_decl () =
- List.filter
- (function
- Ce _ as ce ->
- (match strictify ce with
- `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | Fix _ -> true) l
- in
- acc, List.length l, lazy (List.length (only_decl ())), acc1
- in
- split true 0 1 ctx
-let splat_args_for_rel ctx t ?rels n_fix =
- let rels =
- match rels with
- Some rels -> rels
- | None ->
- let rec mk_irl = function 0 -> [] | n -> n::mk_irl (n - 1) in
- mk_irl (List.length ctx)
- in
- let bound, free, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
- if free = 0 then t
- else
- let rec aux = function
- | n,_ when n = bound + n_fix -> []
- | n,he::tl ->
- (match strictify (List.nth ctx (n-1)) with
- | `Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- NCic.Const refe :: aux (n-1,tl)
- | `Fix _ | `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) ->
- NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
- | `Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n-1,tl))
- | _,_ -> assert false
- in
- let args = aux (List.length ctx,rels) in
- match args with
- [] -> t
- | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (t::args)
-let splat_args ctx t n_fix rels =
- let bound, _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
- if ctx = [] then t
- else
- let rec aux = function
- | 0,[] -> []
- | n,he::tl ->
- (match strictify (List.nth ctx (n-1)) with
- | `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) when n <= bound ->
- NCic.Rel he:: aux (n-1,tl)
- | `Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const refe) ~rels n_fix :: aux (n-1,tl)
- | `Fix _ | `Ce((_, NCic.Decl _),_)-> NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
- | `Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n - 1,tl)
- )
- | _,_ -> assert false
- in
- let args = aux (List.length ctx,rels) in
- match args with
- [] -> t
- | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (t::args)
-exception Nothing_to_do;;
-let fix_outty curi tyno t context outty =
- let leftno,rightno =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.InductiveDefinition (tyl,_,leftno,_) ->
- let _,_,arity,_ = List.nth tyl tyno in
- let rec count_prods leftno context arity =
- match leftno, CicReduction.whd context arity with
- 0, Cic.Sort _ -> 0
- | 0, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
- 1 + count_prods 0 (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
- | _, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
- count_prods (leftno - 1) (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
- | _,_ -> assert false
- in
-(*prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri curi);
-prerr_endline ("LEFTNO: " ^ string_of_int leftno ^ " " ^ CicPp.ppterm arity);*)
- leftno, count_prods leftno [] arity
- | _ -> assert false in
- let ens,args =
- let tty,_= CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
- match CicReduction.whd context tty with
- Cic.MutInd (_,_,ens) -> ens,[]
- | Cic.Appl (Cic.MutInd (_,_,ens)::args) ->
- ens,fst (HExtlib.split_nth leftno args)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let rec aux n irl context outsort =
- match n, CicReduction.whd context outsort with
- 0, Cic.Prod _ -> raise Nothing_to_do
- | 0, _ ->
- let irl = List.rev irl in
- let ty = CicSubstitution.lift rightno (Cic.MutInd (curi,tyno,ens)) in
- let ty =
- if args = [] && irl = [] then ty
- else
- Cic.Appl (ty::(List.map (CicSubstitution.lift rightno) args)@irl) in
- let he = CicSubstitution.lift (rightno + 1) outty in
- let t =
- if irl = [] then he
- else Cic.Appl (he::List.map (CicSubstitution.lift 1) irl)
- in
- Cic.Lambda (Cic.Anonymous, ty, t)
- | n, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
- let ty' =
- aux (n - 1) (Cic.Rel n::irl) (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
- in
- Cic.Lambda (name,so,ty')
- | _,_ -> assert false
- in
-(*prerr_endline ("RIGHTNO = " ^ string_of_int rightno ^ " OUTTY = " ^ CicPp.ppterm outty);*)
- let outsort =
- fst (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context outty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph)
- in
- try aux rightno [] context outsort
- with Nothing_to_do -> outty
-(*prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm outty ^ " <==> " ^ CicPp.ppterm outty');*)
-let fix_outtype t =
- let module C = Cic in
- let rec aux context =
- function
- C.Rel _ as t -> t
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst in
- C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst')
- | C.Implicit _
- | C.Meta _ -> assert false
- | C.Sort _ as t -> t
- | C.Cast (v,t) -> C.Cast (aux context v, aux context t)
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- C.Prod (n, aux context s, aux ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) t)
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- C.Lambda (n, aux context s, aux ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) t)
- | C.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) ->
- C.LetIn
- (n, aux context s, aux context ty,
- aux ((Some (n, C.Def(s,ty)))::context) t)
- | C.Appl l -> C.Appl (List.map (aux context) l)
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutInd (uri, tyno, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, term, patterns) ->
- let outty = fix_outty uri tyno term context outty in
- C.MutCase (uri, tyno, aux context outty,
- aux context term, List.map (aux context) patterns)
- | C.Fix (funno, funs) ->
- let tys,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) ->
- ((Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))))::types,
- len+1
- ) ([],0) funs
- in
- C.Fix (funno,
- List.map
- (fun (name, indidx, ty, bo) ->
- (name, indidx, aux context ty, aux (tys@context) bo)
- ) funs
- )
- | C.CoFix (funno, funs) ->
- let tys,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) ->
- ((Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))))::types,
- len+1
- ) ([],0) funs
- in
- C.CoFix (funno,
- List.map
- (fun (name, ty, bo) ->
- (name, aux context ty, aux (tys@context) bo)
- ) funs
- )
- in
- aux [] t
-let get_fresh,reset_seed =
- let seed = ref 0 in
- (function () ->
- incr seed;
- string_of_int !seed),
- (function () -> seed := 0)
-exception NotSimilar
-let alpha t1 t2 ref ref' =
- let rec aux t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
- | NCic.Rel n, NCic.Rel m when n=m -> ()
- | NCic.Appl l1, NCic.Appl l2 -> List.iter2 aux l1 l2
- | NCic.Lambda (_,s1,t1), NCic.Lambda (_,s2,t2)
- | NCic.Prod (_,s1,t1), NCic.Prod (_,s2,t2) -> aux s1 s2; aux t1 t2
- | NCic.LetIn (_,s1,ty1,t1), NCic.LetIn (_,s2,ty2,t2) ->
- aux s1 s2; aux ty1 ty2; aux t1 t2
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (uu1,xp1)),
- NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (uu2,xp2)) when
- let NReference.Ref (u1,_) = ref in
- let NReference.Ref (u2,_) = ref' in
- NUri.eq uu1 u1 && NUri.eq uu2 u2 && xp1 = xp2
- -> ()
- | NCic.Const r1, NCic.Const r2 when NReference.eq r1 r2 -> ()
- | NCic.Meta _,NCic.Meta _ -> ()
- | NCic.Implicit _,NCic.Implicit _ -> ()
- | NCic.Sort x,NCic.Sort y when x=y -> ()
- | NCic.Match (_,t1,t11,tl1), NCic.Match (_,t2,t22,tl2) ->
- aux t1 t2;aux t11 t22;List.iter2 aux tl1 tl2
- | _-> raise NotSimilar
- in
- try aux t1 t2; true with NotSimilar -> false
-exception Found of NReference.reference;;
-let cache = Hashtbl.create 313;;
-let same_obj ref ref' =
- function
- | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (b1,l1,_)), (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (b2,l2,_))
- when List.for_all2 (fun (_,_,_,ty1,bo1) (_,_,_,ty2,bo2) ->
- alpha ty1 ty2 ref ref' && alpha bo1 bo2 ref ref') l1 l2 && b1=b2->
- true
- | _ -> false
-let find_in_cache name obj ref =
- try
- List.iter
- (function (ref',obj') ->
- let recno, fixno =
- match ref with
- NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix (fixno,recno,_)) -> recno,fixno
- | NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix (fixno)) -> ~-1,fixno
- | _ -> assert false in
- let recno',fixno' =
- match ref' with
- NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix (fixno',recno,_)) -> recno,fixno'
- | NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix (fixno')) -> ~-1,fixno'
- | _ -> assert false in
- if recno = recno' && fixno = fixno' && same_obj ref ref' (obj,obj') then (
-prerr_endline ("!!!!!!!!!!! CACHE HIT !!!!!!!!!!\n" ^
-NReference.string_of_reference ref ^ "\n" ^
-NReference.string_of_reference ref' ^ "\n");
- *)
- raise (Found ref'));
