|2,3: intros; assumption]
+lemma subst_excess_preserves_aprtness:
+ ∀l:semi_lattice.
+ ∀e:excess.
+ ∀p,H1,H2.
+ exc_ap l = exc_ap (subst_excess l e p H1 H2).
+unfold subst_excess;
+simplify; assumption;
+lemma subst_excess__preserves_aprtness:
+ ∀l:excess.
+ ∀e:excess_base.
+ ∀p,H1,H2.
+ exc_ap l = apartness_OF_excess (subst_excess_ l (subst_dual_excess l (subst_excess_base l e) p) H1 H2).
+intros 3; (unfold subst_excess_; unfold subst_dual_excess; unfold subst_excess_base; unfold exc_ap; unfold mk_excess_dual_smart; simplify);
+(unfold subst_excess_base in p; unfold mk_excess_dual_smart in p; simplify in p);
+intros; cases p;
+lemma subst_excess_base_in_excess_:
+ ∀d:excess_.
+ ∀eb:excess_base.
+ ∀p:exc_carr d = exc_carr eb.
+ excess_.
+intros (e_ eb);
+apply (subst_dual_excess e_);
+ [apply (subst_excess_base e_ eb);
+ |assumption]
+definition hole ≝ λT:Type.λx:T.x.
+notation < "\ldots" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'hole}.
+interpretation "hole" 'hole = (cic:/matita/lattice/hole.con _ _).
+lemma subst_excess_base_in_excess:
+ ∀d:excess.
+ ∀eb:excess_base.
+ ∀p:exc_carr d = exc_carr eb.
+ (∀y1,x1:eb. (?(ap_apart d)) y1 x1 → y1 ≰ x1 ∨ x1 ≰ y1) →
+ (∀y2,x2:eb.y2 ≰ x2 ∨ x2 ≰ y2 → (?(ap_apart d)) y2 x2) →
+ excess.
+[1,3,4:apply Type|2,5:intro f; cases p; apply f]
+intros (d eb p H1 H2);
+apply (subst_excess_ d);
+ [apply (subst_excess_base_in_excess_ d eb p);
+ |apply hole; clear H2;
+ change in ⊢ (%→%→?) with (exc_carr eb);
+ change in ⊢ (?→?→?→? (? % ? ?) (? % ? ?)) with eb; intros (y x H3);
+ apply H1; generalize in match H3;
+ unfold ap_apart; unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess_;
+ unfold subst_dual_excess; simplify;
+ generalize in match x;
+ generalize in match y;
+ cases p; simplify; intros; assumption;
+ |apply hole; clear H1;
+ change in ⊢ (%→%→?) with (exc_carr eb);
+ change in ⊢ (?→?→? (? % ? ?) (? % ? ?)→?) with eb; intros (y x H3);
+ unfold ap_apart; unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess_;
+ unfold subst_dual_excess; simplify; generalize in match (H2 ?? H3);
+ generalize in match x; generalize in match y; cases p;
+ intros; assumption;]
+lemma tech1: ∀e:excess.
+ ∀eb:excess_base.
+ ∀p,H1,H2.
+ exc_ap e = exc_ap_ (subst_excess_base_in_excess e eb p H1 H2).
+intros (e eb p H1 H2);
+unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess;
+unfold subst_excess_; simplify;
+unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess_;
+unfold subst_dual_excess; simplify; reflexivity;
+lemma tech2:
+ ∀e:excess_.∀eb.∀p.
+ exc_ap e = exc_ap (mk_excess_ (subst_excess_base e eb) (exc_ap e) p).
+intros (e eb p);unfold exc_ap; simplify; cases p; simplify; reflexivity;
+lemma eq_fap:
+ ∀a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5.
+ a1=b1 → a2=b2 → a3=b3 → a4=b4 → a5=b5 → mk_apartness a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 = mk_apartness b1 b2 b3 b4 b5.
+intros; cases H; cases H1; cases H2; cases H3; cases H4; reflexivity;
+lemma subst_excess_base_in_excess_preserves_apartness:
+ ∀e:excess.
+ ∀eb:excess_base.
+ ∀H,H1,H2.
+ apartness_OF_excess e =
+ apartness_OF_excess (subst_excess_base_in_excess e eb H H1 H2).
+intros (e eb p H1 H2);
+unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess;
+unfold subst_excess_; unfold subst_excess_base_in_excess_;
+unfold subst_dual_excess; unfold apartness_OF_excess;
+simplify in ⊢ (? ? ? (? %));
+rewrite < (tech2 e eb);
+alias symbol "nleq" = "Excess base excess".
lemma subst_excess_base_in_semi_lattice:
∀p:exc_carr sl = exc_carr eb.
