(** To be increased each time the command type below changes, used for "safe"
* marshalling *)
-let magic = 2
+let magic = 3
type ('term,'obj) command =
| Default of loc * string * UriManager.uri list
(** name.
* Name is needed when theorem was started without providing a name
- | Coercion of loc * 'term
+ | Coercion of loc * 'term * bool (* add composites *)
| Alias of loc * alias_spec
(** parameters, name, type, fields *)
| Obj of loc * 'obj
| Qed _ -> "qed"
| Drop _ -> "drop"
| Set (_, name, value) -> sprintf "set \"%s\" \"%s\"" name value
- | Coercion (_,term) -> sprintf "coercion %s" (pp_term_ast term)
+ | Coercion (_,term, _do_composites) ->
+ sprintf "coercion %s" (pp_term_ast term)
| Alias (_,s) -> pp_alias s
| Obj (_,obj) -> CicNotationPp.pp_obj obj
| Default (_,what,uris) ->
| Include (_,path) -> "include " ^ path
| Qed _ -> "qed"
| Drop _ -> "drop"
- | Coercion (_,term) -> sprintf "coercion %s" (CicPp.ppterm term)
+ | Coercion (_,term,_add_composites) ->
+ sprintf "coercion %s" (CicPp.ppterm term)
| Set _
| Alias _
| Default _
GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Inductive (params, ind_types))
| IDENT "coercion" ; name = IDENT ->
- GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, Ast.Ident (name,Some []))
+ GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, Ast.Ident (name,Some []), true)
| IDENT "coercion" ; name = URI ->
- GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, Ast.Uri (name,Some []))
+ GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, Ast.Uri (name,Some []), true)
| IDENT "alias" ; spec = alias_spec ->
GrafiteAst.Alias (loc, spec)
| IDENT "record" ; (params,name,ty,fields) = record_spec ->
libraryMisc.mli \
libraryDb.mli \
coercDb.mli \
- coercGraph.mli \
librarySync.mli \
+ coercGraph.mli \
libraryClean.mli \
+let coercion_hashtbl = UriManager.UriHashtbl.create 3
+let add_coercion ~basedir ~add_composites uri =
+ let coer_ty,_ =
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] (CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)
+ CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ in
+ (* we have to get the source and the tgt type uri
+ * in Coq syntax we have already their names, but
+ * since we don't support Funclass and similar I think
+ * all the coercion should be of the form
+ * (A:?)(B:?)T1->T2
+ * So we should be able to extract them from the coercion type
+ *)
+ let extract_last_two_p ty =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | Cic.Prod( _, src, Cic.Prod (n,t1,t2)) -> aux (Cic.Prod(n,t1,t2))
+ | Cic.Prod( _, src, tgt) -> src, tgt
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux ty
+ in
+ let ty_src,ty_tgt = extract_last_two_p coer_ty in
+ let src_uri = CoercDb.coerc_carr_of_term (CicReduction.whd [] ty_src) in
+ let tgt_uri = CoercDb.coerc_carr_of_term (CicReduction.whd [] ty_tgt) in
+ let new_coercions = close_coercion_graph src_uri tgt_uri uri in
+ let uris = ref [] in
+ if add_composites then
+ try
+ let lemmas =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun lemmas (uri,o,_) ->
+ let lemmas' = LibrarySync.add_obj ~basedir uri o in
+ uris := uri :: !uris;
+ uri::lemmas'@lemmas
+ ) [] new_coercions;
+ in
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.add coercion_hashtbl uri !uris;
+ lemmas
+ with
+ exn ->
+ List.iter LibrarySync.remove_obj !uris;
+ raise exn
+ else
+ []
+let remove_coercion uri =
+ let uris =
+ try
+ let res = UriManager.UriHashtbl.find coercion_hashtbl uri in
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.remove coercion_hashtbl uri;
+ res
+ with
+ Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ List.iter LibrarySync.remove_obj uris
(* EOF *)
val look_for_coercion :
Cic.term -> Cic.term -> coercion_search_result
-(* also adds them to the Db *)
-val close_coercion_graph:
- CoercDb.coerc_carr -> CoercDb.coerc_carr -> UriManager.uri ->
- (UriManager.uri * Cic.obj * CicUniv.universe_graph) list
+(* it returns the list of composite coercions and their auxiliary lemmas *)
+(* composite coercions are always declared as such; they are added to the *)
+(* library only on demand (i.e. not when processing a .moo) *)
+val add_coercion:
+ basedir:string -> add_composites:bool -> UriManager.uri -> UriManager.uri list
+val remove_coercion: UriManager.uri -> unit
let remove_obj uri =
let uris =
- UriManager.UriHashtbl.find auxiliary_lemmas_hashtbl uri
+ let res = UriManager.UriHashtbl.find auxiliary_lemmas_hashtbl uri in
+ UriManager.UriHashtbl.remove auxiliary_lemmas_hashtbl uri;
+ res
- Not_found -> []
+ Not_found -> assert false
List.iter remove_single_obj (uri::uris)