-prerr_endline ("CACHE SAME NAME: " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref ^ " <==> " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref');
- *)
- ) (Hashtbl.find_all cache name);
-(* prerr_endline "<<< CACHE MISS >>>"; *)
- begin
- match obj, ref with
- | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (true,fl,_)) ,
- NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _) ->
- ignore(List.fold_left (fun i (_,name,rno,_,_) ->
- let ref = NReference.mk_fix i rno ref in
- Hashtbl.add cache name (ref,obj);
- i+1
- ) 0 fl)
- | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (false,fl,_)) ,
- NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix _) ->
- ignore(List.fold_left (fun i (_,name,_,_,_) ->
- let ref = NReference.mk_cofix i ref in
- Hashtbl.add cache name (ref,obj);
- i+1
- ) 0 fl)
- | _ -> assert false
- end;
- None
- with Found ref -> Some ref
-let cache1 = UriManager.UriHashtbl.create 313;;
-let rec get_height =
- function u ->
- try
- UriManager.UriHashtbl.find cache1 u
- with
- Not_found ->
- let h = ref 0 in
- let res =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph u) with
- Cic.Constant (_,Some bo,ty,params,_)
- | Cic.Variable (_,Some bo,ty,params,_) ->
- ignore (height_of_term ~h bo);
- ignore (height_of_term ~h ty);
- List.iter (function uri -> h := max !h (get_height uri)) params;
- 1 + !h
- | _ -> 0
- in
- UriManager.UriHashtbl.add cache1 u res;
- res
-and height_of_term ?(h=ref 0) t =
- let rec aux =
- function
- Cic.Rel _
- | Cic.Sort _ -> ()
- | Cic.Implicit _ -> assert false
- | Cic.Var (uri,exp_named_subst)
- | Cic.Const (uri,exp_named_subst)
- | Cic.MutInd (uri,_,exp_named_subst)
- | Cic.MutConstruct (uri,_,_,exp_named_subst) ->
- h := max !h (get_height uri);
- List.iter (function (_,t) -> aux t) exp_named_subst
- | Cic.Meta (_,l) -> List.iter (function None -> () | Some t -> aux t) l
- | Cic.Cast (t1,t2)
- | Cic.Prod (_,t1,t2)
- | Cic.Lambda (_,t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
- | Cic.LetIn (_,s,ty,t) -> aux s; aux ty; aux t
- | Cic.Appl l -> List.iter aux l
- | Cic.MutCase (_,_,outty,t,pl) -> aux outty; aux t; List.iter aux pl
- | Cic.Fix (_, fl) -> List.iter (fun (_, _, ty, bo) -> aux ty; aux bo) fl; incr h
- | Cic.CoFix (_, fl) -> List.iter (fun (_, ty, bo) -> aux ty; aux bo) fl; incr h
- in
- aux t;
- 1 + !h
- (* k=true if we are converting a term to be pushed in a ctx or if we are
- converting the type of a fix;
- k=false if we are converting a term to be put in the body of a fix;
- in the latter case, we must permute Rels since the Fix abstraction will
- preceed its lefts parameters; in the former case, there is nothing to
- permute *)
- let rec aux k octx (ctx : ctx list) n_fix uri = function
- | Cic.CoFix _ as cofix ->
- let octx,ctx,fix,rels = restrict octx ctx cofix in
- let cofixno,fl =
- match fix with Cic.CoFix (cofixno,fl)->cofixno,fl | _-> assert false in
- let buri =
- UriManager.uri_of_string
- (UriManager.buri_of_uri uri^"/"^
- UriManager.name_of_uri uri ^ "___" ^ get_fresh () ^ ".con")
- in
- let bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name,ty,_) (bctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux true octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
- let r = reference_of_ouri buri(Ref.CoFix idx) in
- bctx @ [Fix (lazy (r,name,ty))],
- fixpoints_ty @ fixpoints,ty::tys,idx-1)
- fl ([], [], [], List.length fl-1)
- in
- let bctx = bctx @ ctx in
- let n_fl = List.length fl in
- let boctx,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) ->
- (Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types,
- len+1)) (octx,0) fl
- in
- let fl, fixpoints =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun (name,_,bo) ty (l,fixpoints) ->
- let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux false boctx bctx n_fl buri bo in
- let splty,fixpoints_splty = splat true ctx ty in
- let splbo,fixpoints_splbo = splat false ctx bo in
- (([],name,~-1,splty,splbo)::l),
- fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints_splty @ fixpoints_splbo @ fixpoints)
- fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys)
- in
- let obj =
- nuri_of_ouri buri,0,[],[],
- NCic.Fixpoint (false, fl, (`Generated, `Definition, `Regular))
- in
- let r = reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.CoFix cofixno) in
- let obj,r =
- let _,name,_,_,_ = List.nth fl cofixno in
- match find_in_cache name obj r with
- Some r' -> [],r'
- | None -> [obj],r
- in
- splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix rels, fixpoints @ obj
- | Cic.Fix _ as fix ->
- let octx,ctx,fix,rels = restrict octx ctx fix in
- let fixno,fl =
- match fix with Cic.Fix (fixno,fl) -> fixno,fl | _ -> assert false in
- let buri =
- UriManager.uri_of_string
- (UriManager.buri_of_uri uri^"/"^
- UriManager.name_of_uri uri ^ "___" ^ get_fresh () ^ ".con") in
- let height = height_of_term fix - 1 in
- let bad_bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name,recno,ty,_) (bctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux true octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
- let r = (* recno is dummy here, must be lifted by the ctx len *)
- reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (idx,recno,height))
- in
- bctx @ [Fix (lazy (r,name,ty))],
- fixpoints_ty@fixpoints,ty::tys,idx-1)
- fl ([], [], [], List.length fl-1)
- in
- let _, _, free_decls, _ = context_tassonomy (bad_bctx @ ctx) in
- let free_decls = Lazy.force free_decls in
- let bctx =
- List.map (function ce -> match strictify ce with
- | `Fix (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (idx, recno,height)),name, ty) ->
- Fix (lazy (reference_of_ouri buri
- (Ref.Fix (idx,recno+free_decls,height)),name,ty))
- | _ -> assert false) bad_bctx @ ctx
- in
- let n_fl = List.length fl in
- let boctx,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) ->
- (Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types,
- len+1)) (octx,0) fl
- in
- let rno_fixno = ref 0 in
- let fl, fixpoints,_ =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun (name,rno,oty,bo) ty (l,fixpoints,idx) ->
- let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux false boctx bctx n_fl buri bo in
- let splty,fixpoints_splty = splat true ctx ty in
- let splbo,fixpoints_splbo = splat false ctx bo in
- let rno = rno + free_decls in
- if idx = fixno then rno_fixno := rno;
- ((get_relevance (osplat true octx oty),name,rno,splty,splbo)::l),
- fixpoints_bo@fixpoints_splty@fixpoints_splbo@fixpoints,idx+1)
- fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys,0)
- in
- let obj =
- nuri_of_ouri buri,height,[],[],
- NCic.Fixpoint (true, fl, (`Generated, `Definition, `Regular)) in
-(*prerr_endline ("H(" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri buri ^ ") = " ^ string_of_int * height);*)
- let r = reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (fixno,!rno_fixno,height)) in
- let obj,r =
- let _,name,_,_,_ = List.nth fl fixno in
- match find_in_cache name obj r with
- Some r' -> [],r'
- | None -> [obj],r
- in
- splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix rels, fixpoints @ obj
- | Cic.Rel n ->
- let bound, _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
- (match List.nth ctx (n-1) with
- | Fix l when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
- let r,_,_ = Lazy.force l in
- splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix, []
- | Ce _ when n <= bound -> NCic.Rel n, []
- | Fix _ when n <= bound -> assert false
- | Fix _ | Ce _ when k = true -> NCic.Rel n, []
- | Fix _ | Ce _ -> NCic.Rel (n-n_fix), [])
- | Cic.Lambda (name, (s as old_s), t) ->
- let s, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri s in
- let s'_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_s) in
- let ctx =
- Ce (lazy
- let s',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force s'_and_fixpoints_s' in
- ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Decl s'),fixpoints_s'))::ctx in
- let octx = Some (name, Cic.Decl old_s) :: octx in
- let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- NCic.Lambda (cn_to_s name, s, t), fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t
- | Cic.Prod (name, (s as old_s), t) ->
- let s, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri s in
- let s'_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_s) in
- let ctx =
- Ce (lazy