(∀y1,x1:eb. (?(ap_apart sl)) y1 x1 → y1 ≰ x1 ∨ x1 ≰ y1) →
(∀y2,x2:eb.y2 ≰ x2 ∨ x2 ≰ y2 → (?(ap_apart sl)) y2 x2) →
- (∀x3,y3:eb.(le eb) x3 y3 → (?(ap_apart sl)) x3 ((?(sl_meet sl)) x3 y3)) →
+ (∀x3,y3:eb.(le eb) x3 y3 → (?(eq sl)) x3 ((?(sl_meet sl)) x3 y3)) →
(∀x4,y4:eb.(le eb) ((?(sl_meet sl)) x4 y4) y4) →
-[2,3,7,9,10: apply Type|4:apply (exc_carr eb);
-|1,5,6,8,11: intro f; cases p; apply f;]
-intros (sl eb H H1 H2 H3 H4); apply (subst_excess sl);
- [apply (subst_excess_ sl);
- [apply (subst_dual_excess sl);
- [apply (subst_excess_base sl eb);
- |apply H;]
- | (*clear H2 H3 H4;*)
- change in ⊢ (% -> % -> ?) with (exc_carr eb);
- unfold subst_excess_base; unfold mk_excess_dual_smart;
- unfold subst_dual_excess; simplify in ⊢ (?→?→?→%);
- (unfold exc_ap; simplify in ⊢ (?→?→? % ? ?→?));
- simplify; intros (x y H2); apply H1;
- generalize in match H2;
- generalize in match x as x;
- generalize in match y as y; (*clear H1 H2 x y;*)
- change in ⊢ (?→?→match ? return λ_:?.(λ_:? ? % ?.?) with [_⇒?] ? ?→?)
- with (Type_OF_semi_lattice sl);
- change in ⊢ (?→?→match match ? return λ_:?.(λ_:? ? % ?.? ? % ?) with [_⇒? ? %] return ? with [_⇒?] ??→?) with (Type_OF_semi_lattice sl);
- cases H; intros; assumption; (* se faccio le clear... BuM! *)
- | clear H1 H3 H4;
+[2:apply Prop|3,7,9,10:apply Type|4:apply (exc_carr eb)|1,5,6,8,11:intro f; cases p; apply f;]
+intros (sl eb H H1 H2 H3 H4);
+apply (subst_excess sl);
+ [apply (subst_excess_base_in_excess sl eb H H1 H2);
+ |rewrite > (subst_excess_preserves_aprtness sl);
+ clear H3 H4; unfold apartness_OF_semi_lattice;
+ generalize in match (sl_exc sl);
+ intro; whd in \vdash (? ? ? %); unfold in ⊢ (? ? ? (? ? match ? (? %) return ? with [_⇒?] ? ? ?));
+ apply (subst_excess__preserves_aprtness (sl_exc sl) eb H H1 H2);
+ | (clear H4;change in ⊢ (%→%→?) with (exc_carr eb);change in ⊢ (?→?→? % ? ?→?) with eb; simplify);
+ intros 3 (x y LE);
+ (generalize in ⊢ (? (? (? ? ? % ?)) ? ?); intro P1);
+ (generalize in ⊢ (? (? (? ? ? ? %)) ? ?); intro P2);
+ generalize in match (H3 x y LE);
+ generalize in match x as x;
+ generalize in match y as y;
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→?→?→? (? (? ? ? % ?)) ? ?); intro P1;
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→?→?→? (? (? ? ? ? %)) ? ?); intro P2;
+ change (%->?) with (ap_carr ());
+ cases H;
- ]
+ lapply (pippo sl eb H P1 P2);
+ rewrite > Hletin;
+ intros (x y H5); generalize in match (H3 x y H5); clear H4;
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→? (? (? ? ? % ?)) ? ?); intro P;
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→? (? (? ? ? ? %)) ? ?); intro Q;
+ change in ⊢ (?→? (? (? ? (? % ? ?) ? ?)) ? ?) with ((λx.excess_carr x) sl); simplify;
+ change in ⊢ (?→? (? (? ? (? ? (? % ?) ?) ? ?)) ? ?) with ((λx.excess_dual_OF_excess x) sl);simplify;
+ rewrite < (subst_excess__preserves_aprtness (sl_exc sl) eb H P Q);
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→?→?→? ? ? (match ? ? ? ? % ? return ? with [_⇒?] ? ?)); intro A;
+ generalize in ⊢ (?→?→?→? ? ? (match ? ? ? ? ? % return ? with [_⇒?] ? ?)); intro B;
+ simplify;
+ |
+ |
+ ]
record lattice_ : Type ≝ {
latt_mcarr:> semi_lattice;