-0.5.8 - ... - toward the 1.x series
+0.5.8 - 02/12/2009 - toward the 1.x series
* Complete rewriting of paramodulation code (thanks to Maxime Denes),
that is abstract over the data type embedded in the fisrt order
theory the procedure is able to handle.
they are in a standard path
* including a file of the standard library triggers its compilation
in the user's space
+ * gtksourceview2 based text widget (lablgtk >= 2.14)
0.5.7 - 15/02/2009 - PĂ doa release
* are_convertible bug solved, arguments of application where
exception UseLibrary;;
let rec interactive_error_interp ~all_passes
- (source_buffer:GSourceView.source_buffer) notify_exn offset errorll filename
+ (source_buffer:GSourceView2.source_buffer) notify_exn offset errorll filename
(* hook to save a script for each disambiguation error *)
if false then
[ main#mainWinEventBox ]
let console = new console ~buffer:main#logTextView#buffer () in
- let (source_view: GSourceView.source_view) =
- GSourceView.source_view
+ let (source_view: GSourceView2.source_view) =
+ GSourceView2.source_view
- ~insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs:true ~tabs_width:2
- ~margin:80 ~show_margin:true
- ~smart_home_end:true
+ ~insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs:true ~tab_width:2
+ ~right_margin_position:80 ~show_right_margin:true
+ ~smart_home_end:`AFTER
source_view#misc#grab_focus ()
connect_menu_item main#undoMenuItem safe_undo;
+*) main#undoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive true;
connect_menu_item main#redoMenuItem safe_redo;
+*) main#redoMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive true;
~callback:(fun pre_menu ->
let menu = new GMenu.menu pre_menu in
else raise exn);
(* script *)
let _ =
- match GSourceView.source_language_from_file BuildTimeConf.lang_file with
+ let source_language_manager =
+ GSourceView2.source_language_manager ~default:true in
+ source_language_manager#set_search_path[BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir];
+ match source_language_manager#language "grafite" with
| None ->
- HLog.warn (sprintf "can't load language file %s"
- BuildTimeConf.lang_file)
- | Some matita_lang ->
+ HLog.warn(sprintf "can't load a language file for \"grafite\" in %s"
+ BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir)
+ | Some x as matita_lang ->
source_buffer#set_language matita_lang;
- source_buffer#set_highlight true
+ source_buffer#set_highlight_syntax true
let disableSave () =
(s())#assignFileName None;
self#main#saveMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive true
method console = console
- method sourceView: GSourceView.source_view =
- (source_view: GSourceView.source_view)
+ method sourceView: GSourceView2.source_view =
+ (source_view: GSourceView2.source_view)
method fileSel = fileSel
method findRepl = findRepl
method main = main