- let s',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force s'_and_fixpoints_s' in
- ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Decl s'),fixpoints_s'))::ctx in
- let octx = Some (name, Cic.Decl old_s) :: octx in
- let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- NCic.Prod (cn_to_s name, s, t), fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t
- | Cic.LetIn (name, (te as old_te), (ty as old_ty), t) ->
- let te, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri te in
- let te_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_te) in
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
- let ty_and_fixpoints_ty' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_ty) in
- let ctx =
- Ce (lazy
- let te',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force te_and_fixpoints_s' in
- let ty',fixpoints_ty' = Lazy.force ty_and_fixpoints_ty' in
- let fixpoints' = fixpoints_s' @ fixpoints_ty' in
- ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Def (te', ty')),fixpoints'))::ctx in
- let octx = Some (name, Cic.Def (old_te, old_ty)) :: octx in
- let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- NCic.LetIn (cn_to_s name, ty, te, t),
- fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t @ fixpoints_ty
- | Cic.Cast (t,ty) ->
- let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
- NCic.LetIn ("cast", ty, t, NCic.Rel 1), fixpoints_t @ fixpoints_ty
- | Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> NCic.Sort NCic.Prop,[]
- | Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp u) ->
- NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_cprop (CicUniv.get_rank u))),[]
- | Cic.Sort (Cic.Type u) ->
- NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_type (CicUniv.get_rank u))),[]
- | Cic.Sort Cic.Set -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_type 0)),[]
- (* calculate depth in the univ_graph*)
- | Cic.Appl l ->
- let l, fixpoints =
- List.fold_right
- (fun t (l,acc) ->
- let t, fixpoints = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- (t::l,fixpoints@acc))
- l ([],[])
- in
- (match l with
- | (NCic.Appl l1)::l2 -> NCic.Appl (l1@l2), fixpoints
- | _ -> NCic.Appl l, fixpoints)
- | Cic.Const (curi, ens) ->
- aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
- (match fst(CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- | Cic.Constant (_,Some _,_,_,_) ->
- NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Def (get_height curi)))
- | Cic.Constant (_,None,_,_,_) ->
- NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi Ref.Decl)
- | _ -> assert false)
- | Cic.MutInd (curi, tyno, ens) ->
- let is_inductive, lno =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.InductiveDefinition ([],vars,lno,_) -> true, lno + count_vars vars
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition ((_,b,_,_)::_,vars,lno,_) -> b, lno + count_vars vars
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
- (NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Ind (is_inductive,tyno,lno))))
- | Cic.MutConstruct (curi, tyno, consno, ens) ->
- let lno =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,vars,lno,_) -> lno + count_vars vars
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
- (NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Con (tyno,consno,lno))))
- | Cic.Var (curi, ens) ->
- (match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.Variable (_,Some bo,_,_,_) ->
- aux k octx ctx n_fix uri (CicSubstitution.subst_vars ens bo)
- | _ -> assert false)
- | Cic.MutCase (curi, tyno, outty, t, branches) ->
- let is_inductive,lno =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.InductiveDefinition ([],vars,lno,_) -> true, lno + count_vars vars
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition ((_,b,_,_)::_,vars,lno,_) -> b, lno + count_vars vars
- | _ -> assert false in
- let r = reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Ind (is_inductive,tyno,lno)) in
- let outty, fixpoints_outty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri outty in
- let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- let branches, fixpoints =
- List.fold_right
- (fun t (l,acc) ->
- let t, fixpoints = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- (t::l,fixpoints@acc))
- branches ([],[])
- in
- NCic.Match (r,outty,t,branches), fixpoints_outty@fixpoints_t@fixpoints
- | Cic.Implicit _ | Cic.Meta _ -> assert false
- and aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens he =
- match ens with
- [] -> he,[]
- | _::_ ->
- let params =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
- Cic.Constant (_,_,_,params,_)
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,params,_,_) -> params
- | Cic.Variable _
- | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
- in
- let ens,objs =
- List.fold_right
- (fun luri (l,objs) ->
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph luri) with
- Cic.Variable (_,Some _,_,_,_) -> l, objs
- | Cic.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) ->
- let t = List.assoc luri ens in
- let t,o = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
- t::l, o@objs
- | _ -> assert false
- ) params ([],[])
- in
- match ens with
- [] -> he,objs
- | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (he::ens),objs
-(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
-(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
- * lambda separating them *)
-let convert_term uri t =
- aux false [] [] 0 uri t
-let cook mode vars t =
- let t = fix_outtype t in
- let varsno = List.length vars in
- let t = CicSubstitution.lift varsno t in
- let rec aux n acc l =
- let subst =
- snd(List.fold_left (fun (i,res) uri -> i+1,(uri,Cic.Rel i)::res) (1,[]) acc)
- in
- match l with
- [] -> CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst t
- | uri::uris ->
- let bo,ty =
- match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph uri) with
- Cic.Variable (_,bo,ty,_,_) ->
- HExtlib.map_option fix_outtype bo, fix_outtype ty
- | _ -> assert false in
- let ty = CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst ty in
- let bo = HExtlib.map_option (CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst) bo in
- let id = Cic.Name (UriManager.name_of_uri uri) in
- let t = aux (n-1) (uri::acc) uris in
- match bo,ty,mode with
- None,ty,`Lambda -> Cic.Lambda (id,ty,t)
- | None,ty,`Pi -> Cic.Prod (id,ty,t)
- | Some bo,ty,_ -> Cic.LetIn (id,bo,ty,t)
- in
- aux varsno [] vars
-let convert_obj_aux uri = function
- | Cic.Constant (name, None, ty, vars, _) ->
- let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
- let nty, fixpoints = convert_term uri ty in
- assert(fixpoints = []);
- NCic.Constant (get_relevance ty, name, None, nty, (`Provided,`Theorem,`Regular)),
- fixpoints
- | Cic.Constant (name, Some bo, ty, vars, _) ->
- let bo = cook `Lambda vars bo in
- let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
- let nbo, fixpoints_bo = convert_term uri bo in
- let nty, fixpoints_ty = convert_term uri ty in
- assert(fixpoints_ty = []);
- NCic.Constant (get_relevance ty, name, Some nbo, nty, (`Provided,`Theorem,`Regular)),
- fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints_ty
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition (itl,vars,leftno,_) ->
- let ind = let _,x,_,_ = List.hd itl in x in
- let itl, fix_itl =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, _, ty, cl) (itl,acc) ->
- let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
- let nty, fix_ty = convert_term uri ty in
- let cl, fix_cl =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, ty) (cl,acc) ->
- let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
- let nty, fix_ty = convert_term uri ty in
- (get_relevance ty, name, nty)::cl, acc @ fix_ty)
- cl ([],[])
- in
- (get_relevance ty, name, nty, cl)::itl, fix_ty @ fix_cl @ acc)
- itl ([],[])
- in
- NCic.Inductive(ind, leftno + count_vars vars, itl, (`Provided, `Regular)),
- fix_itl
- | Cic.Variable _
- | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
-let convert_obj uri obj =
- reset_seed ();
- let o, fixpoints = convert_obj_aux uri obj in
- let obj = nuri_of_ouri uri,get_height uri, [], [], o in
-(*prerr_endline ("H(" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ ") = " ^ string_of_int * (get_height uri));*)
- fixpoints @ [obj]
-let clear () =
- Hashtbl.clear cache;
- UriManager.UriHashtbl.clear cache1
-let convert_context uri =
- let name_of = function Cic.Name s -> s | _ -> "_" in
