Http_getter_logger.log ~level:3
(sprintf "gunzipping %s (keep: %b, output: %s)" fname keep output);
- let (ic, oc) = (Gzip.open_in fname, open_out output) in
- let buf = String.create bufsiz in
- (try
- while true do
- let bytes = Gzip.input ic buf 0 bufsiz in
- if bytes = 0 then raise End_of_file else Pervasives.output oc buf 0 bytes
- done
- with End_of_file -> ());
- Gzip.close_in ic; close_out oc;
+ (* Open the zipped file manually since Gzip.open_in may
+ * leak the descriptor if it raises an exception *)
+ let zic = open_in fname in
+ begin
+ try
+ let ic = Gzip.open_in_chan zic in
+ Http_getter_logger.log (sprintf "LUCA: OK" );
+ let oc = open_out output in
+ let buf = String.create bufsiz in
+ (try
+ while true do
+ let bytes = Gzip.input ic buf 0 bufsiz in
+ if bytes = 0 then raise End_of_file else Pervasives.output oc buf 0 bytes
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> ());
+ close_out oc
+ with
+ e -> close_in zic ; raise e
+ end ;
+ close_in zic ;
if not keep then Sys.remove fname
let size = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_size in
let buf = String.create size in
let ic = open_in fname in
- really_input ic buf 0 size;
+ really_input ic buf 0 size ;
close_in ic;
Some buf
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", _) -> None