+definition R_tape_move_obj' ≝ λt1,t2:Vector (tape FSUnialpha) 3.
+ (current ? (nth prg ? t1 (niltape ?)) = Some ? (bit false) →
+ t2 = change_vec ?? t1 (tape_move ? (nth obj ? t1 (niltape ?)) L) obj) ∧
+ (current ? (nth prg ? t1 (niltape ?)) = Some ? (bit true) →
+ t2 = change_vec ?? t1 (tape_move ? (nth obj ? t1 (niltape ?)) R) obj) ∧
+ (current ? (nth prg ? t1 (niltape ?)) ≠ Some ? (bit false) →
+ current ? (nth prg ? t1 (niltape ?)) ≠ Some ? (bit true) →
+ t2 = t1).
+lemma sem_tape_move_obj' : tape_move_obj ⊨ R_tape_move_obj'.
+#ta cases (sem_if ??????????
+ (acc_sem_inject ?????? prg ? (sem_test_char ? (λc:FSUnialpha.c == bit false)))
+ (sem_move_multi ? 2 obj L ?)
+ (sem_if ??????????
+ (acc_sem_inject ?????? prg ? (sem_test_char ? (λc:FSUnialpha.c == bit true)))
+ (sem_move_multi ? 2 obj R ?)
+ (sem_nop …)) ta) //
+#i * #outc * #Hloop #HR %{i} %{outc} % [@Hloop] -i
+cases HR -HR
+[ * #tb * * * * #c * #Hcurta_prg #Hc lapply (\P Hc) -Hc #Hc #Htb1 #Htb2
+ whd in ⊢ (%→%); #Houtc >Houtc -Houtc % [ %
+ [ >Hcurta_prg #H destruct (H) >(?:tb = ta) [|@daemon] %
+ | >Hcurta_prg #H destruct (H) destruct (Hc) ]
+ | >Hcurta_prg >Hc * #H @False_ind /2/ ]
+| * #tb * * * #Hnotfalse #Htb1 #Htb2 cut (tb = ta) [@daemon] -Htb1 -Htb2
+ #Htb destruct (Htb) *
+ [ * #tc * * * * #c * #Hcurta_prg #Hc lapply (\P Hc) -Hc #Hc #Htc1 #Htc2
+ whd in ⊢ (%→%); #Houtc >Houtc -Houtc % [ %
+ [ >Hcurta_prg #H destruct (H) destruct (Hc)
+ | >Hcurta_prg #H destruct (H) >(?:tc = ta) [|@daemon] % ]
+ | >Hcurta_prg >Hc #_ * #H @False_ind /2/ ]
+ | * #tc * * * #Hnottrue #Htc1 #Htc2 cut (tc = ta) [@daemon] -Htc1 -Htc2
+ #Htc destruct (Htc) whd in ⊢ (%→?); #Houtc % [ %
+ [ #Hcurta_prg lapply (\Pf (Hnotfalse ? Hcurta_prg)) * #H @False_ind /2/
+ | #Hcurta_prg lapply (\Pf (Hnottrue ? Hcurta_prg)) * #H @False_ind /2/ ]
+ | #_ #_ @Houtc ]
+ ]
+definition R_tape_move_obj ≝ λt1,t2:Vector (tape FSUnialpha) 3.
+ ∀c. current ? (nth prg ? t1 (niltape ?)) = Some ? c →
+ t2 = change_vec ?? t1 (tape_move ? (nth obj ? t1 (niltape ?)) (char_to_move c)) obj.
+lemma sem_tape_move_obj : tape_move_obj ⊨ R_tape_move_obj.
+@(Realize_to_Realize … sem_tape_move_obj')
+#ta #tb * * #Htb1 #Htb2 #Htb3 * [ *
+[ @Htb2 | @Htb1 ]
+| #Hcurta_prg change with (nth obj ? ta (niltape ?)) in match (tape_move ???);
+ >change_vec_same @Htb3 >Hcurta_prg % #H destruct (H)
+| #Hcurta_prg change with (nth obj ? ta (niltape ?)) in match (tape_move ???);
+ >change_vec_same @Htb3 >Hcurta_prg % #H destruct (H)
definition restart_tape ≝ λi.
inject_TM ? (move_to_end FSUnialpha L) 2 i ·
mmove i FSUnialpha 2 R.