- List.fold_right
- (function
- | (Some (s, Cic.Decl t) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
- let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
- (name_of s, NCic.Decl t) :: nc,
- Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Decl t),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
- | (Some (Cic.Name s, Cic.Def (t,ty)) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
- let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
- let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri ty in
- (name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)) :: nc,
- Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
- | None -> nc, , e :: oc
-let convert_term uri ctx t =
- aux false [] [] 0 uri t
-let reference_of_oxuri u =
- let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri u in
- let t',l = convert_term (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy/dummy.con") t in
- match t',l with
- NCic.Const nref, [] -> nref
- | _,_ -> assert false
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-val nuri_of_ouri: UriManager.uri -> NUri.uri
-val reference_of_ouri: UriManager.uri -> NReference.spec -> NReference.reference
-val reference_of_oxuri: UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference
-val convert_obj: UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj -> NCic.obj list
-val convert_term: UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> NCic.term * NCic.obj list
-val clear: unit -> unit
-nCicLibrary.cmo: nCicLibrary.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmx: nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCic2OCic.cmo: nCic2OCic.cmi
+nCic2OCic.cmx: nCic2OCic.cmi
+oCic2NCic.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi
+oCic2NCic.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi nCic2OCic.cmi nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmx nCic2OCic.cmx nCicLibrary.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmo: nCicLibrary.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmx: nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCic2OCic.cmo: nCic2OCic.cmi
+nCic2OCic.cmx: nCic2OCic.cmi
+oCic2NCic.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi
+oCic2NCic.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi nCic2OCic.cmi nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmx nCic2OCic.cmx nCicLibrary.cmi
+ nCic2OCic.mli \
+ oCic2NCic.mli \
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+let ouri_of_nuri u = UriManager.uri_of_string (NUri.string_of_uri u);;
+let ouri_of_reference (NReference.Ref (u,_)) = ouri_of_nuri u;;
+let cprop = [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")];;
+let nn_2_on = function
+ | "_" -> Cic.Anonymous
+ | s -> Cic.Name s
+let convert_term uri n_fl t =
+ let rec convert_term k = function (* pass k along *)
+ | NCic.Rel i -> Cic.Rel i
+ | NCic.Meta _ -> assert false
+ | NCic.Appl l -> Cic.Appl (List.map (convert_term k) l)
+ | NCic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ Cic.Prod (nn_2_on n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
+ | NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ Cic.Lambda(nn_2_on n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
+ | NCic.LetIn (n,ty_s,s,t) ->
+ Cic.LetIn (nn_2_on n,convert_term k s,convert_term k ty_s, convert_term (k+1) t)
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> Cic.Sort Cic.Prop
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) when
+ (* BUG HERE: I should use NCicEnvironment.universe_eq, but I do not
+ want to add this recursion between the modules *)
+ (*NCicEnvironment.universe_eq*) u=cprop -> Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp (CicUniv.fresh ()))
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type _) -> Cic.Sort (Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh ()))
+ | NCic.Implicit _ -> assert false
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Ind (_,i,_))) ->
+ Cic.MutInd (ouri_of_nuri u,i,[])
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Con (i,j,_))) ->
+ Cic.MutConstruct (ouri_of_nuri u,i,j,[])
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Def _))
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Decl)) ->
+ Cic.Const (ouri_of_nuri u,[])
+ | NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Ind (_,i,_)),oty,t,pl) ->
+ Cic.MutCase (ouri_of_nuri u,i, convert_term k oty, convert_term k t,
+ List.map (convert_term k) pl)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.Fix (i,_,_)))
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,NReference.CoFix i)) ->
+ if NUri.eq u uri then
+ Cic.Rel (n_fl - i + k)
+ else
+ let ouri = ouri_of_nuri u in
+ let ouri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string
+ (UriManager.buri_of_uri ouri ^ "/" ^
+ UriManager.name_of_uri ouri ^ string_of_int i ^ ".con") in
+ Cic.Const (ouri,[])
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ convert_term 0 t
+let convert_fix is_fix uri k fl =
+ let n_fl = List.length fl in
+ if is_fix then
+ let fl =
+ List.map
+ (fun (_, name,recno,ty,bo) ->
+ name, recno, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
+ fl
+ in
+ Cic.Fix (k, fl)
+ else
+ let fl =
+ List.map
+ (fun (_, name,_,ty,bo) ->
+ name, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
+ fl
+ in
+ Cic.CoFix (k, fl)
+let convert_nobj = function
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, Some bo, ty, _) ->
+ [ouri_of_nuri u,Cic.Constant
+ (name, Some (convert_term u 0 bo), convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])]
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, None, ty, _) ->
+ [ouri_of_nuri u,Cic.Constant (name, None, convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])]
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix, fl, _) ->
+ List.map
+ (fun nth ->
+ let name =
+ UriManager.name_of_uri (ouri_of_nuri u) ^ string_of_int nth in
+ let buri = UriManager.buri_of_uri (ouri_of_nuri u) in
+ let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (buri ^"/"^name^".con") in
+ uri,
+ Cic.Constant (name,
+ Some (convert_fix is_fix u nth fl),
+ convert_term u 0 (let _,_,_,ty,_ = List.hd fl in ty), [], []))
+ (let rec seq = function 0 -> [0]|n -> n::seq (n-1) in
+ seq (List.length fl-1))
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,itl,_) ->
+ let itl =
+ List.map
+ (function (_,name,ty,cl) ->
+ let cl=List.map (function (_,name,ty) -> name,convert_term u 0 ty) cl in
+ name,inductive,convert_term u 0 ty,cl
+ ) itl
+ in
+ [ouri_of_nuri u, Cic.InductiveDefinition (itl,[],leftno,[])]
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+val ouri_of_nuri: NUri.uri -> UriManager.uri
+val ouri_of_reference: NReference.reference -> UriManager.uri
+val convert_nobj: NCic.obj -> (UriManager.uri * Cic.obj) list
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+module Ref = NReference
+let nuri_of_ouri o = NUri.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri o);;
+let mk_type n =
+ [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
+let mk_cprop n =
+ if n = 0 then
+ [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
+ else
+ [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
+let is_proof_irrelevant context ty =
+ match
+ CicReduction.whd context
+ (fst (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context ty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph))
+ with
+ Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> true
+ | Cic.Sort _ -> false
+ | _ -> assert false
+exception InProp;;
+let get_relevance ty =
+ let rec aux context ty =
+ match CicReduction.whd context ty with
+ Cic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ not (is_proof_irrelevant context s)::aux (Some (n,Cic.Decl s)::context) t
+ | _ -> []
+ in aux [] ty
+(* | ty -> if is_proof_irrelevant context ty then raise InProp else []
+ in
+ try aux [] ty
+ with InProp -> []*)
+(* porcatissima *)
+type reference = Ref of NUri.uri * NReference.spec
+let reference_of_ouri u indinfo =
+ let u = nuri_of_ouri u in
+ NReference.reference_of_string
+ (NReference.string_of_reference (Obj.magic (Ref (u,indinfo))))
+type ctx =
+ | Ce of (NCic.hypothesis * NCic.obj list) Lazy.t
+ | Fix of (Ref.reference * string * NCic.term) Lazy.t
+let strictify =
+ function
+ Ce l -> `Ce (Lazy.force l)
+ | Fix l -> `Fix (Lazy.force l)
+let count_vars vars =
+ List.length
+ (List.filter (fun v ->
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph v) with
+ Cic.Variable (_,Some _,_,_,_) -> false
+ | Cic.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) -> true
+ | _ -> assert false) vars)
+(***** A function to restrict the context of a term getting rid of unsed
+ variables *******)
+let restrict octx ctx ot =
+ let odummy = Cic.Implicit None in
+ let dummy = NCic.Meta (~-1,(0,NCic.Irl 0)) in
+ let rec aux m acc ot t =
+ function
+ [],[] -> (ot,t),acc
+ | ohe::otl as octx,he::tl ->
+ if CicTypeChecker.does_not_occur octx 0 1 ot then
+ aux (m+1) acc (CicSubstitution.subst odummy ot)
+ (NCicSubstitution.subst dummy t) (otl,tl)
+ else
+ (match ohe,strictify he with
+ None,_ -> assert false
+ | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),`Ce ((name', NCic.Decl ty),objs) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | Some (name,Cic.Decl oty),`Fix (ref,name',ty) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,[],Some ref)::acc) (Cic.Lambda (name,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.Lambda (name',ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | Some (name,Cic.Def (obo,oty)),`Ce ((name', NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs) ->
+ aux (m+1) ((m+1,objs,None)::acc) (Cic.LetIn (name,obo,oty,ot))
+ (NCic.LetIn (name',bo,ty,t)) (otl,tl)
+ | _,_ -> assert false)
+ | _,_ -> assert false in
+ let rec split_lambdas_and_letins octx ctx infos (ote,te) =
+ match infos, ote, te with
+ ([], _, _) -> octx,ctx,ote
+ | ((_,objs,None)::tl, Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota), NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
+ (Ce (lazy ((name',NCic.Decl so),objs))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | ((_,_,Some r)::tl,Cic.Lambda(name,oso,ota),NCic.Lambda(name',so,ta)) ->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some(name,(Cic.Decl oso)))::octx)
+ (Fix (lazy (r,name',so))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | ((_,objs,None)::tl,Cic.LetIn(name,obo,oty,ota),NCic.LetIn(nam',bo,ty,ta))->
+ split_lambdas_and_letins ((Some (name,(Cic.Def (obo,oty))))::octx)
+ (Ce (lazy ((nam',NCic.Def (bo,ty)),objs))::ctx) tl (ota,ta)
+ | (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ in
+ let long_t,infos = aux 0 [] ot dummy (octx,ctx) in
+ let clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot= split_lambdas_and_letins [] [] infos long_t
+ in
+(*prerr_endline ("RESTRICT PRIMA: " ^ CicPp.pp ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) octx));
+prerr_endline ("RESTRICT DOPO: " ^ CicPp.pp clean_ot (List.map (function None -> None | Some (name,_) -> Some name) clean_octx));
+ clean_octx,clean_ctx,clean_ot, List.map (fun (rel,_,_) -> rel) infos
+(**** The translation itself ****)
+let cn_to_s = function
+ | Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
+ | Cic.Name s -> s
+let splat mk_pi ctx t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (t,l) c ->
+ match strictify c with
+ | `Ce ((name, NCic.Def (bo,ty)),l') -> NCic.LetIn (name, ty, bo, t),l@l'
+ | `Ce ((name, NCic.Decl ty),l') when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t),l@l'
+ | `Ce ((name, NCic.Decl ty),l') -> NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t),l@l'
+ | `Fix (_,name,ty) when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t),l
+ | `Fix (_,name,ty) -> NCic.Lambda (name,ty,t),l)
+ (t,[]) ctx
+let osplat mk_pi ctx t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun t c ->
+ match c with
+ | Some (name, Cic.Def (bo,ty)) -> Cic.LetIn (name, ty, bo, t)
+ | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) when mk_pi -> Cic.Prod (name, ty, t)
+ | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) -> Cic.Lambda (name, ty, t)
+ | None -> assert false)
+ t ctx
+let context_tassonomy ctx =
+ let rec split inner acc acc1 = function
+ | Ce _ :: tl when inner -> split inner (acc+1) (acc1+1) tl
+ | Fix _ ::tl -> split false acc (acc1+1) tl
+ | _ as l ->
+ let only_decl () =
+ List.filter
+ (function
+ Ce _ as ce ->
+ (match strictify ce with
+ `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Fix _ -> true) l
+ in
+ acc, List.length l, lazy (List.length (only_decl ())), acc1
+ in
+ split true 0 1 ctx
+let splat_args_for_rel ctx t ?rels n_fix =
+ let rels =
+ match rels with
+ Some rels -> rels
+ | None ->
+ let rec mk_irl = function 0 -> [] | n -> n::mk_irl (n - 1) in
+ mk_irl (List.length ctx)
+ in
+ let bound, free, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
+ if free = 0 then t
+ else
+ let rec aux = function
+ | n,_ when n = bound + n_fix -> []
+ | n,he::tl ->
+ (match strictify (List.nth ctx (n-1)) with
+ | `Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
+ NCic.Const refe :: aux (n-1,tl)
+ | `Fix _ | `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) ->
+ NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
+ | `Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n-1,tl))
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+ let args = aux (List.length ctx,rels) in
+ match args with
+ [] -> t
+ | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (t::args)
+let splat_args ctx t n_fix rels =
+ let bound, _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
+ if ctx = [] then t
+ else
+ let rec aux = function
+ | 0,[] -> []
+ | n,he::tl ->
+ (match strictify (List.nth ctx (n-1)) with
+ | `Ce ((_, NCic.Decl _),_) when n <= bound ->
+ NCic.Rel he:: aux (n-1,tl)
+ | `Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
+ splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const refe) ~rels n_fix :: aux (n-1,tl)
+ | `Fix _ | `Ce((_, NCic.Decl _),_)-> NCic.Rel (he - n_fix)::aux(n-1,tl)
+ | `Ce ((_, NCic.Def _),_) -> aux (n - 1,tl)
+ )
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+ let args = aux (List.length ctx,rels) in
+ match args with
+ [] -> t
+ | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (t::args)
+exception Nothing_to_do;;
+let fix_outty curi tyno t context outty =
+ let leftno,rightno =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.InductiveDefinition (tyl,_,leftno,_) ->
+ let _,_,arity,_ = List.nth tyl tyno in
+ let rec count_prods leftno context arity =
+ match leftno, CicReduction.whd context arity with
+ 0, Cic.Sort _ -> 0
+ | 0, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
+ 1 + count_prods 0 (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
+ | _, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
+ count_prods (leftno - 1) (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+(*prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri curi);
+prerr_endline ("LEFTNO: " ^ string_of_int leftno ^ " " ^ CicPp.ppterm arity);*)
+ leftno, count_prods leftno [] arity
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let ens,args =
+ let tty,_= CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
+ match CicReduction.whd context tty with
+ Cic.MutInd (_,_,ens) -> ens,[]
+ | Cic.Appl (Cic.MutInd (_,_,ens)::args) ->
+ ens,fst (HExtlib.split_nth leftno args)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let rec aux n irl context outsort =
+ match n, CicReduction.whd context outsort with
+ 0, Cic.Prod _ -> raise Nothing_to_do
+ | 0, _ ->
+ let irl = List.rev irl in
+ let ty = CicSubstitution.lift rightno (Cic.MutInd (curi,tyno,ens)) in
+ let ty =
+ if args = [] && irl = [] then ty
+ else
+ Cic.Appl (ty::(List.map (CicSubstitution.lift rightno) args)@irl) in
+ let he = CicSubstitution.lift (rightno + 1) outty in
+ let t =
+ if irl = [] then he
+ else Cic.Appl (he::List.map (CicSubstitution.lift 1) irl)
+ in
+ Cic.Lambda (Cic.Anonymous, ty, t)
+ | n, Cic.Prod (name,so,ty) ->
+ let ty' =
+ aux (n - 1) (Cic.Rel n::irl) (Some (name, Cic.Decl so)::context) ty
+ in
+ Cic.Lambda (name,so,ty')
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+(*prerr_endline ("RIGHTNO = " ^ string_of_int rightno ^ " OUTTY = " ^ CicPp.ppterm outty);*)
+ let outsort =
+ fst (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context outty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph)
+ in
+ try aux rightno [] context outsort
+ with Nothing_to_do -> outty
+(*prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm outty ^ " <==> " ^ CicPp.ppterm outty');*)
+let fix_outtype t =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux context =
+ function
+ C.Rel _ as t -> t
+ | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst in
+ C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.Implicit _
+ | C.Meta _ -> assert false
+ | C.Sort _ as t -> t
+ | C.Cast (v,t) -> C.Cast (aux context v, aux context t)
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ C.Prod (n, aux context s, aux ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) t)
+ | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ C.Lambda (n, aux context s, aux ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) t)
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) ->
+ C.LetIn
+ (n, aux context s, aux context ty,
+ aux ((Some (n, C.Def(s,ty)))::context) t)
+ | C.Appl l -> C.Appl (List.map (aux context) l)
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutInd (uri, tyno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function i,t -> i, (aux context t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, term, patterns) ->
+ let outty = fix_outty uri tyno term context outty in
+ C.MutCase (uri, tyno, aux context outty,
+ aux context term, List.map (aux context) patterns)
+ | C.Fix (funno, funs) ->
+ let tys,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) ->
+ ((Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))))::types,
+ len+1
+ ) ([],0) funs
+ in
+ C.Fix (funno,
+ List.map
+ (fun (name, indidx, ty, bo) ->
+ (name, indidx, aux context ty, aux (tys@context) bo)
+ ) funs
+ )
+ | C.CoFix (funno, funs) ->
+ let tys,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) ->
+ ((Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))))::types,
+ len+1
+ ) ([],0) funs
+ in
+ C.CoFix (funno,
+ List.map
+ (fun (name, ty, bo) ->
+ (name, aux context ty, aux (tys@context) bo)
+ ) funs
+ )
+ in
+ aux [] t
+let get_fresh,reset_seed =
+ let seed = ref 0 in
+ (function () ->
+ incr seed;
+ string_of_int !seed),
+ (function () -> seed := 0)
+exception NotSimilar
+let alpha t1 t2 ref ref' =
+ let rec aux t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
+ | NCic.Rel n, NCic.Rel m when n=m -> ()
+ | NCic.Appl l1, NCic.Appl l2 -> List.iter2 aux l1 l2
+ | NCic.Lambda (_,s1,t1), NCic.Lambda (_,s2,t2)
+ | NCic.Prod (_,s1,t1), NCic.Prod (_,s2,t2) -> aux s1 s2; aux t1 t2
+ | NCic.LetIn (_,s1,ty1,t1), NCic.LetIn (_,s2,ty2,t2) ->
+ aux s1 s2; aux ty1 ty2; aux t1 t2
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (uu1,xp1)),
+ NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (uu2,xp2)) when
+ let NReference.Ref (u1,_) = ref in
+ let NReference.Ref (u2,_) = ref' in
+ NUri.eq uu1 u1 && NUri.eq uu2 u2 && xp1 = xp2
+ -> ()
+ | NCic.Const r1, NCic.Const r2 when NReference.eq r1 r2 -> ()
+ | NCic.Meta _,NCic.Meta _ -> ()
+ | NCic.Implicit _,NCic.Implicit _ -> ()
+ | NCic.Sort x,NCic.Sort y when x=y -> ()
+ | NCic.Match (_,t1,t11,tl1), NCic.Match (_,t2,t22,tl2) ->
+ aux t1 t2;aux t11 t22;List.iter2 aux tl1 tl2
+ | _-> raise NotSimilar
+ in
+ try aux t1 t2; true with NotSimilar -> false
+exception Found of NReference.reference;;
+let cache = Hashtbl.create 313;;
+let same_obj ref ref' =
+ function
+ | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (b1,l1,_)), (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (b2,l2,_))
+ when List.for_all2 (fun (_,_,_,ty1,bo1) (_,_,_,ty2,bo2) ->
+ alpha ty1 ty2 ref ref' && alpha bo1 bo2 ref ref') l1 l2 && b1=b2->
+ true
+ | _ -> false
+let find_in_cache name obj ref =
+ try
+ List.iter
+ (function (ref',obj') ->
+ let recno, fixno =
+ match ref with
+ NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix (fixno,recno,_)) -> recno,fixno
+ | NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix (fixno)) -> ~-1,fixno
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let recno',fixno' =
+ match ref' with
+ NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix (fixno',recno,_)) -> recno,fixno'
+ | NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix (fixno')) -> ~-1,fixno'
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if recno = recno' && fixno = fixno' && same_obj ref ref' (obj,obj') then (
+prerr_endline ("!!!!!!!!!!! CACHE HIT !!!!!!!!!!\n" ^
+NReference.string_of_reference ref ^ "\n" ^
+NReference.string_of_reference ref' ^ "\n");
+ *)
+ raise (Found ref'));
+prerr_endline ("CACHE SAME NAME: " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref ^ " <==> " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref');
+ *)
+ ) (Hashtbl.find_all cache name);
+(* prerr_endline "<<< CACHE MISS >>>"; *)
+ begin
+ match obj, ref with
+ | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (true,fl,_)) ,
+ NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _) ->
+ ignore(List.fold_left (fun i (_,name,rno,_,_) ->
+ let ref = NReference.mk_fix i rno ref in
+ Hashtbl.add cache name (ref,obj);
+ i+1
+ ) 0 fl)
+ | (_,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (false,fl,_)) ,
+ NReference.Ref (_,NReference.CoFix _) ->
+ ignore(List.fold_left (fun i (_,name,_,_,_) ->
+ let ref = NReference.mk_cofix i ref in
+ Hashtbl.add cache name (ref,obj);
+ i+1
+ ) 0 fl)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end;
+ None
+ with Found ref -> Some ref
+let cache1 = UriManager.UriHashtbl.create 313;;
+let rec get_height =
+ function u ->
+ try
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.find cache1 u
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let h = ref 0 in
+ let res =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph u) with
+ Cic.Constant (_,Some bo,ty,params,_)
+ | Cic.Variable (_,Some bo,ty,params,_) ->
+ ignore (height_of_term ~h bo);
+ ignore (height_of_term ~h ty);
+ List.iter (function uri -> h := max !h (get_height uri)) params;
+ 1 + !h
+ | _ -> 0
+ in
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.add cache1 u res;
+ res
+and height_of_term ?(h=ref 0) t =
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ Cic.Rel _
+ | Cic.Sort _ -> ()
+ | Cic.Implicit _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.Var (uri,exp_named_subst)
+ | Cic.Const (uri,exp_named_subst)
+ | Cic.MutInd (uri,_,exp_named_subst)
+ | Cic.MutConstruct (uri,_,_,exp_named_subst) ->
+ h := max !h (get_height uri);
+ List.iter (function (_,t) -> aux t) exp_named_subst
+ | Cic.Meta (_,l) -> List.iter (function None -> () | Some t -> aux t) l
+ | Cic.Cast (t1,t2)
+ | Cic.Prod (_,t1,t2)
+ | Cic.Lambda (_,t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
+ | Cic.LetIn (_,s,ty,t) -> aux s; aux ty; aux t
+ | Cic.Appl l -> List.iter aux l
+ | Cic.MutCase (_,_,outty,t,pl) -> aux outty; aux t; List.iter aux pl
+ | Cic.Fix (_, fl) -> List.iter (fun (_, _, ty, bo) -> aux ty; aux bo) fl; incr h
+ | Cic.CoFix (_, fl) -> List.iter (fun (_, ty, bo) -> aux ty; aux bo) fl; incr h
+ in
+ aux t;
+ 1 + !h
+ (* k=true if we are converting a term to be pushed in a ctx or if we are
+ converting the type of a fix;
+ k=false if we are converting a term to be put in the body of a fix;
+ in the latter case, we must permute Rels since the Fix abstraction will
+ preceed its lefts parameters; in the former case, there is nothing to
+ permute *)
+ let rec aux k octx (ctx : ctx list) n_fix uri = function
+ | Cic.CoFix _ as cofix ->
+ let octx,ctx,fix,rels = restrict octx ctx cofix in
+ let cofixno,fl =
+ match fix with Cic.CoFix (cofixno,fl)->cofixno,fl | _-> assert false in
+ let buri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string
+ (UriManager.buri_of_uri uri^"/"^
+ UriManager.name_of_uri uri ^ "___" ^ get_fresh () ^ ".con")
+ in
+ let bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name,ty,_) (bctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux true octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ let r = reference_of_ouri buri(Ref.CoFix idx) in
+ bctx @ [Fix (lazy (r,name,ty))],
+ fixpoints_ty @ fixpoints,ty::tys,idx-1)
+ fl ([], [], [], List.length fl-1)
+ in
+ let bctx = bctx @ ctx in
+ let n_fl = List.length fl in
+ let boctx,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) ->
+ (Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types,
+ len+1)) (octx,0) fl
+ in
+ let fl, fixpoints =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun (name,_,bo) ty (l,fixpoints) ->
+ let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux false boctx bctx n_fl buri bo in
+ let splty,fixpoints_splty = splat true ctx ty in
+ let splbo,fixpoints_splbo = splat false ctx bo in
+ (([],name,~-1,splty,splbo)::l),
+ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints_splty @ fixpoints_splbo @ fixpoints)
+ fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys)
+ in
+ let obj =
+ nuri_of_ouri buri,0,[],[],
+ NCic.Fixpoint (false, fl, (`Generated, `Definition, `Regular))
+ in
+ let r = reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.CoFix cofixno) in
+ let obj,r =
+ let _,name,_,_,_ = List.nth fl cofixno in
+ match find_in_cache name obj r with
+ Some r' -> [],r'
+ | None -> [obj],r
+ in
+ splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix rels, fixpoints @ obj
+ | Cic.Fix _ as fix ->
+ let octx,ctx,fix,rels = restrict octx ctx fix in
+ let fixno,fl =
+ match fix with Cic.Fix (fixno,fl) -> fixno,fl | _ -> assert false in
+ let buri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string
+ (UriManager.buri_of_uri uri^"/"^
+ UriManager.name_of_uri uri ^ "___" ^ get_fresh () ^ ".con") in
+ let height = height_of_term fix - 1 in
+ let bad_bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name,recno,ty,_) (bctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux true octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ let r = (* recno is dummy here, must be lifted by the ctx len *)
+ reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (idx,recno,height))
+ in
+ bctx @ [Fix (lazy (r,name,ty))],
+ fixpoints_ty@fixpoints,ty::tys,idx-1)
+ fl ([], [], [], List.length fl-1)
+ in
+ let _, _, free_decls, _ = context_tassonomy (bad_bctx @ ctx) in
+ let free_decls = Lazy.force free_decls in
+ let bctx =
+ List.map (function ce -> match strictify ce with
+ | `Fix (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (idx, recno,height)),name, ty) ->
+ Fix (lazy (reference_of_ouri buri
+ (Ref.Fix (idx,recno+free_decls,height)),name,ty))
+ | _ -> assert false) bad_bctx @ ctx
+ in
+ let n_fl = List.length fl in
+ let boctx,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) ->
+ (Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types,
+ len+1)) (octx,0) fl
+ in
+ let rno_fixno = ref 0 in
+ let fl, fixpoints,_ =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun (name,rno,oty,bo) ty (l,fixpoints,idx) ->
+ let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux false boctx bctx n_fl buri bo in
+ let splty,fixpoints_splty = splat true ctx ty in
+ let splbo,fixpoints_splbo = splat false ctx bo in
+ let rno = rno + free_decls in
+ if idx = fixno then rno_fixno := rno;
+ ((get_relevance (osplat true octx oty),name,rno,splty,splbo)::l),
+ fixpoints_bo@fixpoints_splty@fixpoints_splbo@fixpoints,idx+1)
+ fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys,0)
+ in
+ let obj =
+ nuri_of_ouri buri,height,[],[],
+ NCic.Fixpoint (true, fl, (`Generated, `Definition, `Regular)) in
+(*prerr_endline ("H(" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri buri ^ ") = " ^ string_of_int * height);*)
+ let r = reference_of_ouri buri (Ref.Fix (fixno,!rno_fixno,height)) in
+ let obj,r =
+ let _,name,_,_,_ = List.nth fl fixno in
+ match find_in_cache name obj r with
+ Some r' -> [],r'
+ | None -> [obj],r
+ in
+ splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix rels, fixpoints @ obj
+ | Cic.Rel n ->
+ let bound, _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
+ (match List.nth ctx (n-1) with
+ | Fix l when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
+ let r,_,_ = Lazy.force l in
+ splat_args_for_rel ctx (NCic.Const r) n_fix, []
+ | Ce _ when n <= bound -> NCic.Rel n, []
+ | Fix _ when n <= bound -> assert false
+ | Fix _ | Ce _ when k = true -> NCic.Rel n, []
+ | Fix _ | Ce _ -> NCic.Rel (n-n_fix), [])
+ | Cic.Lambda (name, (s as old_s), t) ->
+ let s, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri s in
+ let s'_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_s) in
+ let ctx =
+ Ce (lazy
+ let s',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force s'_and_fixpoints_s' in
+ ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Decl s'),fixpoints_s'))::ctx in
+ let octx = Some (name, Cic.Decl old_s) :: octx in
+ let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ NCic.Lambda (cn_to_s name, s, t), fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t
+ | Cic.Prod (name, (s as old_s), t) ->
+ let s, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri s in
+ let s'_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_s) in
+ let ctx =
+ Ce (lazy
+ let s',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force s'_and_fixpoints_s' in
+ ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Decl s'),fixpoints_s'))::ctx in
+ let octx = Some (name, Cic.Decl old_s) :: octx in
+ let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ NCic.Prod (cn_to_s name, s, t), fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t
+ | Cic.LetIn (name, (te as old_te), (ty as old_ty), t) ->
+ let te, fixpoints_s = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri te in
+ let te_and_fixpoints_s' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_te) in
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ let ty_and_fixpoints_ty' = lazy (aux true octx ctx n_fix uri old_ty) in
+ let ctx =
+ Ce (lazy
+ let te',fixpoints_s' = Lazy.force te_and_fixpoints_s' in
+ let ty',fixpoints_ty' = Lazy.force ty_and_fixpoints_ty' in
+ let fixpoints' = fixpoints_s' @ fixpoints_ty' in
+ ((cn_to_s name, NCic.Def (te', ty')),fixpoints'))::ctx in
+ let octx = Some (name, Cic.Def (old_te, old_ty)) :: octx in
+ let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ NCic.LetIn (cn_to_s name, ty, te, t),
+ fixpoints_s @ fixpoints_t @ fixpoints_ty
+ | Cic.Cast (t,ty) ->
+ let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ NCic.LetIn ("cast", ty, t, NCic.Rel 1), fixpoints_t @ fixpoints_ty
+ | Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> NCic.Sort NCic.Prop,[]
+ | Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp u) ->
+ NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_cprop (CicUniv.get_rank u))),[]
+ | Cic.Sort (Cic.Type u) ->
+ NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_type (CicUniv.get_rank u))),[]
+ | Cic.Sort Cic.Set -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (mk_type 0)),[]
+ (* calculate depth in the univ_graph*)
+ | Cic.Appl l ->
+ let l, fixpoints =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t (l,acc) ->
+ let t, fixpoints = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ (t::l,fixpoints@acc))
+ l ([],[])
+ in
+ (match l with
+ | (NCic.Appl l1)::l2 -> NCic.Appl (l1@l2), fixpoints
+ | _ -> NCic.Appl l, fixpoints)
+ | Cic.Const (curi, ens) ->
+ aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
+ (match fst(CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ | Cic.Constant (_,Some _,_,_,_) ->
+ NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Def (get_height curi)))
+ | Cic.Constant (_,None,_,_,_) ->
+ NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi Ref.Decl)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Cic.MutInd (curi, tyno, ens) ->
+ let is_inductive, lno =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.InductiveDefinition ([],vars,lno,_) -> true, lno + count_vars vars
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition ((_,b,_,_)::_,vars,lno,_) -> b, lno + count_vars vars
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
+ (NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Ind (is_inductive,tyno,lno))))
+ | Cic.MutConstruct (curi, tyno, consno, ens) ->
+ let lno =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,vars,lno,_) -> lno + count_vars vars
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens
+ (NCic.Const (reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Con (tyno,consno,lno))))
+ | Cic.Var (curi, ens) ->
+ (match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.Variable (_,Some bo,_,_,_) ->
+ aux k octx ctx n_fix uri (CicSubstitution.subst_vars ens bo)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Cic.MutCase (curi, tyno, outty, t, branches) ->
+ let is_inductive,lno =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.InductiveDefinition ([],vars,lno,_) -> true, lno + count_vars vars
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition ((_,b,_,_)::_,vars,lno,_) -> b, lno + count_vars vars
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let r = reference_of_ouri curi (Ref.Ind (is_inductive,tyno,lno)) in
+ let outty, fixpoints_outty = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri outty in
+ let t, fixpoints_t = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ let branches, fixpoints =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t (l,acc) ->
+ let t, fixpoints = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ (t::l,fixpoints@acc))
+ branches ([],[])
+ in
+ NCic.Match (r,outty,t,branches), fixpoints_outty@fixpoints_t@fixpoints
+ | Cic.Implicit _ | Cic.Meta _ -> assert false
+ and aux_ens k curi octx ctx n_fix uri ens he =
+ match ens with
+ [] -> he,[]
+ | _::_ ->
+ let params =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph curi) with
+ Cic.Constant (_,_,_,params,_)
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,params,_,_) -> params
+ | Cic.Variable _
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let ens,objs =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun luri (l,objs) ->
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph luri) with
+ Cic.Variable (_,Some _,_,_,_) -> l, objs
+ | Cic.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) ->
+ let t = List.assoc luri ens in
+ let t,o = aux k octx ctx n_fix uri t in
+ t::l, o@objs
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ) params ([],[])
+ in
+ match ens with
+ [] -> he,objs
+ | _::_ -> NCic.Appl (he::ens),objs
+(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
+(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
+ * lambda separating them *)
+let convert_term uri t =
+ aux false [] [] 0 uri t
+let cook mode vars t =
+ let t = fix_outtype t in
+ let varsno = List.length vars in
+ let t = CicSubstitution.lift varsno t in
+ let rec aux n acc l =
+ let subst =
+ snd(List.fold_left (fun (i,res) uri -> i+1,(uri,Cic.Rel i)::res) (1,[]) acc)
+ in
+ match l with
+ [] -> CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst t
+ | uri::uris ->
+ let bo,ty =
+ match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph uri) with
+ Cic.Variable (_,bo,ty,_,_) ->
+ HExtlib.map_option fix_outtype bo, fix_outtype ty
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let ty = CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst ty in
+ let bo = HExtlib.map_option (CicSubstitution.subst_vars subst) bo in
+ let id = Cic.Name (UriManager.name_of_uri uri) in
+ let t = aux (n-1) (uri::acc) uris in
+ match bo,ty,mode with
+ None,ty,`Lambda -> Cic.Lambda (id,ty,t)
+ | None,ty,`Pi -> Cic.Prod (id,ty,t)
+ | Some bo,ty,_ -> Cic.LetIn (id,bo,ty,t)
+ in
+ aux varsno [] vars
+let convert_obj_aux uri = function
+ | Cic.Constant (name, None, ty, vars, _) ->
+ let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
+ let nty, fixpoints = convert_term uri ty in
+ assert(fixpoints = []);
+ NCic.Constant (get_relevance ty, name, None, nty, (`Provided,`Theorem,`Regular)),
+ fixpoints
+ | Cic.Constant (name, Some bo, ty, vars, _) ->
+ let bo = cook `Lambda vars bo in
+ let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
+ let nbo, fixpoints_bo = convert_term uri bo in
+ let nty, fixpoints_ty = convert_term uri ty in
+ assert(fixpoints_ty = []);
+ NCic.Constant (get_relevance ty, name, Some nbo, nty, (`Provided,`Theorem,`Regular)),
+ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints_ty
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (itl,vars,leftno,_) ->
+ let ind = let _,x,_,_ = List.hd itl in x in
+ let itl, fix_itl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name, _, ty, cl) (itl,acc) ->
+ let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
+ let nty, fix_ty = convert_term uri ty in
+ let cl, fix_cl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name, ty) (cl,acc) ->
+ let ty = cook `Pi vars ty in
+ let nty, fix_ty = convert_term uri ty in
+ (get_relevance ty, name, nty)::cl, acc @ fix_ty)
+ cl ([],[])
+ in
+ (get_relevance ty, name, nty, cl)::itl, fix_ty @ fix_cl @ acc)
+ itl ([],[])
+ in
+ NCic.Inductive(ind, leftno + count_vars vars, itl, (`Provided, `Regular)),
+ fix_itl
+ | Cic.Variable _
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+let convert_obj uri obj =
+ reset_seed ();
+ let o, fixpoints = convert_obj_aux uri obj in
+ let obj = nuri_of_ouri uri,get_height uri, [], [], o in
+(*prerr_endline ("H(" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ ") = " ^ string_of_int * (get_height uri));*)
+ fixpoints @ [obj]
+let clear () =
+ Hashtbl.clear cache;
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.clear cache1
+let convert_context uri =
+ let name_of = function Cic.Name s -> s | _ -> "_" in
+ List.fold_right
+ (function
+ | (Some (s, Cic.Decl t) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
+ (name_of s, NCic.Decl t) :: nc,
+ Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Decl t),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
+ | (Some (Cic.Name s, Cic.Def (t,ty)) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri ty in
+ (name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)) :: nc,
+ Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
+ | None -> nc, , e :: oc
+let convert_term uri ctx t =
+ aux false [] [] 0 uri t
+let reference_of_oxuri u =
+ let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri u in
+ let t',l = convert_term (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy/dummy.con") t in
+ match t',l with
+ NCic.Const nref, [] -> nref
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+NCicCoercion.set_convert_term convert_term;;
+Ncic2astMatcher.set_reference_of_oxuri reference_of_oxuri;;
+NCicDisambiguate.set_reference_of_oxuri reference_of_oxuri;;
+NCicBlob.set_reference_of_oxuri reference_of_oxuri;;
+NCicProof.set_reference_of_oxuri reference_of_oxuri;;
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+val nuri_of_ouri: UriManager.uri -> NUri.uri
+val reference_of_ouri: UriManager.uri -> NReference.spec -> NReference.reference
+val reference_of_oxuri: UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference
+val convert_obj: UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj -> NCic.obj list
+val convert_term: UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> NCic.term * NCic.obj list
+val clear: unit -> unit
(* $Id: terms.mli 9822 2009-06-03 15:37:06Z tassi $ *)
+let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
+let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
module type NCicContext =
val metasenv : NCic.metasenv
let eqP =
let r =
- OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri
+ !reference_of_oxuri
(* $Id: terms.mli 9822 2009-06-03 15:37:06Z tassi $ *)
+val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
module type NCicContext =
val metasenv : NCic.metasenv
(* $Id: orderings.ml 9869 2009-06-11 22:52:38Z denes $ *)
+let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
+let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
let eqP () =
let r =
- OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri
+ !reference_of_oxuri
let eq_ind () =
let r =
- OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri
+ !reference_of_oxuri
let eq_ind_r () =
let r =
- OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri
+ !reference_of_oxuri
let eq_refl () =
let r =
- OCic2NCic.reference_of_oxuri
+ !reference_of_oxuri
(* $Id: nCic.ml 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
-val mk_proof:
- NCic.term Terms.bag -> Terms.M.key -> Terms.M.key list -> NCic.term
+val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
+val mk_proof:NCic.term Terms.bag -> Terms.M.key -> Terms.M.key list -> NCic.term
let debug s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
let debug _ = ();;
+let convert_term = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false);;
+let set_convert_term f = convert_term := f;;
module COT : Set.OrderedType
with type t = string * NCic.term * int * int * NCic.term *
NCic.term =
(fun status (uri,_,arg) ->
- let c=fst (OCic2NCic.convert_term uri (CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)) in
+ let c=fst (!convert_term uri (CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)) in
let arity = match tgt with | CoercDb.Fun i -> i | _ -> 0 in
let src, tgt =
let cty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst:[] ~metasenv:[] [] c in
type db
+val set_convert_term:
+ (UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> NCic.term * NCic.obj list) -> unit
class type g_status =
inherit NCicUnifHint.g_status
index_hint db c a b precedence
let db () =
let combine f l =
!user_db (List.flatten hints)
let saturate ?(delta=0) metasenv subst context ty goal_arity =
assert (goal_arity >= 0);
utf8Macro.cmo: utf8MacroTable.cmo utf8Macro.cmi
utf8Macro.cmx: utf8MacroTable.cmx utf8Macro.cmi